Configuration parameter changes in Version 12.10

HCL Informix® Version 12.10 contains some configuration parameter changes, including changes about how you use configuration parameters. Additionally, with this version, the onconfig.std file is no longer used when the server starts.

In Version 12.10:

  • The database server no longer uses onconfig.std values at startup when values are not in the current %INFORMIXDIR%\etc\%ONCONFIG% or $INFORMIXDIR/etc/$ONCONFIG file. If any configuration parameter values are missing when the server starts, the server automatically uses the default value for those parameters.
  • You can use environment variables as configuration parameter values.
  • You can import and export configuration files.
  • You can modify many more configuration parameters with the onmode -wm or onmode -wf commands.

Configuration parameters added in Informix 12.10

The following table lists the configuration parameters that were added in Informix 12.10. All parameters are in the onconfig.std file, unless otherwise noted.

Table 1. Configuration parameters added in Informix 12.10
Version Configuration Parameter Description
12.10.xC8 DISK_ENCRYPTION You can control the encryption of storage spaces.
12.10.xC6 BAR_MAX_RESTORE You can set the number of parallel processes to run during a restore independently from the number of processes for a backup.
12.10.xC6 IFXGUARD You can enable auditing with IBM® Security Guardium®.
12.10.xC6 SHARD_ID You can enable parallel sharded queries by giving each shard server a unique ID.
12.10.xC6 SHARD_MEM You can customize how shared memory is allocated for parallel sharded queries on each shard server.
12.10.xC6 SMX_NUMPIPES You can reduce latency between shard or high-availability servers by increasing the number of pipes for SMX connections.
12.10.xC6 TENANT_LIMIT_CONNECTIONS You can limit the number of client connections to a tenant database.
12.10.xC6 TENANT_LIMIT_MEMORY You can limit the amount of shared memory for all sessions that are connected to the tenant database.
12.10.xC5 SESSION_LIMIT_TXN_TIME You can specify the maximum number of seconds that a transaction can run.
12.10.xC5 SESSION_LIMIT_LOGSPACE You can specify the maximum amount of log space that a transaction can fill.
12.10.xC5 SESSION_LIMIT_TEMPSPACE You can specify the maximum amount of temporary storage space that can be allocated for a session.
12.10.xC5 SESSION_LIMIT_MEMORY You can specify the maximum amount of shared memory that can be allocated for a session.
12.10.xC5 TENANT_LIMIT_SPACE You can limit the total amount of permanent storage space for a tenant database.
12.10.xC4 CDR_MEM For Enterprise Replication, specify whether to allocate memory pools for CPU virtual processors or use a fixed-block memory pool allocation strategy.
12.10.xC4 SESSION_LIMIT_LOCKS You can prevent users from acquiring too many locks by limiting the number of locks for each user without administrative privileges for a session. This configuration parameter is not in the onconfig.std file.
12.10.xC3 AUTO_LLOG Controls whether to automatically add logical logs in the specified dbspace to improve performance. This configuration parameter is not in the onconfig.std file.
12.10.xC3 AUTOLOCATE Enables the automatic location of databases and tables and the automatic fragmentation of tables.
12.10.xC3 AUTO_TUNE_SERVER_SIZE Sets the sizes of memory and storage spaces to allocate based on the number of expected concurrent users. This configuration parameter is not in the onconfig.std file.
12.10.xC3 CDR_AUTO_DISCOVER Enables connectivity autoconfiguration for a high-availability cluster or Enterprise Replication domain, or autoconfigures replication.
12.10.xC3 INFORMIXCONRETRY Specifies the number of connection attempts that can be made to the database server after the initial connection attempt fails. With the INFORMIXCONTIME configuration parameter, specifies the frequency at which the CONNECT statement tries to connect to the database server.
12.10.xC3 INFORMIXCONTIME Specifies the duration, in seconds, that the CONNECT statement attempts to establish a connection to the database server. With the INFORMIXRETRY configuration parameter, specifies the frequency at which the CONNECT statement tries to connect to the database server.
12.10.xC2 TLS_VERSION Specifies the version of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) connection.
12.10 AUTO_TUNE Enables or disables all automatic tuning configuration parameters that have values that are not present in the %INFORMIXDIR%\etc\%ONCONFIG% or $INFORMIXDIR/etc/$ONCONFIG file.
12.10 CDR_TSINSTANCEID Specifies how to generate unique identifiers for time series instances across replication servers.
12.10 PSM_ACT_LOG Specifies the location of the HCL Informix Primary Storage Manager activity log if you do not want the log information included in the ON-Bar activity log.
12.10 PSM_CATALOG_PATH Specifies the full path to the directory that contains the Informix Primary Storage Manager catalog tables.
12.10 PSM_DBS_POOL Specifies the name of the pool in which theInformix Primary Storage Manager places backup and restore dbspace data.
12.10 PSM_DEBUG Specifies the amount of debugging information that prints in the Informix Primary Storage Manager debug log if you want to use a debug level that is different from the one used by ON-Bar.
12.10 PSM_DEBUG_LOG Specifies the location of the debug log to which the Informix Primary Storage Manager writes debugging messages if you do not want the log information included in the ON-Bar debug log.
12.10 PSM_LOG_POOL Specifies the name of the pool in which theInformix Primary Storage Manager places backup and restore log data.
12.10 SDS_ALTERNATE If set on the primary server and on all SD secondary servers in a high-availability cluster, defines a shared blobspace as an alternative means of communication between the primary server and SD secondary servers when network communication is not available. The shared blobspace can be used to communicate shut-down procedures to a primary server in the case of failover.
12.10 SDS_FLOW_CONTROL Specifies the boundaries within which flow control is enabled in a high-availability cluster that contains at least one shared-disk secondary server.

