The ESQL/C API for smart large objects

The IBM® Informix® ESQL/C API for smart large objects allows an application program to access a smart large object much like an operating-system file.

A smart large object that does not fit into memory does not have to be read into a file and then accessed from a file; it can be accessed one piece at a time. The Informix ESQL/C application program accesses smart large objects through the Informix ESQL/C library functions in the following table.
ESQL/C function Description See
ifx_lo_alter() Alters the storage characteristics of an existing smart large object The ifx_lo_alter() function
ifx_lo_close() Closes an open smart large object The ifx_lo_close() function
ifx_lo_col_info() Retrieves column-level storage characteristics in an LO-specification structure The ifx_lo_col_info() function
ifx_lo_copy_to_file() Copies a smart large object into an operating-system file The ifx_lo_copy_to_file() function
ifx_lo_copy_to_lo() Copies an operating-system file into an open smart large object The ifx_lo_copy_to_lo() function
ifx_lo_create() Creates an LO-pointer structure for a smart large object The ifx_lo_create() function
ifx_lo_def_create_spec() Allocates an LO-specification structure and initializes its fields to null values The ifx_lo_def_create_spec() function
ifx_lo_filename() Returns the generated file name, given an LO-pointer structure and a file specification The ifx_lo_filename() function
ifx_lo_from_buffer() Copies a specified number of bytes from a user-defined buffer into a smart large object The ifx_lo_from_buffer() function
ifx_lo_open() Opens an existing smart large object The ifx_lo_open() function
ifx_lo_read() Reads a specified number of bytes from an open smart large object The ifx_lo_read() function
ifx_lo_readwithseek() Seeks to a specified position in an open smart large object and reads a specified number of bytes The ifx_lo_readwithseek() function
ifx_lo_release() Releases resources committed to a temporary smart large object The ifx_lo_release() function
ifx_lo_seek() Sets the seek position for the next read or write on an open smart large object The ifx_lo_seek() function
ifx_lo_spec_free() Frees the resources allocated to an LO-specification structure The ifx_lo_spec_free() function
ifx_lo_specget_estbytes() Gets the estimated size, in bytes, of the smart large object The ifx_lo_specget_estbytes() function
ifx_lo_specget_extsz() Gets the allocation extent size for the smart large object The ifx_lo_specget_extsz() function
ifx_lo_specget_flags() Gets the create-time flags for the smart large object The ifx_lo_specget_flags() function
ifx_lo_specget_maxbytes() Gets the maximum size for the smart large object The ifx_lo_specget_maxbytes() function
ifx_lo_specset_sbspace() Gets the sbspace name for the smart large object The ifx_lo_specget_sbspace() function
ifx_lo_specset_estbytes() Sets the estimated size, in bytes, of the smart large object The ifx_lo_specset_estbytes() function
ifx_lo_specset_extsz() Sets the allocation extent size for the smart large object The ifx_lo_specset_extsz() function
ifx_lo_specset_flags() Sets the create-time flags for the smart large object The ifx_lo_specset_flags() function
ifx_lo_specset_maxbytes() Sets the maximum size for the smart large object The ifx_lo_specset_maxbytes() function
ifx_lo_specset_sbspace() Sets the sbspace name for the smart large object The ifx_lo_specset_sbspace() function
ifx_lo_stat() Obtains status information for an open smart large object The ifx_lo_stat() function
ifx_lo_stat_atime() Returns the last access time for a smart large object The ifx_lo_stat_atime() function
ifx_lo_stat_cspec() Returns the storage characteristics for a smart large object The ifx_lo_stat_cspec() function
ifx_lo_stat_ctime() Returns the last change-in-status time for the smart large object The ifx_lo_stat_ctime() function
ifx_lo_stat_free() Frees the resources allocated to an LO-status structure The ifx_lo_stat_free() function
ifx_lo_stat_mtime_sec() Returns the last modification time, in seconds, for the smart large object The ifx_lo_stat_mtime_sec() function
ifx_lo_stat_refcnt() Returns the reference count for the smart large object The ifx_lo_stat_refcnt() function
ifx_lo_stat_size() Returns the size of the smart large object The ifx_lo_stat_size() function
ifx_lo_tell() Returns the current seek position of an open smart large object The ifx_lo_tell() function
ifx_lo_to_buffer() Copies a specified number of bytes from a smart large object into a user-defined buffer The ifx_lo_to_buffer() function
ifx_lo_truncate() Truncates a smart large object to a specific offset The ifx_lo_truncate() function
ifx_lo_write() Writes a specified number of bytes to an open smart large object The ifx_lo_write() function
ifx_lo_writewithseek() Seeks to a specified position in an open smart large object and writes a specified number of bytes The ifx_lo_writewithseek() function

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