GLS support by HCL Informix database servers

The database server can perform read and write operations to the operating-system files:

The operating-system files are:
  • Diagnostic files
    Diagnostic files include the following files:
    • (UNIX)
    • core
    The database server generates diagnostic files when you set one or more of the following configuration parameters in UNIX:
  • Message-log file

    The database server generates a user-specified message-log file when you set the MSGPATH configuration parameter.

These operating-system files reside on the server computer, where the database server resides. When the database server reads from or writes to these files, it must use a code set that the server computer supports. The database server obtains this code set from the server locale.

Set the server locale with the SERVER_LOCALE environment variable. If you do not set SERVER_LOCALE, the database server uses the default locale, as the server locale. For details, see SERVER_LOCALE environment variable.

To perform code-set conversion and handle non-ASCII characters that are associated with read and write operations on operating-system files, the database server determines the database server code set (the code set that the database server locale supports). For information about the use of non-ASCII characters, see Non-ASCII characters in identifiers.

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