ATS and RIS File Names
Each ATS and RIS file has a unique name based on the conditions under which it was generated.
Name | Description |
type | The format of the file: ats or ris. |
target | The name of the database server receiving this replicate transaction. |
source | The name of the database server that originated the transaction. |
threadID | The identifier of the thread that processed this transaction. |
timestamp | The value of the internal time stamp at the time that this ATS or RIS file was generated. |
sequence | A unique integer, incremented each time an ATS or RIS file is generated. |
extension | The file type. No extension indicates a text file; xml indicates an XML file. |
The naming convention ensures that all ATS and RIS file names that are generated are unique. However, when an ATS or RIS file is opened for writing, any previous file contents are overwritten. (Enterprise Replication does not append to a spool file; if a name collision does occur with an existing file, the original contents of the file are lost.)
The default delimiter for the timestamp portion of text file names is a colon (:) on UNIX and a period (.) on Windows. You can define the delimiter between the hour, minute, and second values with the CDR_ATSRISNAME_DELIM environment variable. XML files always use a period (.) delimiter between the hour, minute, and second values.
The following is an example of a similar RIS file name in XML format: