Estimating the size of the virtual portion of shared memory
You can use a formula to estimate the initial size of the virtual portion of shared memory. You specify the initial size in the SHMVIRTSIZE configuration parameter.
The formula for estimating an initial size of the virtual
portion of shared memory is as follows:
shmvirtsize = fixed overhead + shared structures +
(mncs * private structures) +
other buffers
To estimate an SHMVIRTSIZE value with the preceding formula:
Tip: When the database server
is running with a stable workload, you can use onstat -g
seg to obtain a precise value for the actual size of the
virtual portion of shared memory. You can then use the value for shared
memory that this command reports to reconfigure SHMVIRTSIZE.
To specify the size of segments that are added later to the virtual shared memory, set the SHMADD configuration parameter. Use the EXTSHMADD configuration parameter to specify the size of virtual-extension segments that are added for user-defined routines and DataBlade routines.
The following table contains a list of additional topics for estimating the size of shared structures in memory.
Shared-Memory Structure | More Information |
Sort memory | Estimating memory needed for sorting |
Data-dictionary cache | Data-dictionary configuration |
Data-distribution cache (histogram pool) | Data-distribution configuration |
User-defined routine (UDR) cache | SPL routine executable format stored in UDR cache |
SQL statement cache | Enabling the SQL statement cache Monitor and tune the SQL statement cache |
Other pools | To see how much memory is allocated to the different pools, use the onstat -g mem command. |