Specify transactions

You can use two methods to specify the boundaries of transactions with SQL statements. In the most common method, you specify the start of a multistatement transaction by executing the BEGIN WORK statement. In databases that are created with the MODE ANSI option, no need exists to mark the beginning of a transaction. One is always in effect; you indicate only the end of each transaction.

In both methods, to specify the end of a successful transaction, execute the COMMIT WORK statement. This statement tells the database server that you reached the end of a series of statements that must succeed together. The database server does whatever is necessary to make sure that all modifications are properly completed and committed to disk.

A program can also cancel a transaction deliberately by executing the ROLLBACK WORK statement. This statement asks the database server to cancel the current transaction and undo any changes.

An order-entry application can use a transaction in the following ways when it creates a new order:
  • Accept all data interactively
  • Validate and expand it
  • Wait for the operator to make a final commitment
  • Execute BEGIN WORK
  • Insert rows in the orders and items tables, checking the error code that the database server returns
  • If no errors occurred, execute COMMIT WORK; otherwise execute ROLLBACK WORK

If any external failure prevents the transaction from being completed, the partial transaction rolls back when the system restarts. In all cases, the database is in a predictable state. Either the new order is completely entered, or it is not entered at all.

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