Enterprise Replication Event Alarms

Certain Enterprise Replication errors and other actions generate event alarms. You can use event alarms specific to Enterprise Replication to automate many administrative tasks.

You can set your alarm program script to capture Enterprise Replication class IDs and messages and initiate corrective actions or notifications for each event. For example, you can add a chunk to the queue data sbspace or dbspace if you detect (using class ID 31) that the storage space is full.

Most event alarms operate in the background. For events that operate in the foreground, the session that triggered the alarm is suspended until the alarm program execution completes. For information on setting alarm program scripts to capture events, see Event Alarms.

Many Enterprise Replication event alarms are enabled by default, but most state change event alarms are disabled by default. You can control which Enterprise Replication event alarms are enabled with the CDR_ALARMS environments variable.

The following table lists the information about Enterprise Replication event alarms:

  • The class ID is an integer value identifying the category of the event.
  • The event ID is a unique identifier for the specific message.
  • The class message provides general information about the event.
  • The specific message provides detailed information about the event.
  • The severity describes the seriousness of the event on a scale from 1 to 5, where 5 is the most serious.
  • Whether the event operates in the foreground and explanations for the events.
  • Whether the event is disabled by default.
Table 1. Enterprise Replication Event Alarms
Class ID

and Event ID

Class and Specific Messages Severity Explanation

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

DDR subsystem notification

Specific message:

DDR Log Snooping - Catchup phase started, userthreads blocked

3 User transactions are being blocked to prevent the database server from overwriting a logical log that Enterprise Replication has not yet processed.

Online log: The following message appears in the online log:

DDR Log Snooping - DDRBLOCK phase started, userthreads blocked

ER state: Active and replicating data. User transactions are temporarily blocked.

User action: None.

For information about preventing this situation, see Handle potential log wrapping.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

DDR subsystem notification

Specific message:

DDR Log Snooping - Catchup phase completed, userthreads unblocked

3 User transactions are no longer blocked.

Online log: The specific message also appears in the online log.

ER state: Active and replicating data.

User action: None.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

DDR subsystem failure

Specific message:

WARNING: The replay position was overrun, data may not be replicated.

4 The log replay position was overwritten.

Online log: The following message appears in the online log:

WARNING: The replay position was overrun, data may not be replicated.

ER state: Active and replicating data. Enterprise Replication shuts down if the log read position also gets overwritten. If Enterprise Replication shuts down, event alarm 47 is raised.

User action: For information about preventing this situation, see Handle potential log wrapping.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

DDR Subsystem notification

Specific message:

CDR DDR: Log staging disk space usage reached its allowed configured maximum size size (KB). Temporarily disabling log staging.

3 The disk space where logs are stored reached its maximum size.

Online log: The following message appears in the online log:

CDR DDR: Log staging disk space usage reached its allowed configured maximum size size (KB). Temporarily disabling log staging.

ER state: Active and running. Enterprise Replication uses the next configured logical log lag action to protect the replay position. If no other log lag action is configured, the replay position can be overrun. If Enterprise Replication shuts down due to replay position being overrun, restart Enterprise Replication using cdr cleanstart command and resynchronize the data.

User action: Consider increasing the maximum disk space configured for log staging using the CDR_LOG_STAGING_MAXSIZE configuration parameter. The value for the CDR_LOG_STAGING_MAXSIZE configuration parameter can be updated while the server is active using the following command:

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

DDR Subsystem notification

Specific message:

CDR: Created staging file filename for log unique id unique_log_id

3 The log staging file was created.

Online log: The following message appears in the online log:

CDR: Created staging file filename for log unique id uniqui_log_id

ER state: Enterprise Replication is active and staging log files because a log lag state was detected.

User action: If high-availability secondary servers are configured, consider copying log files to the secondary server. See Transferring log files to a high-availability cluster secondary server when using ER.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

DDR Subsystem notification

Specific message:

CDR: Completed processing log unique id unique_log_id. Deleted log staging file filename

2 A log staging file was deleted.

Online log: The following message appears in the online log:

CDR: Completed processing log unique id unique_log_id. Deleted log staging file filename

ER state: Active and replicating data.