Configuration parameters that have new default values

The following table lists the configuration parameters that have new default values in the onconfig.std file in version 12.10.

Table 2. Configuration Parameters with new default values in the onconfig.std file
Fix pack Configuration parameter Previous value New value
12.10 DRINTERVAL 30 0

Windows: 128

12.10 GSKIT_VERSION 7 Not set. The version of HCL Informix Global Language Support (GLS) that is installed with Informix is used.
12.10 IFX_FOLDVIEW 0 1
12.10 ROOTSIZE 200000 300000

Windows: 0

Configuration parameters that have changed values

The following table lists the configuration parameters that have changed values in Version 12.10.

Table 3. Configuration parameters that have changed values
Version Configuration Parameter Previous Values New Values
12.10.xC5 TAPESIZE 0 - 4294967296 (4 TB) 0 - 9223372036854775807 (9 ZB)
12.10.xC5 LTAPESIZE 0 - 4294967296 (4 TB) 0 - 9223372036854775807 (9 ZB)
12.10.xC5 AUTO_REPREPARE Disable (0) or enable (1) automatic repreparation. In addition to the existing values, the configuration parameter offers three new values that you can use to control how much checking takes place, and when it takes place.
  • 3 = don't check statements that were successfully executed recently (optimistic mode)
  • 5 = check only after update statistics are run
  • 7 = both 3 and 5
12.10.xC4 VP_MEMORY_CACHE_KB The default mode was DYNAMIC. The size of private memory caches increased or decreased automatically, as needed. The default mode is STATIC. The size of private memory caches for CPU virtual processors are limited to the size that you specify in the value of the VP_MEMORY_CACHE_KB configuration parameter.
12.10.xC3 BUFFERPOOL The size of buffers and LRU queues. An optional new memory format that allows the database server to expand the buffer pool as needed to improve performance.
12.10.xC3 VPCLASS The number of VPs. Automatic addition of virtual processors to improve performance.
12.10.xC3 VP_MEMORY_CACHE_KB The total size of all private memory caches. The total size of all private memory caches, optionally followed by a comma and the mode (Dynamic or Static) of the caches.

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