Creating a space or chunk from the storage pool

If your storage pool contains entries, you can create storage spaces or chunks from free space in the storage pool.

Prerequisite: The storage pool must contain entries (a directory, cooked file, or raw device).

To create a storage space or chunk from the storage pool:

Run the admin() or task() function with one of the following arguments for creating a space from the storage pool. The elements you use in the command vary, depending on the type of space that you are creating.
  • EXECUTE FUNCTION task("create dbspace from storagepool", "space_name",
     "size", "page_size", "mirroring_flag", "first_extent", "next_extent");
  • EXECUTE FUNCTION task("create tempdbspace from storagepool",
     "space_name", "size", "page_size");
  • EXECUTE FUNCTION task("create blobspace from storagepool", "space_name",
     "size", "page_size", "mirroring_flag",);
  • EXECUTE FUNCTION task("create sbspace from storagepool", "space_name",
     "size", "log_flag", "mirroring_flag",);
  • EXECUTE FUNCTION task("create tempsbspace from storagepool",
     "space_name", "size",);
  • EXECUTE FUNCTION task("create chunk from storagepool",
     "space_name", "size",);


The following command creates a mirrored blobspace named blobspace1. The new blobspace has a size of 100 gigabytes and a blobpage size of 100 pages.

EXECUTE FUNCTION task("create blobspace from storagepool", "blobspace1", "100 GB",
 "100", "1");

The following command adds a chunk to the dbspace named logdbs. The new chunk has a size of 200 megabytes.

EXECUTE FUNCTION task("create chunk from storagepool", "logdbs", "200 MB");

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