Privileges on table fragments

Use the GRANT FRAGMENT statement to grant insert, update, and delete privileges on individual fragments of a fragmented table. The GRANT FRAGMENT statement is valid only for tables that are fragmented with expression-based distribution schemes.

Suppose you create a customer table that is fragmented by expression into three fragments, which are located in the dbspaces dbsp1, dbsp2, and dbsp3. The following statement shows how to grant insert privileges on the first two fragments only (dbsp1 and dbsp2) to users jones, reed, and mathews.
GRANT FRAGMENT INSERT ON customer (dbsp1, dbsp2)
   TO jones, reed, mathews

To grant privileges on all fragments of a table, use the GRANT statement or the GRANT FRAGMENT statement.

For information about the GRANT FRAGMENT and REVOKE FRAGMENT statements, see the HCL Informix® Guide to SQL: Syntax.

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