Spatiotemporal search routines

Spatiotemporal search routines index spatiotemporal data, query spatiotemporal data, and perform maintenance tasks.

The following table sorts spatiotemporal search routines by task.

Table 1. Spatiotemporal search functions sorted by task
Header Header
Start, configure, or stop spatiotemporal search indexing Start spatiotemporal indexing for a table: STS_SubtrackCreate function

Add, change, or remove a Scheduler task: STS_SubtrackAlterProcessing function

Change the first time stamp to index: STS_SubtrackAlterFirstTimeStamp function

Change the indexing lag time: STS_SubtrackAlterLagToCurrent function

Set default processing properties: STS_SetDefaultParameters function

Build or rebuild trajectories for a subtrack table: STS_SubtrackBuild function

Build trajectories for an object: STS_SubtrackUpdate function

Stop spatiotemporal search indexing and drop the subtrack table: STS_SubtrackDestroy function

Find the relationship between an object, time, and a point Find the position of an object at a specific time: STS_GetPosition function

Find the most recent position of any object in the time series: STS_GetLastPosition function

Find the first time within a time range when an object is near a position: STS_GetFirstTimeByPoint function

Find the first time within a time range when an object is near a position: STS_GetFirstTimeByRegion function

Find the nearest object to a point at a specific time: STS_GetLocNearest function

Find the number of times within a time range when an object is near the specified position:

STS_GetNumberOfTimesPassedByPoint function

STS_GetNumberOfTimesPassedByRegion function

Find all the times within a time range when an object is near the specified position in a SET.

STS_GetSetOfTimesPassedByPoint function

STS_GetSetOfTimesPassedByRegion function

Find all the times within a time range when an object is near the specified position.

STS_GetTimesPassedByPoint function

STS_GetTimesPassedByRegion function

Find a trajectory of an object Find the exact trajectory for a time range: STS_GetTrajectory function

Find the compressed trajectory for a time range: STS_GetCompactTrajectory function

Find the speed of an object Find the average speed for a trajectory: STS_Speed function
Find the objects in a region Find the set of objects whose trajectories intersected a region during the time range: STS_GetLocIntersect function

Find the set of objects that were moving within a region at a specific time: STS_GetLocWithin function

Find the relationship between trajectories and a region Find the shortest distance between a point and the trajectory of an object during a time range: STS_TrajectoryDistance function

Find whether the trajectory remained within the boundary of the region for the time range: STS_TrajectoryWithin function

Find whether the trajectory crossed the boundary of the region in the time range: STS_TrajectoryCross function

Find whether the trajectory either crossed the boundary of the region or remained within the boundary of the region for the time range: STS_TrajectoryIntersect function

Find stationary objects Find the set of objects that were stationary within a region at a specific time: STS_GetLocStationaryWithin function

Find whether an object is stationary: STS_IsStationary function

Find the position of a stationary object: STS_GetStationaryPosition function

Find objects with no data conditions Find whether an object is missing data in a time period: STS_HasNoData function

Find whether an object has a no signal condition in a time range: STS_HasNoSignal function

Find whether an object has an interrupted signal condition in a time range: STS_HasInterruptedSignal function

Find the duration of no data conditions: STS_GetNoDataTimeRange function

Return release information STS_Release function
Enable tracing STS_Set_Trace procedure

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