cdr swap shadow

The cdr swap shadow command switches a replicate with its shadow replicate during manual remastering.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-cdr swap shadow--+--------------------------+---------------->
                    |                      (1) |   
                    '-| Connect Option   |-----'   

>-- --primaryname=repl_name-- --primaryid=repl_ID--------------->

>-- --shadowname=shadow_name-- --shadowid=shadow_ID------------><

  1. See Connect Option.
Element Purpose Restrictions Syntax
repl_name Name of the primary replicate. The primary replicate participant attributes state, type (P or R), and table owner (O or I) must match the shadow replicate participant attributes. Long Identifiers
repl_ID Internal Enterprise Replication identification code for the primary replicate.    
shadow_name Name of the shadow replicate. The shadow replicate state must match the primary replicate state. Shadow replicate participants must match the primary replicate participants. Long Identifiers
shadow_ID Internal Enterprise Replication identification code for the shadow replicate.    

The following table describes the cdr swap shadow options.

Long Form Short Form Meaning
--primaryname= -p Specifies the name of the primary replicate.
--primaryid= -P Specifies the ID of the primary replicate.
--shadowname= -s Specifies the name of the shadow replicate.
--shadowid= -S Specifies the ID of the shadow replicate.


Use the cdr swap shadow command to switch a replicate with its shadow replicate as the last step in manually remastering a replicate that was created with the --name=n option. You create a shadow replicate using the cdr define replicate command with the --mirrors option.

Use the onstat -g cat repls command to obtain the repl_ID and shadow_ID. Alternatively, you can query the syscdrrepl view in the sysmaster database.

You can run this command from within an SQL statement by using the SQL administration API.

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