The onparams Utility

Use the onparams utility to add or drop a logical-log file, change physical-log parameters, and add a new buffer pool.

In This Chapter

Any onparams command fails if a storage-space backup is in progress. If you do not use any options, onparams returns a usage statement.

You cannot use the onparams utility on High-Availability Data Replication (HDR) secondary servers, remote standalone (RS) secondary servers, or shared disk (SD) secondary servers.

You can also use SQL administration API commands that are equivalent to onparams commands to add or drop a logical-log file, change physical-log parameters, and add a new buffer pool.

On UNIX, you must be logged in as user root or user informix to execute onparams. Only user informix is allowed to execute the SQL administration API command strings.

On Windows, you must be a member of the Informix-Admin group to execute onparams.

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