User action: If staged log files are being copied to high-availability secondary servers, consider deleting the log staged log file name specified in the alarm message and the related token log file. See Transferring log files to a high-availability cluster secondary server when using ER.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

DDR Subsystem notification

Specific message:

CDR: Deleted all staging files from log staging directory.

2 The staging files were deleted from the log staging directory.

Online log: The following message appears in the online log:

CDR: Deleted all staging files from log staging directory.

ER state: Active or deleted. Enterprise Replication deletes all files in the log staging directory when they are no longer required. The log files are deleted when any of the following occur:
  • Enterprise Replication is deleted on the local server.
  • After the cdr cleanstart command is run.
  • When the value of the LOG_STAGING_DIR configuration parameter is changed (any log files that exist in the previous directory are also deleted).
  • When Enterprise Replication is defined.

User action: If staged log files are being manually copied to high-availability secondary server then delete all staged log files on the secondary servers. See Transferring log files to a high-availability cluster secondary server when using ER.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

ER stable storage pager sbspace is full

Specific message:

CDR Pager: Paging File full: Waiting for additional space in sbspace_name

4 This event runs in the foreground.

The grouper paging sbspace ran out of space.

ER state: Active and waiting for the space to be added to the sbspace name specified in alarm-specific message.

User action: Add a chunk to the specified sbspace.

For information about preventing this situation, see Increasing the Sizes or Numbers of Storage Spaces.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

ER stable storage queue sbspace is full

Specific message:

CDR QUEUER: Send Queue space is FULL - waiting for space in sbspace_name.

CDR QUEUER: Send Queue space is FULL - waiting for space in CDR_QDATA_SBSPACE

4 This event runs in the foreground.

The storage space of a queue is full.

Online log: The specific message also appears in the online log.

ER state: Active and waiting for space to be added to the sbspace listed.

User action: Add a chunk to the specified sbspace. If the message specifies CDR_QDATA_SBSPACE, add a chunk to one or more of the sbspaces specified by the CDR_QDATA_SBSPACE configuration parameter.

For information about preventing this situation, see Recovering when Storage Spaces Fill.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

ER stable storage queue dbspace is full

Specific message:

CDR QUEUER: Send Queue space is FULL - waiting for space in CDR_QHDR_DBSPACE..

4 This event runs in the foreground.

The storage space of a queue is full.

Online log: The specific message also appears in the online log.

ER state: Active and waiting for space to be added to the dbspace specified by the CDR_DBSPACE configuration parameter.

User action: Add a chunk to the dbspace specified by the CDR_DBSPACE configuration parameter.

For information about preventing this situation, see Recovering when Storage Spaces Fill.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

ER: error detected in grouper sub component

Specific message:

CDR Grouper Fanout thread is aborting.

4 The grouper fanout thread is quitting.

ER state: Enterprise Replication was shut down internally. Event alarm 47 is also raised.

User action: Restart Enterprise Replication using the cdr start command.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

ER: error detected in grouper sub component

Specific message:

CDR Grouper Evaluator thread is aborting.

4 The grouper evaluator thread is quitting.

ER state: Active and replicating transactions.

User action: Stop Enterprise Replication with the cdr stop command and restart it using the cdr start command.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

ER: error detected in grouper sub component

Specific message:

CDR: Could not copy transaction at log id log_unique_id position log_position. Skipped.

4 The grouper subcomponent cannot copy the transaction into the send queue.

ER state: Active and replicating transactions.

User action: Shut down Enterprise Replication by running the cdr stop command, clear the receive queue and restart replication by running the cdr cleanstart command, and then synchronize the data by running the cdr check replicateset command with the --repair option.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

ER: error detected in grouper sub component

Specific message:

CDR: Paging error detected.

4 The grouper subcomponent detected a paging error.

ER state: Inactive.

User action: Restart Enterprise Replication by running the cdr start command.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

ER: error detected in grouper sub component

Specific message:

CDR Grouper: Local participant (participant_name) stopped for the replicate replicate_name (or exclusive replicate set), table (database:owner.table). Data may be out of sync. If replicated column definition was modified then please perform the alter operation at all the replicate participants, remaster the replicate definition then restart the replicate (or exclusive replicate set) definition for the local participant with the data sync option (-S).

