UDR Definition Routines

The UDR definition routines are built-in routines that enable users to perform various tasks for developing or modifying external user-defined routines of Informix®, or for enabling IBM® Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQL procedures to access Informix and IBM DB2® databases through the Distributed Relational Database Architecture™ (DRDA) protocol.

These are the built-in UDR definition routines:
  • ifx_replace_module( )
  • ifx_unload_module( )
  • jvpcontrol( )
  • sqlj.alter_java_path( )
  • sqlj.install_jar( )
  • sqlj.remove_jar( )
  • sqlj.replace_jar( )
  • sqlj.setUDTextName( )
  • sqlj.unsetUDTextName( )
  • sysibm.Metadata( )
  • sysibm.SQLCAMessage( )

Authorization to Use UDR Definition Routines

If the IFX_EXTEND_ROLE configuration parameter is set to 'On' or 1, authorization to use the built-in routines that manipulate shared objects is available only to the Database Server Administrator, and to users to whom the DBSA has granted the EXTEND role. IFX_EXTEND_ROLE is enabled by default.

For databases in which this security feature is not needed, see the description of IFX_EXTEND_ROLE in your IBM Informix Administrator's Reference for information on how the DBSA can disable this configuration parameter by resetting it. For the syntax of granting the EXTEND role to individual users or to the PUBLIC group, see the topic Granting the EXTEND Role.

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