Configuration parameter changes in Versions 11.10, 10.00, and earlier

Some configuration parameters were added, some were changed, and some were removed in Version 11.10, Version 10.00, and earlier versions of the Informix® server.

Table 1. New configuration parameters in Informix versions 11.10, 10.00, and 9.40
Version New Configuration Parameter Description
11.10 ADMIN_MODE_USERS Enables user informix or a DBSA to give one or more specific users the ability to connect to the database server in administration mode through the onmode -j command, the oninit -U command, or the ADMIN_MODE_USERS configuration parameter.


Specifies whether user informix and the DBSA group users can connect to the database server while it is in administration mode.
11.10 AUTO_AIOVPS Enables or disables the ability of the database server to automatically increase the number of AIO VPs and flusher threads when the server detects that AIO VPs are not keeping up with the I/O workload.
11.10 AUTO_CKPTS Enables or disables automatic checkpoints when the database server starts.
11.10 AUTO_LRU_TUNING Enables or disables automatic LRU tuning when the database server starts.
11.10 AUTO_REPREPARE Controls whether Informix automatically re-optimizes SPL routines and re-prepares prepared objects after the schema of a table referenced by the SPL routine or by the prepared object was significantly changed.
11.10 BACKUP_FILTER Specifies the path name of a backup filter program and any options that ON–Bar uses.
11.10 BAR_PERFORMANCE Controls the level of information in the ON-Bar Activity log.
11.10 DIRECT_IO Controls the use of direct I/O for cooked files used for database space chunks.
11.10 DRDA_COMMBUFFSIZE Sets the buffer size of the DRDA communications buffer.
11.10 ENCRYPT_HDR Enables or disables high-availability server encryption.
11.10 ENCRYPT_SMX Sets the level of encryption for high-availability secondary server configurations.
11.10 EXPLAIN_STAT Enables or disables the inclusion of a Query Statistics section in the explain.out file that the SET EXPLAIN statement of SQL or the onmode -Y session_id command can display.
11.10 LOG_INDEX_BUILDS Enables or disables index page logging

Index page logging is required when using RS secondary servers.

11.10 MAX_FILL_DATA_PAGES Enables the database server to insert more rows per page into tables with variable-length rows.
11.10 PLCY_HASHSIZE Specifies the number of hash buckets in the cache that holds information about label-based access control (LBAC) credentials for users
11.10 PLCY_POOLSIZE Specifies the maximum number of entries in each hash bucket of the security policy information cache.
11.10 RESTORE_FILTER Specifies the path name of a restore filter program and any options that ON–Bar uses.
11.10 RTO_SERVER_RESTART Sets the amount of time, in seconds, that Informix has to recover from a problem after you restart the server and bring it into online or quiescent mode.
11.10 SDS_ENABLE, Enables the shared-disk (SD) secondary server function.
11.10 SDS_PAGING Specifies the location of two files that act as buffer-paging files.
11.10 SDS_TEMPDBS Specifies information that the SD secondary server uses to dynamically create temporary dbspaces when the SD secondary server starts.
11.10 SDS_TIMEOUT Specifies the amount of time in seconds that the primary server waits for the SD secondary server to send a log-position acknowledgment.
11.10 SHMVIRT_ALLOCSEG Specifies a threshold at which Informix allocates server memory, and specifies the alarm level activated if the server cannot allocate the new memory segment.
11.10 SQLTRACE Controls the default behavior, such as the number of SQL statements to trace and the tracing mode, of the Query Drill-Down feature.
11.10 USELASTCOMMITTED Specifies whether the database server uses the last committed version of the data when a lock occurs.
11.10 USRC_HASHSIZE Specifies the number of hash buckets in the cache that holds information about LBAC credentials for users.
11.10 USRC_POOLSIZE Specifies the maximum number of entries in each hash bucket of the cache that holds information about LBAC credentials for users.
11.10 TEMPTAB_NOLOG Disables logging on temporary tables.
10.00.xC6 VP_MEMORY_CACHE_KB Enables a private memory cache that is associated with a CPU virtual processor and contains blocks of free memory.
10.00.xC5 BAR_IXBAR_PATH Specifies the path and name of the ixbar, the ON-Bar boot file.
10.00.xC5 FASTPOLL Enables fast polling of your network, if your operating-system platform supports fast polling.
10.00.xC5 IFX_FOLDVIEW Enables views to be folded into a parent query.
10.00.xC4 DB_LIBRARY_PATH Specifies a comma-separated list of valid directory prefix locations from which the database server can load external modules.


