The HPL log-file messages
- Blob conversion error occurred on record record_num
- Cannot access database table table_name: SQL error error_num
- Cannot allocate shared memory
- Cannot allocate TLI memory for operating_system structure
- Cannot bind socket connection: errno= operating-system_error_num
- Cannot bind TLI connection: t_errno= t_error_num
- Cannot configure driver driver_name
- Cannot connect to message server: Socket error = UNIX_error_num
- Cannot connect to message server: TLI erro r= t_error_num, TLI event = t_event_num, errno = error_num
- Cannot connect to server_name: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
- Cannot connect worker to server data stream
- Cannot disable table_name object constraints: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
- Cannot disable primary-key constraint. Child-table references exist
- Cannot express load to logged table on HDR server server_name
- Cannot filter indexes for table table_name: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
- Cannot find the shared library path in the plconfig file. Using the shared library from the default location library_location
- Cannot find the user-defined function user_func_name in the shared library: error error_num
- Cannot get systable info for table table_name: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
- Cannot initialize shared library handling
- Cannot load code-set conversion file from file_name to file_name
- Cannot load mapping definitions
- Cannot load the shared library library_location
Shared library load failed with error message error_message. - Cannot locate delimiter in data file
- Cannot open
- Cannot open simple large object file: file_name, simple large object not loaded
- Cannot open database database_name: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
- Cannot open file file_name: error number operating-system_error_num
- Cannot open TCP connection for server_name: errno operating-system_error_num
- Cannot perform express mode load on table with pseudo rowid
- Cannot perform express-mode load with rowsize = row_length > page_size
- Cannot read file file_name: AIO error code operating-system_error_num
- Cannot re-enable all objects: num_violations violations detected
Check for violations in violations table table_name and diagnostics table table_name. - Cannot reorder query statement to align simple large objects or Ext Types
- Cannot reorder query statement to align blobs
- Cannot set mode of table_name objects from current_mode to final_mode mode: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
- Cannot start violations table for table_name: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
- Cannot stop violations table for table_name: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
- Cannot unload to multiple devices when the given query cannot be executed in parallel
- Cannot write file file_name: AIO error code operating-system_error_num
- Code-set conversion overflow
- Conversion of onpload database failed due to error error_num
- Conversion of onpload database failed due to error error_num, run as user informix
- Custom conversion function function_name not found in shared library
- Discarded num_bytes null bytes from end of tape device device_name
- Environment variable variable_name expansion would overflow string
- Error accepting socket connection: errno = operating-system_error_num
- Error accessing file_name
- Error accessing format: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
- Error accessing map map_name: SQL error error_num, ISAMerror error_num
- Error accessing sysmaster: SQL error error_num, ISAMerror error_num
- Error accessing table table_name: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
- Error: AIO buffer size buffer_size is less than required minimum size size
- Error error_num closing current database
- Error operating-system_error_num closing file file_name
- Error error_num converting record field field_name to column column_name
- Error declaring cursor: could not get table info
- Error declaring cursor: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
- Error describing unload query query_name: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
- Error error_num initializing backend connection
- Error inserting into table table_name: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
- Error listening for socket connection: t_errno = t_error_num errno = operating-system_error_num
- Error listening for TLI connection: t_errno = t_error_num errno = UNIX_error_num
- Error error_num on record record_num converting column column_name to record field field_name
- Error occurred on record %d reading pipe %s
- Error on close of server load session: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
- Error opening cursor: SQL Error error_num
- Error preparing query: SQL error error_num
- Error preparing statement statement_name: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
- Error preparing unload query query_name: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
- Error error_num reading message queue
- Error operating-system_error_num reading TLI/socket connection
- Error error_num setting isolation level
- Error error_num writing message on message queue
- Error operating-system_error_num writing TLI/socket connection
- Error: Stream buffer size buffer_size is less than required minimum size size
- Exhausted all attempts to allocate shared-memory key.
- Fatal error: cannot execute pipe_name
- Fatal error: cannot load X resource
- Fatal error creating server load session: error error_num
- Fatal error getting stream buffer from server
- Fatal error in server row processing: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
- File type device file file_name is not a regular (disk) file
- Got Interrupt: Shutting down
- Internal error: Cannot initialize AIO library
- Internal error: Cannot send message
- Internal error: error_num. Contact Tech Support
- Internal error: invalid message type error_num
- Internal error error_num reading queue
- Invalid count detected, might be due to abnormal BE shutdown
- Invalid code-set character: Cannot convert
- Invalid HEXASCII simple large object or extended type representation on record record_num
- Invalid HEXASCII simple large object representation in fieldname, record record_num
- Invalid project name project_name entered
- Invalid reject count detected, might be due to abnormal BE shutdown. Using last known reject count and proceeding
- Invalid session ID id_number
- Invalid tape header expecting -> tape_name
- Map map_name type is not a load map
- Method not supported by current driver
- MT cannot bind to vpid
- MT internal failure
- MT failure putting CPU online
- No insert permission on table table_name
- No mapping to simple large object field field_name
- onpload must run on the host host_name that contains the target database
- onpload terminated by signal
- Pipe type device file file_name is not a regular file
- Pload cannot reorder queries having expressions/aggregates and blobs/udts in the same select list
Reorder the select list in the query in the following order: 1. non-blob non-udt columns 2. inrow udts in the case of fixed format 3. other blob/udt columns - Query contains unmapped simple large object column column_name: Cannot proceed
- Query for unload is not a select query.
- Record is too long to process: recnum record_num, length record_length, bufsize buffer_size
- Server interface error; expected num_input but got num_received instead
- SQL error error_num executing statement statement_name
- Simple large object or extended type conversion error occurred on record record_num
- Start record record_num is greater than number of records total_num read from input file_name
- Successfully loaded the shared library library_location
- Table table_name will be read-only until level-0 archive
- Tables with BLOBS cannot be loaded in High Performance Mode
- Tables with BLOBS or extended types cannot be loaded in Express mode
- Tables with simple large objects or extended types cannot be processed with no conversion (-fn)
- Tape header is larger than I/O buffer: tape header_length, I/O buffer_size
- Tape type device file file_name is not a character-special or block-special file
- There is no mapping to column column_name, which cannot accept null values
- Unable to load locale categories for locale locale_name: error error_num
- Unload query select item for the query_item expression needs to be assigned a name
- Write/read to/from tape until end of device
- Write to device (tape or pipe) device_name failed; no space left on device. AIO error error_num
Parent topic: The HPL log-file and pop-up messages