The SE_CreateSRID() function
The SE_CreateSRID() function is a utility function that, given the X and Y extents of a spatial data set, computes the false origin and system units and creates a new entry in the spatial_references table. Appropriate offsets and scale factors for typical Z values and M values are also provided.
Use the following syntax to create a spatial reference system that is based on an existing spatial reference system that is not listed in the spatial_references table:
SE_CreateSRID (factory_id integer,
type varchar(64) default NULL,
description varchar(64) default NULL,
SRID integer default NULL)
Parameter | Description |
factory_id | The ESRI Projection Engine ID number of an existing
spatial reference system that is not listed in the spatial_references table
on which to base the new spatial reference system. If the factory_id is the same as an SRID in the spatial_references table, an error is returned. |
type | The type of coordinate system:
description | Your description of the spatial reference system. Default is 'auth_name auth_srid auth_version', where auth_name is the authority name, auth_srid is the factory ID, and auth_version is the version number that is associated with the factory ID. |
SRID | The new SRID. Default is the same value as the factory_id parameter. |
Use the following syntax to create a spatial reference system by specifying X and Y extents:
SE_CreateSRID (xmin float, ymin float,
xmax float, ymax float,
description varchar(64))
Parameter | Description |
xmin | The minimum value of the x-coordinate |
ymin | The minimum value of the y-coordinate |
xmax | The maximum value of the x-coordinate |
ymax | The maximum value of the y-coordinate |
description | Your description of the spatial reference system |
The spatial_references table holds data about spatial reference systems. A spatial reference system is a description of a coordinate system for a set of geometric objects; it gives meaning to the X and Y values that are stored in the database.
You need to specify an SRID of a spatial reference system when you load spatial data into a database because the database server translates and scales each floating point coordinate of the geometry into a 53-bit positive integer before storage.
The spatial_references table contains many predefined spatial reference systems. If the predefined spatial reference systems are not suitable for your data, you can run the SE_CreateSRID() function to create a more appropriate spatial_references table entry. You can base your system on an existing spatial reference system that is not already in the spatial_references table or you can specify the X and Y extents of your data. If you specify the X and Y extent data, the database server calculates the value for the false origin and system units. Therefore, the SE_CreateSRID() function might not create sufficiently refined parameters to describe the spatial reference system that you need. You can use an INSERT statement to specify false origin and system units.
Return type
Returns the SRID of a newly created spatial_references table entry as an integer.
Example: Create an SRID by specifying X and Y extents
EXECUTE FUNCTION SE_CreateSRID (166, -48, 180, -34,
"New Zealand: lat/lon coords");
SELECT * FROM spatial_references WHERE srid = 1001;
srid 1001
description New Zealand: lat/lon coords
falsex 164.6000000000
falsey -49.4000000000
xyunits 127826407.5600
falsez -1000.00000000
zunits 1000.000000000
falsem -1000.00000000
munits 1000.000000000
srtext UNKNOWN
Example: Create a spatial reference system that is a copy of an existing system
The following statement creates a spatial reference system with an SRID of 1002 that is based on the EPSG coordinate system that has a factory ID of 4326:
EXECUTE FUNCTION SE_CreateSrid(4326, 'projcs', 'WGS 1984', 1002);
The following statement shows the properties of SRID 1002:
SELECT * FROM spatial_references WHERE srid = 1002;
srid 1002
description WGS 1984
auth_name EPSG
auth_srid 4326
falsex -216.000000000
falsey -126.000000000
xyunits 20849998274900
falsez -1000.00000000
zunits 1000.000000000
falsem -1000.00000000
munits 1000.000000000
srtext GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",63781
1 row(s) retrieved.
Example: Add an existing spatial reference system
The following statement shows the OGC well-known text representation of an existing spatial reference system that has a factory ID of 3000. This factory ID is not listed in the spatial_reference table by default.
EXECUTE FUNCTION SE_CreateSrtext(3000);
(expression) PROJCS["Gunung_Segara_NEIEZ",GEOGCS["GCS_Gunung_Segara",DATUM["D_
1 row(s) retrieved.)
The following statement adds the factory ID 3000 to the spatial_reference table. Because an SRID is not specified, by default, the SRID is the same as the factory ID:
1 row(s) retrieved.
The following statement shows the properties of SRID 3000:
SELECT * FROM spatial_references WHERE srid = 3000;
srid 3000
description EPSG 3000, version 8.1.1
auth_name EPSG
auth_srid 3000
falsex -22096080.0000
falsey -35225280.0000
xyunits 124666151.4420
falsez -1000.00000000
zunits 1000.000000000
falsem -1000.00000000
munits 1000.000000000
srtext PROJCS
1 row(s) retrieved.