Running a load job from the command line

After you create a load job in the HCL Informix® TimeSeries Plug-in for Data Studio, you can run the load job from the command line with the command-line loader application. The command-line loader application is useful if you want to load data without using the IBM® Data Studio or Eclipse user interface. The command-line loader requires a minimal Eclipse platform.

The following software is required on the computer on which you run the command-line loader:

  • The Eclipse Platform Runtime Binary, or a larger Eclipse or Data Studio installation, with all necessary dependencies
  • TimeSeries plug-in

To load data by running the command-line loader on a computer with a minimal Eclipse platform:

  1. Create load job definition files by running the TimeSeries plug-in through Data Studio or the Eclipse IDE.
  2. Copy the five definition files:
    • Record reader definition file
    • Table definition file
    • Mapping definition file
    • The connection profile file for the Informix database that has the TimeSeries column
    • Load properties file. If you did not edit the load properties and want to use the default properties, you can create an empty file with a .tslp extension.
  3. Move the copies of the five definition files to the computer on which you want to load the data.
  4. Extract the TimeSeries plug-in files into the top-level Eclipse directory.
  5. Start Eclipse with the -clean and -initialize flags to install the plug-in: ./eclipse -clean -initialize
  6. Run the command-line loader application.

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