sysptprof table

The sysptprof table lists information about a tblspace. Tblspaces correspond to tables.

Profile information for a table is available only when a table is open. When the last user who has a table open closes it, the tblspace in shared memory is freed, and any profile statistics are lost.

The following table provides information about the columns in the sysptprof table:
Column Type Description
dbsname char(128) Database name
tabname char(128) Table name
partnum integer Partition (tblspace) number
lockreqs integer Number of lock requests
lockwts integer Number of lock waits
deadlks integer Number of deadlocks
lktouts integer Number of lock timeouts
isreads integer Number of isreads
iswrites integer Number of iswrites
isrewrites integer Number of isrewrites
isdeletes integer Number of isdeletes
bufreads integer Number of buffer reads
bufwrites integer Number of buffer writes
seqscans integer Number of sequential scans
pagreads integer Number of page reads
pagwrites integer Number of page writes

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