What's new in HCL Informix JDBC Driver, Version 4.10

This publication includes information about new features and changes in existing functionality.

The following changes and enhancements are relevant to this publication. For a complete list of what's new in this release, go to What's new in Informix®.
Table 1. What's new in the HCL Informix JDBC Driver Programmer's Guide for Version 4.10.JC11
Overview Reference

Detached Smart Triggers

Smart Triggers are enhanced to support Detached triggers when used with a 12.10.xC10 or newer Informix server. Detached triggers allow reconnecting and detainment of messages if you are disconnected.
Detach trigger

Enable java.util.logging in JDBC

You can now use the JDBC standard java.util.logging to debug and trace the JDBC driver. Driver.getParentLogger() now returns a proper top level logger for the Informix JDBC driver.
Debug your JDBC API program

Expanded Connection API’s

As part of the JDBC 4.1 specification, the Informix JDBC driver now supports new API’s on the java.sql.Connection interface. The API’s abort(), setNetworkTimeout(), getNetworkTimeout() are now supported.
Classes implemented in Informix JDBC Driver

Expanded Statement API’s

As part of the JDBC 4.1 specification, the Informix JDBC driver now supports new API’s on the java.sql.Statement interface. The API’s closeOnCompletion() and isCloseOnCompletion() are now supported
Classes implemented in Informix JDBC Driver

setObject() now accepts java.util.Calendar and java.math.BigInteger

As part of the JDBC 4.1 specification, the Informix JDBC driver PreparedStatement and CallablePreparedStatement objects for Informix JDBC now support passing in java.util.Calendar and java.math.BigInteger objects into the setObject(..) API’s
Classes implemented in Informix JDBC Driver

ResultSet.getObject(column, Class type) is now supported

As part of the JDBC 4.1 specification, the Informix JDBC driver now support using getObject with the specified class type for basic data types and mapped data types.
Classes implemented in Informix JDBC Driver

Add JDBC escape syntax for limit rows returned

Adds JDBC standard escape syntax for limiting returned rows. For more information see, JDBC 4.1 specification section 13.4.6. Example: “SELECT * FROM TABLE1 WHERE F1 > 100 {limit 20 offset 10}”
The escape syntax
Table 2. What's new in the HCL Informix JDBC Driver Programmer's Guide for Version 4.10.JC10
Overview Reference

CLIENT_LABEL connection variable

You can set CLIENT_LABEL in your JDBC connection URL and track this label using `onstat -g env <sid>` or by querying the table `sysmaster:syssesenv`
Informix environment variables with the HCL Informix JDBC Driver

setObject() accepts java.util.Date

PreparedStatement and CallablePreparedStatement objects for Informix JDBC now support passing in java.util.Date (in addition to already supporting java.sql.Date) as input to any setObject(…) API call.
Classes implemented in Informix JDBC Driver
Table 3. What's new in the HCL Informix JDBC Driver Programmer's Guide for Version 4.10.JC9
Overview Reference
The HCL Informix JDBC Driver supports the use of Smart Triggers to set triggers and fire real time notifications when data changes inside the database. Smart trigger feature
Table 4. What's new in the HCL Informix JDBC Driver Programmer's Guide for Version 4.10.JC8
Overview Reference
JDBC 4.0 compliance

The HCL Informix JDBC Driver is now compliant with the Java™ Database Connectivity (JDBC) 4.0 specification.

Classes implemented in Informix JDBC Driver
Query smart large objects with read-only access

You can now specify that smart large objects are queried with read-only access in JDBC connections. By default, smart large objects are queried with read-write access. To set read-only access for smart large objects, include the IFX_LO_READONLY=1 environment variable in the JDBC connection string.

Informix environment variables with the HCL Informix JDBC Driver
Table 5. What's new in the HCL Informix JDBC Driver Programmer's Guide for Version 4.10.JC6
Overview Reference
Keep JDBC socket connections open

You can now keep long-running JDBC socket connections from timing out due to inactivity. Set the IFX_SOC_KEEPALIVE environment variable to true when you open a socket connection with the Informix JDBC Driver.

Informix environment variables with the HCL Informix JDBC Driver
Reoptimize JDBC queries

When you run queries through the Informix JDBC Driver, you can now reoptimize previously prepared query plans. Set the new withReoptimization argument of the IfmxPreparedStatement.executeQuery method to true.

Reoptimize queries
Table 6. What's new in the HCL Informix JDBC Driver Programmer's Guide for Version 4.10.JC5
Overview Reference
Support for Java 7

HCL Informix 12.10.xC5 software supports Java Platform Standard Edition (Java SE), Version 7.

Informix installation applications install IBM® Runtime Environment, Java Technology Edition, Version 7 on most platforms by default. That version is used to run Java user-defined routines that are created in the server.

Check the machine notes for your operating system platform to determine whether the installation application requires a preinstalled JRE.

Java technology dependencies
New locale for the JDBC Driver

The Informix JDBC Driver now supports the Estonian and Lithuanian locale, et_ee.

Unicode to database code set
Table 7. What's new in the HCL Informix JDBC Driver Programmer's Guide for Version 4.10.JC4
Overview Reference
JDBC client connection requirements

As of HCL Informix 12.10.xC4 the INFORMIXSERVER environment variable is optional for JDBC client connections.

Format of database URLs
Access BSON data from JDBC client applications

You can now easily access BSON data on the Informix server from JDBC client applications through the IfxBSONObject class.

Informix classes that extend the JDBC specification

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