4 If the grouper subcomponent is not able to convert the replicated row data from the local dictionary format to the master dictionary format, the grouper stops the local participant from the corresponding replicate (or exclusive replicate set) definition and invokes this event alarm.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

ER: error detected in grouper sub component

Specific message:

CDR CDR_subcomponent_name: Could not apply undo properly. SKIPPING TRANSACTION.

TX Begin Time: datetime

TX Restart Log Id: log_id

TX Restart Log Position: log_position

TX Commit Time: datetime

TX End Log Id: log_id

TX End Log Position: log_position

3 The grouper subcomponent did not roll back a transaction to a savepoint.

ER state: Active and replicating transactions.

User action: Run the cdr check replicateset command with the --repair option to make sure that the data is consistent.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

ER: error detected in data sync sub component

Specific message:

Received aborted transaction, no data to spool.

2 Data sync received a transaction that was aborted in the first buffer, so the transaction cannot be spooled to an ATS or RIS file.

ER state: Active and replicating transactions.

User action: Run the cdr check replicateset command with the --repair option to make sure that the data is consistent.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

ER: error detected in data sync sub component

Specific message:

CDR DS thread_name thread is aborting.

4 The data sync thread is quitting.

ER state: Active and replicating transactions.

User action: Run the cdr check replicateset command with the --repair option to make sure that the data is consistent.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

ER: error detected in data sync sub component

Specific message:

Table in alter mode is blocking application of transactions. Table: dbname:'owner'.tabname.

3 A table in alter mode is blocking the application of transactions. While the table is in alter mode, Enterprise Replication cannot apply transactions that involve this table or are in a referential relationship with this table. Enterprise Replication also cannot apply subsequent transactions from the site where the failed transaction originated.

User action: Run cdr alter --off dbname:owner.tabname.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

ER: error detected in queue management sub component

Specific message:

CDR CDR_subcomponent_name: bad replicate ID replicate_id

3 This event runs in the foreground.

RQM cannot find the replicate in the global catalog for which it has a transaction.

ER state: Active and replicating transactions.

User action: Run the cdr check replicateset command with the --repair option to make sure that the data is consistent.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

ER: error detected in global catalog sub component

Specific message:

CDR GC peer request failed: command: command_string, error error_code, CDR server CDR_server_ID

3 Execution of the control command requested by the peer server failed at the local server.

ER state: Active and replicating transactions.

User action: Correct the problem identified by the error code. Make sure that the replicate object is the same across all participating servers.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

ER: error detected in global catalog sub component

Specific message:

CDR GC peer processing failed: command: command_string, error error_code, CDR server CDR_server_ID

3 Control command execution at the peer server failed.

ER state: Active and replicating transactions.

User action: Correct the problem identified by the error code. Make sure that the replicate object is the same across all participating servers.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

ER: error detected in global catalog sub component

Specific message:

CDR: Could not drop delete table. SQL code sql_error_code, ISAM code isam_error_code. Table 'database:table'. Please drop the table manually.

3 The delete table was not dropped while the replicate was being deleted from the local participant.

ER state: Active and replicating transactions.

User action: Manually drop the delete table.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

ER: enterprise replication network interface sub component notification

Specific message:

Enterprise Replication: Connection to servergroupname closed. Reason: connection request received from an unknown server.

3 Enterprise Replication received a reconnect connection request from an unknown server.

ER state: Active.

User action: Check the connection requester server definition in the local server. If the definition is not available on the local server, the remote server definition was probably deleted on the local server by running the cdr delete server command, but the cdr delete server command was not run on the remote server. In this case, run the cdr delete server command on the remote server and, if necessary, redefine the server.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

ER: error detected while recovering Enterprise Replication

Specific message:

CDR CDR_subcomponent_name: bad replicate ID replicate_id

3 This event runs in the foreground; Enterprise Replication is blocked until this issue is resolved.

ER state: Active and replicating transactions.

User action: If the replicate ID is still valid and exists in syscdr catalog tables, run the cdr check replicateset command with the --repair option to make sure that the data is consistent.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

ER: resource allocation problem detected

Specific message:

CDR CDR_subcomponent_name memory allocation failed (reason).