Lets you verify security on local connections by verifying that the ID of the local user who is running a program is the same ID of the user who is trying to access the database.
10.0 ALRM_ALL_EVENTS Specifies whether ALARMPROGRAM runs for all events that are logged in the MSGPATH or only specified noteworthy events.
10.0 BUFFERPOOL Specifies configuration information for a buffer pool for each different page size used by a dbspace.
10.0 CDR_SUPPRESS_ ATSRISWARN Enterprise Replication configuration parameter that specifies whether comma- separated error and warning numbers are suppressed from ATS and RIS files.
10.0 DRIDXAUTO Determines how a secondary database server reacts to a high-availability data-replication failure.
10.0 DS_NONPDQ_QUERY_MEM Increases the amount of sort memory that is available for a query that is not a PDQ query.
10.0 EXT_DIRECTIVES An external optimizer directive that provides a temporary solution to problems when you do not want to change SQL statements in queries
10.0 IFX_EXTEND_ROLE Enables a database server administrator (DBSA) to prevent unauthorized users from registering DataBlade modules or external user-defined routines (UDRs).
10.0 LISTEN_TIMEOUT Sets the incomplete connection timeout period.
10.0 MAX_INCOMPLETE_ CONNECTIONS Restricts the number of incomplete requests for connections.
10.0 ONLIDX_MAXMEM Limits the amount of memory that is allocated to the preimage log pool and to the updator log pool in shared memory. You can use this configuration parameter if you plan to complete other operations on a table column while executing the CREATE INDEX ONLINE statement on the column.
10.0 TBLTBLFIRST Specifies the first extent size of tablespace tblspace in kilobytes.
10.0 TBLTBLNEXT Specifies the next extent size of tablespace tblspace in kilobytes.
9.40 CDR_DBSPACE Defines the default dbspace for the Enterprise Replication syscdr database.
9.40 CDR_ENV Sets Enterprise Replication environment variables CDR_LOGDELTA, CDR_PERFLOG, CDR_ROUTER, and CDR_RMSCALEFACT.
9.40 CDR_MAX_ DYNAMIC_LOGS Specifies the number of dynamic log file requests that Enterprise Replication can make in one server session.
9.40 ENCRYPT_CDR Enables and sets the level of network encryption for Enterprise Replication.
9.40 ENCRYPT_CIPHERS Specifies the ciphers to use for encryption for Enterprise Replication.
9.40 ENCRYPT_MAC Specifies the level of message authentication coding to use for Enterprise Replication.
9.40 ENCRYPT_MACFILE Specifies MAC key files for Enterprise Replication.
9.40 ENCRYPT_SWITCH Defines the frequency at which ciphers and secret keys are re-negotiated for Enterprise Replication.
9.40 HPL_DYNAMIC_LIB_ PATH For the High-Performance Loader, sets the location of the shared-library file containing custom-code functions. Located in the plconfig file.
9.40 HPLAPIVERSION For the High-Performance Loader, sets whether custom-code functions can use different input and output data lengths. Located in the plconfig file.
9.40 PLOG_OVERFLOW_PATH Sets the location of the temporary space to extend the physical log during fast recovery.
Table 2. Configuration parameters that were changed or removed in version 11.10 and 10.0
Version Changed or Removed Configuration Parameter Description of Change
11.10 FAST_RESTART_CKPT_FUZZYLOG Removed. The RTO_SERVER_RESTART configuration parameter eliminates fuzzy checkpoints, using interval checkpoints instead.
11.10 NOFUZZYCKPT Removed. The RTO_SERVER_RESTART configuration parameter eliminates fuzzy checkpoints, using interval checkpoints instead.

WITH_DBSA (renamed to
in Version 11.10)

Renamed. In Version 11.10, the name of this configuration parameter changed to ADMIN_USER_MODE_WITH_DBSA.

10.0 BUFFERS Removed. Information now specified with the BUFFERPOOL configuration parameter.
10.0 LRUS Removed. Information now specified with the BUFFERPOOL configuration parameter.
10.0 LRU_MAX_ DIRTY Removed. Information now specified with the BUFFERPOOL configuration parameter.
10.0 LRU_MIN_ DIRTY Removed. Information now specified with the BUFFERPOOL configuration parameter.

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