cdr modify server

The cdr modify server command modifies the Enterprise Replication attributes of a database server.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-cdr modify server--+--------------------------+-------------->
                      |                      (1) |   
                      '-| Connect Option   |-----'   

   '- --idle=timeout-'  '- --mode--+-primary--+-'   

   '- --ats=ats_dir-'  '- --ris=ris_dir-'   

   |                     .-text-. |                 
   '- --atsrisformat--=--+-xml--+-'                 

  1. See Connect Option.
Element Purpose Restrictions Syntax
server_group Name of a database server group to modify. The database server group must be defined in Enterprise Replication.  
timeout Idle timeout for this server. Must be an integer number of minutes. 0 indicates no timeout. The maximum value is 32,767. Integer.
ats_dir Name of Aborted Transaction Spooling directory. Must be a full path name. The path for the directory can be no longer than 256 bytes.

A value of /dev/null (UNIX) or NUL (Windows) prevents ATS file generation.

Follows naming conventions on your operating system.
ris_dir Name of the Row Information Spooling directory. Must be a full path name. The path for the directory can be no longer than 256 bytes.

A value of /dev/null (UNIX) or NUL (Windows) prevents RIS file generation.

Follows naming conventions on your operating system.

The following table describes the options to cdr modify server.

Long Form Short Form Meaning
--ats= -A Activates aborted-transaction spooling for replicate transactions that fail to be applied to the target database.
–atsrisformat= -X Specifies the format of ATS and RIS files:
  • text: ATS and RIS files are generated in standard text format.
  • xml: ATS and RIS files are generated in XML format.
  • both: ATS and RIS files are generated in both standard text format and XML format.
--idle= -i Causes an inactive connection to be terminated after timeout minutes. If time-out is 0, the connection does not time out. The default value is 0.
--mode -m Changes the mode of all replicates using this server:
  • primary: The participant both receives and sends replicated data.
  • readonly: The participant only receives replicated data and does not send replicated data.
  • sendonly: The participant only sends replicated data and does not receive replicated data.
Note: The -m option only affects replicates whose conflict resolution is ignore.
--ris= -R Activates row-information spooling for replicate-row data that fails conflict resolution or encounters replication-order problems.


The cdr modify server command modifies the replication server server_group.

When you run the cdr modify server command, an event alarm with a class ID of 70 is generated, if that event alarm is enabled.

You can run this command from within an SQL statement by using the SQL administration API.


The following example connects to the database server paris and modifies the idle time-out of server group g_rome to 10 minutes. ATS files are generated into the directory /cdr/atsdir in both text and XML format.

cdr modify server -c paris -i 10 -A /cdr/atsdir \
-X both g_rome
The following example connects to the default database server and sets the modes of all participants on g_geometrix to primary:
cdr mod ser -m p g_geometrix

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