2 The specified Enterprise Replication component did not allocate memory.

ER state: Active.

User action: Perform these actions:

  1. Correct the resource issue.
  2. Stop replication by running the cdr stop command.
  3. Restart replication by running the cdr start command.
  4. Make sure that the data is consistent by running the cdr check replicateset command with the --repair option.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

Please notify HCL Informix® Technical Support

Specific message:

Log corruption detected or read error occurred while snooping logs.

4 A logical log is corrupted and cannot be processed by the log capture component. Event alarm 47 is also raised in this situation.

Online log: The following message appears in the online log:

Log corruption detected while snooping logs, logid=log_unique_id logpos=log_position.

ER state: Inactive.

User action: Clear the receive queue and restart replication by running the cdr cleanstart command, and then synchronize the data by running the cdr check replicateset command with the --repair option.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

Please notify HCL Informix Technical Support

Specific message:

CDR: Unexpected log record type record_type for subsystem subsystem passed to DDR.

4 A log record of unexpected type was passed to the log capture component.

ER state: Active and replicating transactions.

User action: Contact IBM® Software Support.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

CDR is shutting down due to internal error: failure

Specific message:

CDR is shutting down due to internal error: Memory allocation failed

4 Data sync threads encountered a memory allocation error while replaying replicated transactions and replication is stopped.

Online Log: When the memory allocation error is discovered, the following message appears in the online log:

CDR DS processes is aborting. Signaling CDR system to shutdown as it is low on resources.

When Enterprise Replication is shutting down and the event alarm is being raised, the following message appears in the online log:

CDR is shutting down due to internal error: Memory allocation failed

ER State: No replicated transactions are lost while replication is stopped.

User Action: To resume replication, solve the memory issue and run the cdr start command or shut down and restart the database server.

If the replay position was overrun while replication was stopped, event alarm 75 is raised.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

CDR is shutting down due to internal error: failure

Specific message:

CDR is shutting down due to an internal error.

4 Enterprise Replication stopped.

ER state: Inactive.

User action: Try restarting Enterprise Replication using the cdr start command. If replay position overrun is detected and the cdr start command fails with error code 214 and raises alarm class ID 75, restart Enterprise Replication using the cdr cleanstart command and synchronize the data.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

CDR is shutting down due to internal error: log lag state

Specific message:

CDR DDR: Shutting down ER to avoid a DDRBLOCK situation.

4 Enterprise Replication stopped.

ER state: Inactive.

User action: If replay position overrun was detected then restart Enterprise Replication using cdr cleanstart command and synchronize the data. If the replay position was not overrun then restart Enterprise Replication using cdr start command; there is no need to synchronize the data. If replay position overrun is detected and the cdr start command fails with error code 214 and raises alarm class ID 75, restart Enterprise Replication using the cdr cleanstart command and synchronize the data.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

ATS and/or RIS files spooled to disk.

Specific message:

file name|file name.

3 One or more failed transactions caused the generation of one or more ATS or RIS files. The generated file names are listed in the specific message, separated with a pipe (|) character.

ER State: Replication is continuing normally.

User Action: To process the failed transactions, run the cdr repair command for each file, or run the cdr check replicateset command with the --repair option.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

A replication state change event has happened.

Specific message:

Enterprise Replication is started on server server_name.


This event alarm is disabled by default.

The cdr start command was run.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

A replication state change event has happened.

Specific message:

Enterprise Replication is stopped on server server_name.

3 The cdr stop command was run.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

A replication state change event has happened.

Specific message:

Enterprise Replication is suspended on server server_name


This event alarm is disabled by default.

The cdr suspend server command was run.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

A replication state change event has happened.

Specific message:

Enterprise Replication is resumed on server server_name.


This event alarm is disabled by default.

The cdr resume server command was run.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

A replication state change event has happened.

Specific message:

Server server_name is connected.


This event alarm is disabled by default.

The cdr connect server command was run.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

A replication state change event has happened.

Specific message:

Server server_name is disconnected.


This event alarm is disabled by default.

The cdr disconnect server command was run.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

A replication state change event has happened.

Specific message:

Replication is suspended on replicate replicate_name on server server_name


This event alarm is disabled by default.

