Examples in the udt-distinct directory

The following table lists the files in the udt-distinct directory (there are additional examples using opaque types in Examples in the udtudrmgr directory.)

Demo program name Description
charattrUDT.java Shows how to implement an opaque fixed-length type using SQLData
createDB.java Creates a database that the other udt-distinct demonstration files use
createTypes.java Shows how to create opaque and distinct types in the database
distinct_d1.java Shows how to create a distinct type without using SQLData
distinct_d2.java Shows how to create a second distinct type without using SQLData
dropDB.java Drops the database that the other udt-distinct demonstration files use
largebinUDT.java Shows how to implement an opaque type (smart large object embedded) using SQLData
manualUDT.java Shows how to implement an opaque type that allows you to change the position in the input stream
myMoney.java Shows how to implement a distinct type using SQLData
udt_d1.java Shows how to create a fixed-length opaque type
udt_d2.java Shows how to create an opaque type with an embedded smart large object
udt_d3.java Shows how to create an opaque type that allows you to change the position in the input stream

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