Configuration parameter changes by version

Each version of Informix® contains new configuration parameters that might affect your installation.

Each version of HCL Informix includes a new onconfig.std template file with new default values or other changes for some configuration parameters. In addition, some configuration parameters, such as those used with earlier versions of the database server, might be deprecated or removed from the database server.

After you upgrade, use the new onconfig.std file. You can customize it as necessary to match the configuration of the prior version of your database. Do not use the old onconfig.std file with the new version of the server.

If you want to revert to a prior version of the server, you must either replace the Informix Version 12.10 ONCONFIG configuration file with the ONCONFIG file that you used before you converted, or you must remove configuration parameters that the earlier database server does not support.

For more information about the configuration parameters, see the HCL Informix Administrator's Reference and the IBM Informix Administrator's Guide.

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