ON-Bar and ontape configuration parameters and environment variable
Many properties of the ON-Bar and ontape utilities are controlled by configuration parameters in the onconfig file. ON-Bar also has an environment variable.
Important: ON-Bar does
parameters. ON-Bar checks
if LTAPEDEV is set to /dev/null on UNIX or NUL on Windows.
- BACKUP_FILTER configuration parameter
Use the BACKUP_FILTER configuration parameter to specify the path name and any options for an external filter program that you use with the ON-Bar or ontape utility. - BAR_ACT_LOG configuration parameter
Use the BAR_ACT_LOG configuration parameter to specify the full path name of the ON-Bar activity log. - BAR_BSALIB_PATH configuration parameter
Use the BAR_BSALIB_PATH configuration parameter to specify the path name and file name of the XBSA shared library for the storage manager that you use. - BAR_CKPTSEC_TIMEOUT configuration parameter
The BAR_CKPTSEC_TIMEOUT configuration parameter specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that an RS secondary server should wait for a checkpoint to arrive from the primary server while performing an external backup. - BAR_DEBUG configuration parameter
Use the BAR_DEBUG configuration parameter to specify the amount of debugging information that the database server captures in the ON-Bar activity log. - BAR_DEBUG_LOG configuration parameter
Use the BAR_DEBUG_LOG parameter to specify the location and name of the ON-Bar debug log. - BAR_HISTORY configuration parameter
Use the BAR_HISTORY configuration parameter to specify whether the sysutils database maintains a backup history when you use onsmsync to expire old backups. - BAR_IXBAR_PATH configuration parameter
Use the BAR_IXBAR_PATH configuration parameter to change the path and name of the ON-Bar boot file. - BAR_MAX_BACKUP configuration parameter
Use the BAR_MAX_BACKUP parameter to specify the maximum number of parallel processes that are allowed for each ON-Bar command. - BAR_MAX_RESTORE configuration parameter
Use the BAR_MAX_RESTORE parameter to specify the maximum number of parallel restore processes that are allowed during an ON-Bar restore operation. - BAR_NB_XPORT_COUNT configuration parameter
Use the BAR_NB_XPORT_COUNT configuration parameter to specify the number of data buffers that each onbar_d process can use to exchange data with the database server. - BAR_PERFORMANCE configuration parameter
Use the BAR_PERFORMANCE configuration parameter to specify the type of performance statistics to report to the ON-Bar activity log for backup and restore operations. - BAR_PROGRESS_FREQ configuration parameter
Use the BAR_PROGRESS_FREQ configuration parameter to specify, in minutes, the frequency of the progress messages in the ON-Bar activity log for backup and restore operations. - BAR_RETRY configuration parameter
Use the BAR_RETRY configuration parameter to specify how many times onbar should try a data backup, logical-log backup, or restore operation if the first attempt fails. - BAR_SIZE_FACTOR configuration parameter
Use the BAR_SIZE_FACTOR configuration parameter to augment the estimate for the size of a backup object, before the backup. - BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE configuration parameter
Use the BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE configuration parameter to specify the size of each transfer buffer. - IFX_BAR_NO_BSA_PROVIDER environment variable
Set the IFX_BAR_NO_BSA_PROVIDER environment variable to force ON-Bar to use the sm_versions file as the source of information about the XBSA library for the storage manager. - IFX_BAR_NO_LONG_BUFFERS environment variable
Set the IFX_BAR_NO_LONG_BUFFERS environment variable to prevent the size of transfer buffers from exceeding 64 KB when the BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE configuration parameter is set to a long transfer buffer size value. - IFX_BAR_USE_DEDUP environment variable
Set the IFX_BAR_USE_DEDUP environment variable to optimize the deduplication capabilities of storage managers. - IFX_TSM_OBJINFO_OFF environment variable
Set the IFX_TSM_OBJINFO_OFF environment variable to disable support for restoring backup objects that are replicated, imported, or exported between IBM® Tivoli® Storage Manager (TSM) servers. - LTAPEBLK configuration parameter
Use the LTAPEBLK configuration parameter to specify the block size of the device to which the logical logs are backed up when you use ontape for dbspace backups. - LTAPEDEV configuration parameter
Use the LTAPEDEV configuration parameter to specify the device or directory file system to which the logical logs are backed up when you use ontape for backups. - LTAPESIZE configuration parameter
Use the LTAPESIZE configuration parameter to specify the maximum tape size of the device to which the logical logs are backed up when you use ontape for backups. - RESTARTABLE_RESTORE configuration parameter
Use the RESTARTABLE_RESTORE configuration parameter to enable or disable restartable restores. - RESTORE_FILTER configuration parameter
Use the RESTORE_FILTER configuration parameter to specify the path name of a filter program, and any options. - TAPEBLK configuration parameter
Use the TAPEBLK configuration parameter to specify the block size of the device to which ontape writes during a storage-space backup. - TAPEDEV configuration parameter
Use the TAPEDEV configuration parameter to specify the device or directory file system to which the ontape utility backs up storage spaces. - TAPESIZE configuration parameter
Use the TAPESIZE parameter specifies the size of the device to which the ontape utility backs up storage spaces.
Parent topic: Backup and restore configuration parameters
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