SQL administration routines sorted by task

SQL administration routines are sorted into logical areas based on the type of task.

Table 1. Informix Warehouse Accelerator SQL administration routines by task type
Task type Description
SQL routines for administering accelerators

Create an accelerator in an accelerator server: ifx_setupDWA() function

Remove (drop) an accelerator from the accelerator server: ifx_removeDWA() function

SQL routines for gathering accelerator server information

Return metrics about an accelerator: ifx_getdwaMetrics() function

SQL routines for administering data marts

Create a data mart in an accelerator: ifx_createMart() function

Populate an empty data mart in an accelerator with data: ifx_loadMart() function

Load the data into one partition in a fragmented table or into a non-fragmented table: ifx_loadPartMart() function

Drop (remove) the data mart from an accelerator: ifx_dropMart() function

Remove the data in one partition in a fragmented table or all of the data from a non-fragmented table: ifx_dropPartMart() function

Change the state of a data mart from Active to Disabled or from Disabled to Active: ifx_setMart() function

Check for data changes in individual partitions and refreshes the changed partitions: ifx_refreshMart() function

Enable the continuous refreshing of data in the fact and dimension tables of the data mart as the data changes in the database: ifx_setupTrickleFeed() function

Stop the trickle feed so that data in the data mart is no longer continuously refreshed: ifx_removeTrickleFeed() function

SQL routines for gathering data mart information

Return a set of unnamed rows that contain the status for all the data marts in an accelerator: ifx_listMarts() function

Return the status of a single data mart as an unnamed row: ifx_getMartStat() function

Retrieve the data mart definition from an accelerator and return it as a character large object (CLOB) in XML format: ifx_getMartdef() function

SQL routines for administering data mart schemas

Convert the data that is gathered from probing into a data mart definition: ifx_probe2Mart() procedure

Return a character large object (CLOB) that contains the data mart definition in XML format: ifx_genMartDef() function

Convert a data mart definitions from XML format into data mart schema tables: ifx_xml2Mart() procedure

Use the ifx_getMartdef() function to retrieve the data mart definition from an accelerator; and then use the ifx_xml2Mart() procedure to store the data mart definition XML file in the data mart schema tables: ifx_def2Mart() procedure

SQL routines for administering time series virtual tables

Assign a TimeSeries calendar: ifx_TSDW_setCalendar() function

Create a time window: ifx_TSDW_createWindow() function

Remove a time window: ifx_TSDW_dropWindow() function

Move time windows: ifx_TSDW_moveWindows() function

Refresh a virtual partition: ifx_TSDW_updatePartition() function

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