The cdr suspend replicate command was run.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

A replication state change event has happened.

Specific message:

Replication is suspended on replicate set replicateset_name on server server_name.


This event alarm is disabled by default.

The cdr suspend replicateset command was run.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

A replication state change event has happened.

Specific message:

Replication is resumed on replicate replicate_name on server server_name


This event alarm is disabled by default.

The cdr resume replicate command was run.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

A replication state change event has happened.

Specific message:

Replication is resumed on replicate set replicateset_name on server server_name.


This event alarm is disabled by default.

The cdr resume replicateset command was run.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

A replication state change event has happened.

Specific message:

Replication is started on replicate replicate_name on server server_name


This event alarm is disabled by default.

The cdr start replicate command was run.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

A replication state change event has happened.

Specific message:

Replication is started on replicate set replicateset_name on server server_name.


This event alarm is disabled by default.

The cdr start replicateset command was run.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

A replication state change event has happened.

Specific message:

Replication is stopped on replicate replicate_name on server server_name.


This event alarm is disabled by default.

The cdr stop replicate command was run.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

A replication state change event has happened.

Specific message:

Replication is stopped on replicate set replicateset_name on server server_name.


This event alarm is disabled by default.

The cdr stop replicateset command was run.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

A replication state change event has happened.

Specific message:

Replication attribute is modified on replicate replicate_name on server server_name


This event alarm is disabled by default.

The cdr modify replicate command was run.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

A replication state change event has happened.

Specific message:

Replication attribute is modified on replicate set replicateset_name on server server_name.


This event alarm is disabled by default.

The cdr modify replicateset command was run.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

A replication state change event has happened.

Specific message:

Change in replicate replicate_name on server server_name: operation action, node[s] participant_name.


This event alarm is disabled by default.

The cdr change replicate command was run to add or delete one or more participants.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

A replication state change event has happened.

Specific message:

Change in replicateset replicateset_name on server server_name: operation action, member[s] replicate_name.


This event alarm is disabled by default.

The cdr change replicateset command was run to add or delete one or more replicates.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

A replication state change event has happened.

Specific message:

Server server_name is deleted.


This event alarm is disabled by default.

The cdr delete server command was run.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

A replication state change event has happened.

Specific message:

Replicate replicate_name is deleted on server server_name.


This event alarm is disabled by default.

The cdr delete replicate command was run.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

A replication state change event has happened.

Specific message:

Replicate set replicateset_name is deleted on server server_name.


This event alarm is disabled by default.

The cdr delete replicateset command was run.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

A replication state change event has happened.

Specific message:

Server server_name is modified.


This event alarm is disabled by default.

The cdr modify server command was run.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

ER: Network connection disconnected.

Specific message:

Network connection was dropped from the server server_name to the server server_name. Connection closed due to an Enterprise Replication administrative activity.

3 The connection was closed as the result of an Enterprise Replication command, such as cdr stop, cdr disconnect server, or cdr delete server.

This event alarm appears on the database server on which the command was run and might or might not appear on the peer server. The peer server might receive event alarm 71 with the specific message that the connection closed for an unknown reason because the administrative control message might not reach the peer server before the connection is closed.

Online Log: A message appears stating: CDR connection to server lost, with the server ID, server name, and that an administrative command was run.

ER State: How replication is affected and how to reestablish the connection depends on which command closed the connection.

  • If the cdr stop command was run, replicated transactions are no longer being captured from this database server.
  • If the cdr disconnect server command was run, replicated transactions continue to be captured and queued.
  • If the cdr delete server command was run, the database server is no longer a participant in the replication domain and no replicated data is captured on or for this database server.

User Action: Solve the issue that prompted the running of the administrative command and reestablish the connection between the servers.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

ER: Network connection disconnected.

Specific message:

Network connection was dropped from the server server_name to the server server_name. Connection closed due to the idle time-out set for the replication server.

3 An idle timeout occurs when there are no replication messages sent between the replication servers for the number of seconds specified as the idle timeout period. The connection is reestablished automatically when replication messages are ready to be sent.

This event alarm appears on both database servers affected by the dropped connection.

