ondwa setup command

The ondwa setup command creates the files and subdirectories that are required to run an accelerator server.

Edit the dwainst.conf configuration file before you run the ondwa setup command. The dwainst.conf configuration file contains information that is used to configure Informix® Warehouse Accelerator.

To run this command, log on to the computer where the accelerator server is installed either as user root or as user informix. For you to run the command as user informix, specific memory resources must be available. For more information, see Users who can run the ondwa commands.

$ ondwa setup 

The ondwa setup command uses a file named dwainst.conf in the $IWA_INSTALL_DIR/dwa/etc directory to configure the accelerator server.

By using the dwainst.conf file, the ondwa setup command creates the following structure in the accelerator server storage directory:
  • The directory shared between the accelerator server nodes (shared)
  • The directory that contains the accelerator server node private directories (local)
  • For each accelerator server node:
    • The accelerator server node private directory: local/node
    • The accelerator server node configuration file: node.conf
    • A link to the DWA_CM executable file: DWA_CM_node

The ondwa utility automatically determines the role of the coordinator node or a worker node. The first node is the coordinator node, whereas the remaining nodes are worker nodes. The number of worker nodes is determined by the following calculation: NUM_NODES - 1.

Each accelerator server node needs to be configured with four different port numbers. These port numbers are listed in the configuration file for the accelerator server node. The starting port number is taken from the dwainst.conf file, and then increased by increments. For example, if your accelerator server has five accelerator server nodes and you specify the START_PORT number as 21020, the accelerator server will use ports 21020 – 21039 because each accelerator server node uses four port numbers.

When an accelerator server node is started, the corresponding link to the accelerator server binary DWA_CM_node is used. The ondwa setup command creates a symbolic link for each accelerator server node to the DWA_CM binary. The link makes it easier to find the processes of your accelerator server in a ps output because the ps command shows the symbolic links and not the DWA_CM binary itself.

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