cdr reset qod

The cdr reset qod command resets failed-transaction counts for replicates on replicate servers. Connection Manager service-level agreements (SLA) that contains a FAILURE or LATENCY redirection policy use failed-transaction counts to determine where to route client requests.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-cdr reset qod--+--------------------------+------------------>
                  |                      (1) |   
                  '-| Connect Option   |-----'   

     .----------------------------.      .-----------------.   
     V                            |      V                 |   
>--+--- --repl--=--replicate_name-+---+----+-------------+-+---->
   | .------------------------------. |    '-server_name-'     
   | V                              | |                        
   +--- --replset--=--repl_set_name-+-+                        
   '- --allrepl-----------------------'                        

   '- --verbose-'   

  1. See Connect Option.
Element Purpose Restrictions Syntax
replicate_name The name of the replicate. The replicate must exist. Long Identifiers
repl_set_name The name of the replicate set. The replicate set must exist. Long Identifiers
server_name The name of the server. Must be the name of an existing database server group in SQLHOSTS. Cannot be a leaf server. Long Identifiers

The following table describes the options to the cdr reset qod command.

Long Form Short Form Meaning
--allrepl -A Resets the failed-transaction count on all replicates.
--repl= -r Specifies the replicate for which to reset the failed-transaction count.
--replset= -s Specifies the replicate set for which to reset the failed-transaction count.
--verbose -v Displays details of the operations the command is performing


Use the cdr reset qod command to reset the failed-transaction count to zero for replicates or replicate sets on specified replication servers. Run the cdr reset qod command before you repair inconsistent data, so that you can count failures that occur after the repair.

You must run the cdr reset qod command from a non-leaf server. If you do not specify any servers to reset, the current server to which you are connected is reset. If you specify one or more servers to reset, you must explicitly include the server to which you are connected if you want to reset it.

You can run this command from within an SQL statement by using the SQL administration API.

Return codes

A return code of 0 indicates that the command was successful.

If the command is not successful, one of the following error codes is returned: 5, 44, 217.

For information on error codes, see Return Codes for the cdr Utility.

Example 1: Resetting failed-transaction counts for a specific replicate on a specific replication server

The following example resets the failed-transaction count for replicate_1 on server_1:
cdr reset qod --repl=replicate_1 server_1

Example 2: Resetting failed-transaction counts for all replicates on specific replication servers

The following example resets the failed-transaction count for all replicates on server_2 and server_3:
cdr reset qod --allrepl server_2 server_3

Example 3: Resetting failed-transaction counts for all replicates in a specific replicate set on a specific replication server

The following example resets the failed-transaction count for all replicates in replicate_set_1 on server_4.
cdr reset qod --replset=replicate_set_1 server_4

Example 4: Resetting failed-transaction counts for all replicates in specific replicate sets on a specific replication server

The following example resets the failed-transaction count for all replicates in replicate_set_2 and replicate_set_4 on server_5.
cdr reset qod -s replicate_set_2 -s replicate_set_4 server_5

Example 5: Resetting failed-transaction counts for all replicates on a specific replication server, and displaying operation details

The following example connects to server_6, and then resets the failed-transaction count for all of replicates on server_6. The command displays details of the operations that are performed:
cdr reset qod -c -A server_6  -v
Figure 1. Output of cdr reset qod with verbose details.
Resetting Quality of Data on server_6
  Resetting replicate replicate_1
  Resetting replicate replicate_2
  Resetting replicate replicate_3
  Resetting replicate replicate_4
  Resetting replicate replicate_5
  Resetting replicate replicate_6

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