Environment variable portal

This portal is an index of usage categories for HCL Informix® and UNIX environment variables. The portal contains links to the topics that describe the environment variables.

Because the following table contains a comprehensive list of categories with links to applicable topics. Some environment variables are applicable for more than one category.

Table 1. Uses for environment variables
Functional category Environment variable
Abbreviated year values Specify how to expand literal DATE and DATETIME values: DBCENTURY environment variable
ANSI/ISO SQL compliance Set the case of owner names: ANSIOWNER environment variable

Specify if you want to check for HCL Informix extensions to ANSI-standard SQL syntax: DBANSIWARN environment variable

No default table or routine access privileges for PUBLIC in databases not created WITH LOG MODE ANSI: NODEFDAC environment variable

archecker utility Specify the full path name for the archecker configuration file: AC_CONFIG file environment variable
Buffers Manage the fetch buffer size: FET_BUF_SIZE environment variable

Manage the network size: IFX_NETBUF_SIZE environment variable

Manage the network pool size: IFX_NETBUF_PVTPOOL_SIZE environment variable (UNIX)

Manage the BYTE or TEXT data buffer: DBBLOBBUF environment variable

Cache Control the use of the shared-statement cache on a session: STMT_CACHE environment variable
Client/server Specify the default database server: INFORMIXSERVER environment variable

Specify where shared-memory segments are attached to the client process: INFORMIXSHMBASE environment variable (UNIX)

Specify the stack size for a client process: INFORMIXSTACKSIZE environment variable

Specify locale information, including for the client and server: GLS-related environment variables

Code-set conversion Specify locale and multibyte information: GLS-related environment variables

Specify the location of the concsm.cfg file: INFORMIXCONCSMCFG environment variable

Specify the filename or pathname of the C compiler: INFORMIXC environment variable (UNIX)

Specify the pathname of the map file for C++ programs: INFORMIXCPPMAP environment variable

Specify information for compiling multithreaded IBM® Informix ESQL/C applications: THREADLIB environment variable (UNIX)

Configuration Specify the name of the active that holds configuration parameters: ONCONFIG environment variable

Ignore specified environment variable settings: ENVIGNORE environment variable (UNIX)

Specify the default database server: INFORMIXSERVER environment variable

Specify the dbspaces in which temporary tables are built: DBSPACETEMP environment variable

Manage query optimizer directives: IFX_DIRECTIVES environment variable and IFX_EXTDIRECTIVES environment variable

Modify the value of the OPTCOMPIND configuration parameter: OPTCOMPIND environment variable

Specify the query performance goal for the optimizer: OPT_GOAL environment variable (UNIX)

Specify the degree of parallelism that the database server uses: PDQPRIORITY environment variable

Specify the stack size that is applied to all client processes: INFORMIXSTACKSIZE environment variable

Connecting Set the maximum number of additional connection attempts: INFORMIXCONRETRY environment variable

Set connect time information: INFORMIXCONTIME environment variable

Specify the default database server to for connections: INFORMIXSERVER environment variable

Specify the location of connection information: INFORMIXSQLHOSTS environment variable

Connection Manager Specify the location of the Connection Manager configuration file:CMCONFIG environment variable
Data distributions Manage the amount of system disk space that the UPDATE STATISTICS statement can use: DBUPSPACE environment variable
Database locale Manage locale information: GLS-related environment variables
Database server Specify servers for connections: INFORMIXSERVER environment variable

Set the locale for file I/O: GLS-related environment variables

Specify the name of the active file that holds configuration parameters: ONCONFIG environment variable

Manage parallel sorting: PSORT_DBTEMP environment variable and PSORT_NPROCS environment variable

Manage parallelism: PDQPRIORITY environment variable

Manage role separation: INF_ROLE_SEP environment variable

Manage shared memory: INFORMIXSHMBASE environment variable (UNIX)

Manage stack size: INFORMIXSTACKSIZE environment variable

Manage temporary tables: DBSPACETEMP environment variable, DBTEMP environment variable, and PSORT_DBTEMP environment variable

Manage variable-length packets: IFX_PAD_VARCHAR environment variable

Date and time values, formats Manage date and time information: DBCENTURY environment variable, DBDATE environment variable, DBTIME environment variable, GLS-related environment variables (GL_DATE and GL_DATETIME), The USE_DTENV environment variable, and TZ environment variable
DB-Access utility Manage the database server and DB-Access: DBANSIWARN environment variable, DBDELIMITER environment variable, DBEDIT environment variable. DBFLTMASK environment variable, DBPATH environment variable, FET_BUF_SIZE environment variable, INFORMIXSERVER environment variable, INFORMIXTERM environment variable (UNIX), TERM environment variable (UNIX), TERMCAP environment variable (UNIX), and TERMINFO environment variable (UNIX)
dbexport utility Set the field delimiter: DBDELIMITER environment variable
Delimited identifiers Set the field delimiter used with the dbexport utility and with the LOAD and UNLOAD statements: DBDELIMITER environment variable
Disk space Manage the amount of system disk space and memory that the UPDATE STATISTICS MEDIUM or HIGH statement can use: DBUPSPACE environment variable
Editor Specify the text editor to use with SQL statements and command files in DB-Access: DBEDIT environment variable
Enterprise Replication Specify information for Enterprise Replication: Enterprise Replication configuration parameter and environment variable reference
ESQL/C Specify ANSI compliance: DBANSIWARN environment variable

Specify the filename or pathname of the C compiler to use with ESQL/C: INFORMIXC environment variable (UNIX)

