Creating a load job to load data from a file

Use the HCL Informix® TimeSeries Plug-in for Data Studio to create a load job that loads time-based data from a file into existing time series instances.

Loading data from a file has the following additional requirements:

  • The data can be formatted as a single-delimited, double-delimited, fixed-width, or LSE formatted data stream, for example: one or more files or URLs.
  • The data must be ASCII characters.
  • The pipe symbol (|) is interpreted as a delimiter.
  • Field delimiters can be any ASCII character or regular expression representable in Java™.
  • The maximum size of the input file is set by your Java implementation.
  1. Open the appropriate cheat sheet by choosing Help > Cheat Sheets, expand the TimeSeries Data category, choose Loading from a File, and click OK.
  2. Follow the instructions in the cheat sheet to create the load job.

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