Interrupted modifications

Even if all the software is error-free and all the hardware is utterly reliable, the world outside the computer can interfere. Lightning might strike the building, interrupting the electrical supply and stopping the computer in the middle of your UPDATE statement. A more likely scenario occurs when a disk fills up or a user supplies incorrect data, causing your multirow insert to stop early with an error. In any case, whenever you modify data, you must assume that some unforeseen event can interrupt the modification.

When an external cause interrupts a modification, you cannot be sure how much of the operation was completed. Even in a single-row operation, you cannot know whether the data reached the disk or the indexes were properly updated.

If multirow modifications are a problem, multistatement modifications are worse. They are usually embedded in programs so you do not see the individual SQL statements being executed. For example, to enter a new order in the demonstration database, perform the following steps:
  1. Insert a row in the orders table. (This insert generates an order number.)
  2. For each item ordered, insert a row in the items table.

Two ways to program an order-entry application exist. One way is to make it completely interactive so that the program inserts the first row immediately and then inserts each item as the user enters data. But this approach exposes the operation to the possibility of many more unforeseen events: the customer's telephone disconnecting, the user pressing the wrong key, the user's terminal or computer losing power, and so on.

The following list describes the correct way to build an order-entry application:
  • Accept all the data interactively.
  • Validate the data, and expand it (look up codes in stock and manufact, for example).
  • Display the information on the screen for inspection.
  • Wait for the operator to make a final commitment.
  • Perform the insertions quickly.

Even with these steps, an unforeseen circumstance can halt the program after it inserts the order but before it finishes inserting the items. If that happens, the database is in an unpredictable condition: its data integrity is compromised.

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