Online Log: A message appears stating: CDR connection to server lost, with the server ID, server name, and the reason of idle timeout.

ER State: Replication continues normally.

User Action: None. Replication resumes automatically.

You can increase or eliminate the idle timeout period by using the cdr modify server command.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

ER: Network connection disconnected.

Specific message:

Network connection was dropped from the server server_name to the server server_name. Connection unexpectedly closed for an unknown reason.

3 This event alarm occurs when there is a connection problem not related to Enterprise Replication, such as a network outage or one of the database servers shutting down.

This event alarm might appear on both database servers affected by the dropped connection. This alarm does not appear on a database server that shut down. This alarm might appear when a peer server closed the connection with an administrative activity, in which case that server receives event alarm 71 with the specific message that an administrative activity closed the connection.

Online Log: A message appears stating: CDR connection to server lost, with the server ID, server name.

ER State: Replicated transactions continue to be captured and queued, except on database servers that are shut down. Replicated transactions to and from the affected servers are not transmitted.

User Action: Examine both servers to determine the cause of the dropped connection.

  • If there was a network problem, solve it and restart any database servers that might be shut down. The Enterprise Replication connection reconnects automatically.
  • If there was an administrative action, solve the issue that prompted the running of the administrative command and reestablish the connection between the servers.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

Enterprise replication NIF connection terminated.

Specific message:

Enterprise Replication: Connection to server_name closed. Reason: CDR server server_name not found.

3 The remote server initiated a connection request that was not completed by the local server.

This alarm appears when the remote server has an sqlhosts entry for the local server, but the local server does not have a corresponding sqlhosts entry for the remote server.

This situation can occur when a new server is added to the domain but the local server does not have an entry for that server in its sqlhosts file.

Online Log: The specific message also appears in the online log.

ER State: The new server cannot participate in replication until the sqlhosts entries are correct. Replication between the established replication servers continues normally.

User Action: To solve this issue, update the sqlhosts entry on the local server with the appropriate entry for the remote server. Make sure that all the sqlhosts files are consistent on all replication servers in domain.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

Enterprise replication recovery failed

Specific message:

Server name/id mismatch in sqlhosts file while recovery, recovered name = server_name, id = ID, current name = server_name, id = ID

3 The server information in the sqlhosts file was updated after the server was defined for replication.

This alarm can appear after the following sequence of events:

  1. Replication is stopped on a server because the cdr stop command was run or the server was shut down.
  2. The sqlhosts file was updated.
  3. Replication was attempted to be restarted by running the cdr start command or by starting the server.

Online Log: The specific message also appears in the online log.

ER State: Replication is stopped on this server.

User Action: Update the sqlhosts file to restore the original server information and then restart replication by running the cdr start command or restarting the database server.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

ER: the logical log replay position is not valid. Restart ER with the cdr cleanstart command, and then synchronize the data with the cdr check --repair command.

Specific message:

The replay position (logical log ID log_number and log position log_position) has been overwritten.

4 This event alarm occurs if a database server was shut down or replication was stopped for long enough to fill a logical log. When the database server was restarted or the cdr start command was run, replication failed.

Online Log: The specific message also appears in the online log.

ER State: Replication is stopped on this server.

User Action: Clear the receive queue and restart replication by running the cdr cleanstart command and then synchronize the data by running the cdr check replicateset command with the --repair option.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

ER: the logical log replay position is not valid. Restart ER with the cdr cleanstart command, and then synchronize the data with the cdr check --repair command.

Specific message:

The replay position (logical log ID log_number and log position log_position) is later than the current position.


This event alarm can occur after a point in time restore was performed on the database server. The point in time restore applied log records beyond the current replay position.

Online Log: The specific message also appears in the online log.

ER State: Replication is stopped on this server.

User Action: Clear the receive queue and restart replication by running the cdr cleanstart command and then synchronize the data by running the cdr check replicateset command with the --repair option.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

A replication state change event has happened.

Specific message:

Server server_name is disabled.

3 This event alarm is disabled by default.

The cdr disable server command was run.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

A replication state change event has happened.

Specific message:

Server server_name is enabled.

3 This event alarm is disabled by default.

The cdr enable server command or the cdr check replicateset command with the --enable option was run.

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