Monitor and troubleshooting Enterprise Replication
You can monitor and diagnose problems with the Enterprise Replication system by using several different methods, depending on your needs.
You can monitor the status of Enterprise Replication servers in the following ways:
- Use the cdr view command. Specify one or more subcommands, depending on what information you want to monitor.
- Use the HCL OpenAdmin Tool (OAT) for Informix® with the Replication plug-in.
- Use SQL queries on the system monitoring tables.
- Run onstat commands to view local server information.
- Run the cdr check queue --qname=cntrlq command to determine whether the operation is finished propagating to all servers.
- Run the DBINFO(’cdrsession’) function to determine if a session thread is performing an Enterprise Replication apply or sync operation.
Set the ALARMPROGRAM script to capture event alarms for the following situations:
- Enterprise Replication errors
- The Aborted Transaction Spooling (ATS) and Row Information Spooling (RIS) files
- Dropped connections between replication servers
- Replication state changes caused by Enterprise Replication commands, if state change event alarms are enabled