CDR_ATSRISNAME_DELIM Environment Variable
Specifies the delimiter to use to separate the parts of the time portion of ATS and RIS file names that are in text format.
- default value
- On UNIX: a colon (: )
On Windows: a period (.)
- range of values
- a single character
- takes effect
- when Enterprise Replication is initialized
ATS and RIS files in XML format always use a period (.) as the delimiter.
For example, the default file name for an ATS file in text format on UNIX might look like this: ats.g_beijing.g_amsterdam.D_2.000529_23:27:16.6. If CDR_ATSRISNAME_DELIM is set to a period (.), then the same file name would look like this: ats.g_beijing.g_amsterdam.D_2.000529_23.27.16.6.