Table-level privileges
You can apply seven privileges, table by table, to allow nonowners the privileges of owners. Four of them, the Select, Insert, Delete, and Update privileges, control DML access to data in the table. The Index privilege controls index creation. The Alter privilege gives authorization to change the table definition. The References privilege gives authorization to specify referential constraints on a table.
In an ANSI-compliant database, only the table owner has any privileges. In other databases, the database server, as part of creating a table, automatically grants to PUBLIC all table privileges except Alter and References, unless the NODEFDAC environment variable has been set to 'yes' to withhold all table privileges from PUBLIC. When you allow the database server to automatically grant all table privileges to PUBLIC, a newly created table is accessible to any user with the Connect privilege. If this is not what you want (if users exist with the Connect privilege who should not be able to access this table), you must revoke all privileges on the table from PUBLIC after you create the table.