STS_Set_Trace procedure
The STS_Set_Trace procedure enables tracing and sets the tracing file.
STS_Set_Trace(trace_params LVARCHAR,
trace_file LVARCHAR);
- trace_params
- The tracing parameters in the following format: tracing_type
- tracing_type
- STSQuery: Set tracing on spatiotemporal queries.
- STSBuild: Set tracing on spatiotemporal indexing.
- tracing_level
- 0 = Turn off tracing.
- Positive integer = Turn on tracing.
- trace_file
- The full path and name of the tracing file.
Run the STS_Set_Trace procedure with the STSQuery value to enable tracing if you want to view the entry points of spatiotemporal query functions. Run the STS_Set_Trace procedure with the STSBuild value to enable tracing if you want to view the entry points of spatiotemporal indexing functions. You must specify the full path and name of the tracing file.
Example: Set query tracing
The following statement starts tracing on spatiotemporal queries and sets the tracing file name and path:
EXECUTE PROCEDURE STS_Set_Trace('STSQuery 2', '/tms/sts_query.log');
Example: Stop query tracing
The following statement stops tracing on spatiotemporal queries:
EXECUTE PROCEDURE STS_Set_Trace('STSQuery 0', '/tms/sts_query.log');