STS_Speed function

The STS_Speed function returns the average speed for a specified trajectory.


                    begin_time   DATETIME YEAR TO FRACTION(5),
                    end_time     DATETIME YEAR TO FRACTION(5),
                    geometry     ST_Geometry,
                    uom          VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT 'kph')
returns FLOAT
The time when the object was at the beginning of the line. Can be NULL to indicate the first element in the time series.
The time when the object was at the end of the line. Can be NULL to indicate the last element in the time series.
The geometry that represents the region of interest. Can be an ST_Point, ST_MultiPoint, ST_LineString, ST_MultiLineString, ST_Polygon, or ST_MultiPolygon. Must use the SRID 4326.
The unit of measure for the speed. Default is kph. The string is ISO Latin1 (8859-1) and case does not matter.

You can specify the uom as linear_uom / time_uom, where linear_uom is any linear unit of measure that is defined for spatial data types, and time_uom can be any of the following strings: day, hour (or h, or hr), minute (or m or min) or second (or s or sec). Other supported abbreviations include: km/h, kmph (kilometer/hour), mph (mile_us/hour), mps (mile_us/second), fps (foot_us/second), m/s (meter/second), and kn (nautical_mile/hour).


Run the STS_Speed function when you want to find the average speed of an object for a specific trajectory or a time range.


A floating number = The speed, in the specified unit of measure.

An exception = An error.


The following query returns the average speed of the vehicles while they were moving:

SELECT round(STS_Speed(begin_time, end_time, geometry, 'kph'), 2) 
         FROM t_vehicle_subtrack 
         WHERE state = 0;



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