The spatial_references table
The spatial_references table contains a spatial reference ID (SRID) for each spatial reference system.
The spatial_references table stores data about each map projection that you use to store the spherical geometry of the Earth, for example, your data might use the Mercator projection. The spatial reference ID (SRID) is the unique key for the record in the spatial_references table that describes a particular spatial reference system. All spatial reference systems that you use in your database must have a record in the spatial_references table. All geometries in a spatial column must use the same spatial reference system.
The HCL Informix® spatial functions use the parameters of a spatial reference system to translate and scale each floating point coordinate of the geometry into 54-bit positive integers before storage. When retrieved, the coordinates are restored to their external floating point format.
The columns of the spatial_references table are described in the following table.
Column name | Type | Example value | Description |
srid | INTEGER NOT NULL | 12345 | Primary key: the unique key for the record that describes a particular spatial reference system |
description | VARCHAR(64) | WGS 1984 | A text description of the spatial reference system |
auth_name | VARCHAR(255) | EPSG | The name of the standard or standards body cited for the reference system |
auth_srid | INTEGER | 4326 | The ID of the spatial reference system as defined by the authority cited in auth_name column. |
falsex | FLOAT NOT NULL | -180 | The external floating point X coordinates are converted to integers for storage in the database by subtracting the falsex values. |
falsey | FLOAT NOT NULL | -90 | The external floating point Y coordinates are converted to integers for storage in the database by subtracting the falsey values. |
xyunits | FLOAT NOT NULL | 1000000 | Before the external floating point X and Y coordinates are inserted into the database, the coordinates are scaled by the value in xyunits. The scaling process adds a half unit and truncates the remainder. |
falsez | FLOAT NOT NULL | -1000 | The external floating point Z coordinates are converted to integers for storage in the database by subtracting the falsez values. |
zunits | FLOAT NOT NULL | 1000 | A factor that is used to scale the Z-coordinate |
falsem | FLOAT NOT NULL | -1000 | The external floating point M coordinates are converted to integers for storage in the database by subtracting the falsem values. |
munits | FLOAT NOT NULL | 1000 | A factor that is used to scale the measure values |
srtext | CHAR(2048) | GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984", |
The srtext column contains the well known text representation of the spatial reference system. |
Example: Create a spatial reference system with an INSERT statement
INSERT INTO spatial_references
(srid, description, auth_name, auth_srid, falsex, falsey,
xyunits, falsez, zunits, falsem, munits, srtext)
VALUES (1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 100, 0, 1, 0, 1, 'UNKNOWN');
In this example, the spatial reference system has an SRID value of 1, a false X, Y of (0,0), and its system units are 100. The Z coordinate and measure offsets are 0, while the Z coordinate and measure units are 1.
Example: Create a spatial reference system with the SE_CreateSRID() function
EXECUTE FUNCTION SE_CreateSRID(0, 0, 250000, 250000,
"Springfield county XY coord system");