Adding an OAT group

Define a group of database server connections in the HCL OpenAdmin Tool (OAT) for Informix®.

OAT groups provide a way to manage a group of database servers and to log on to a group rather than each individual server.

To add an OAT group:

  1. On the OAT Admin menu, expand Manage Connections and then click Add Group.
  2. In the Group Name field, enter an alphanumeric name of the group.
  3. In the Password field, enter an alphanumeric password.
  4. Optional: To specify that the group has read-only privileges, select Read Only.
    Important: Read-only groups prevent users from modifying a server; they do not prevent users from accessing potentially sensitive data contained within the server. Limit membership of read-only groups to users who are authorized to view the detailed data at the server.

    For more information about the restrictions for read-only groups, see Read-only group restrictions.

  5. Click Add to save the group information and add the group.
Next add server connections to the group. See Creating a server connection

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