Declaring Local Variables

A local variable has as its scope of reference the routine in which it is declared. If you omit the GLOBAL keyword, any variables declared in the DEFINE statement are local variables, and are not visible in other SPL routines.

For this reason, different SPL routines that declare local variables of the same name can run without conflict in the same DB-Access or SQL administration API session.

If a local variable and a global variable have the same name, the global variable is not visible within the SPL routine where the local variable is declared. (In all other SPL routines, only the global variable is in scope.)

The following DEFINE statement syntax is for declaring local variables:
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
           V         |   

   |             '-TEXT-'                     |      
   |       +-synonym-+                        |      
   |       '-table---'                        |      
     | '-CLOB-'                             |        
     |                                  (1) |        
     +-| Subset of Complex Data Types |-----+        

  1. See Subset of Complex Data Types
Element Description Restrictions Syntax
column Column name Must already exist in the table or view Identifier;
data_type Type of SPL_var Cannot be BIGSERIAL, BYTE, SERIAL, SERIAL8, or TEXT Data Type
distinct_type A distinct type Must already be defined in the database Identifier
opaque_type An opaque type Must already be defined in the database Identifier
SPL_var New SPL variable Must be unique within statement block Identifier;
synonym, table, view Name of a table, view, or synonym Synonym and the table or view to which it points must already exist when the statement is issued Database Object Name
Local variables do not support default values. The following example shows some typical definitions of local variables:
   DEFINE word CHAR(15);
   DEFINE b_day DATE;
   DEFINE c_name LIKE customer.fname;

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