Built-in routines
Use build-in routines in SQL statements to perform specialized tasks.
These built-in routines can be classified
according to the tasks that they perform:
- Interval functions
- Session configuration procedures
- SYSDbClose( )
- SYSDbOpen( )
- BSON processing
Functions for converting BSON field values into SQL data types
- BSON_value_bigint
- BSON_value_boolean
- BSON_value_date
- BSON_value_double
- BSON_value_int
- BSON_value_lvarchar
- BSON_value_timestamp
- BSON_value_varchar
- BSON_value_objectid
Functions for DML operations on BSON data
- BSON_get
- BSON_size
- BSON_update
Function for converting table columns into BSON or JSON documents
- genBSON( )
- DataBlade module
management functions
- SYSBldPrepare( )
- SYSBldRelease( )
- Visual Explain output generation function
- Explain_SQL( )
- UDR definition routines
- ifx_Replace_Module( )
- ifx_Unload_Module( )
- Java™ Virtual Processor (JVP) class control function
- jvpControl( )
- SQLJ Driver Built-In Procedures
- sqlj.Alter_Java_Path( )
- sqlj.Install_jar( )
- sqlj.Remove_jar( )
- sqlj.Replace_jar( )
- sqlj.SetUDTExtName( )
- sqlj.UnsetUDTExtName( )
- DRDA Support Functions
- sysibm.Metadata( )
- sysibm.sqlcaMessage( )