Set delimited identifiers: DELIMIDENT environment variable

Specify multibyte characters and locale information GLS-related environment variables (CLIENT_LOCALE, ESQLMF, and GL_USER)

Specify information for multithreaded applications: THREADLIB environment variable (UNIX)

Specify the default compilation order: CPFIRST environment variable

Executable programs Specify the directories to search for executable programs: PATH environment variable
Fetch buffer size Set buffer size information: FET_BUF_SIZE environment variable
Filenames: multibyte GLS-related environment variables (GLS8BITFSYS)
Files: field delimiter Set the field delimiter: DBDELIMITER environment variable
Files: installation Specify the directory that contains the subdirectories in which your product files are installed: INFORMIXDIR environment variable
Files: locale Specify locale information: GLS-related environment variables (CLIENT_LOCALE, DB_LOCALE, and SERVER_LOCALE)
Files: map for C++ Specify the pathname of the map file for C++ programs: INFORMIXCPPMAP environment variable
Files: message Specify the subdirectory of $INFORMIXDIR or the pathname of the directory that contains the compiled message files that the database server uses: DBLANG environment variable
Files: temporary DBSPACETEMP environment variable
Files: temporary Specify a directory for temporary files: DBTEMP environment variable
Files: temporary sorting Specify the location of temporary files used for sorting: PSORT_DBTEMP environment variable
Files: termcap, terminfo Specify terminal information: INFORMIXTERM environment variable (UNIX), TERM environment variable (UNIX), TERMCAP environment variable (UNIX), and TERMINFO environment variable (UNIX)
Format: date and time Define the format for date and time information: DBCENTURY environment variable, DBDATE environment variable, DBTIME environment variable, GLS-related environment variables (GL_DATE and GL_DATETIME), The USE_DTENV environment variable, and TZ environment variable
Format: private-use characters Set the display width for characters in Unicode Private-Use Area (PUA) ranges: GLS-related environment variables (IFX_PUA_DISPLAY_MAPPING)
Format: money Define the format for money information: DBMONEY environment variableand GLS-related environment variables
Gateways Set information for Gateways: DBTEMP environment variable
High-Performance Loader Specify information for the High-Performance Loader: DBONPLOAD environment variable, , PLOAD_LO_PATH environment variable. and PLOAD_SHMBASE environment variable
Identifiers Specify field delimiters: DELIMIDENT environment variable

Specify information for identifiers longer than 18 bytes: IFX_LONGID environment variable

Specify information for multibyte characters: GLS-related environment variables (CLIENT_LOCALE and ESQLMF)

Installation Specify the directory that contains the subdirectories in which your product files are installed: INFORMIXDIR environment variable

Specify which directories to search for executable programs: PATH environment variable

JDBC Manage environment variables used with JDBC: Informix environment variables with the HCL Informix JDBC Driver
Language environment Specify language and locale information: DBLANG environment variable and GLS-related environment variables
Libraries Specify paths for libraries: LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable (UNIX), LIBPATH environment variable (UNIX), and SHLIB_PATH environment variable (UNIX)
Locale Define client, server, and database locale information: GLS-related environment variables (CLIENT_LOCALE, DB_LOCALE, and SERVER_LOCALE)
Lock mode Set the default lock mode for database tables that are created without specifying the LOCKMODE PAGE or LOCKMODE ROW keywords: IFX_DEF_TABLE_LOCKMODE environment variable
Long Identifiers Specify information for identifiers longer than 18 bytes: IFX_LONGID environment variable
Map file for C++ Specify the pathname of the map file for C++ programs: INFORMIXCPPMAP environment variable
Message chaining Enable or disable optimized message transfers (message chaining) for IBM Informix ESQL/C: OPTMSG environment variable
Message files Specify the directory that contains compiled message files: DBLANG environment variable
Money format Define the format for money information: DBMONEY environment variableand GLS-related environment variables
Multibyte characters Specify information for multibyte characters: GLS-related environment variables (CLIENT_LOCALE, DB_LOCALE, SERVER_LOCALE, and GL_USEGLU)
Multibyte filter Specify Informix ESQL/C multibyte filter information: GLS-related environment variables (ESQLMF)
Multithreaded applications Specify information for compiling multithreaded IBM Informix ESQL/C applications: THREADLIB environment variable (UNIX)
Network Specify network information: DBPATH environment variable
Nondefault locale Define client, server, and database locale information: GLS-related environment variables (CLIENT_LOCALE, DB_LOCALE, and SERVER_LOCALE)
ON-Bar utility Optimize the deduplication capabilities for storage managers: IFX_BAR_USE_DEDUP environment variable

Disable the ability to replicate, import, or export backup objects among TSM servers: IFX_TSM_OBJINFO_OFF environment variable

ONCONFIG parameters Specify the name of the file that holds configuration parameters: ONCONFIG environment variable
oninit output (Windows only) Specify a path and file for oninit output: ONINIT_STDOUT environment variable (Windows)
Optimization: directives Manage query optimizer directives: IFX_DIRECTIVES environment variable and IFX_EXTDIRECTIVES environment variable
Optimization: message transfers Enable or disable optimized message transfers (message chaining) for IBM Informix ESQL/C: OPTMSG environment variable
Optimization: join method Modify the value of the OPTCOMPIND configuration parameter: OPTCOMPIND environment variable
Optimization: performance goal Specify the query performance goal for the optimizer: OPT_GOAL environment variable (UNIX)
OPTOFC feature Enable optimize-OPEN-FETCH-CLOSE functionality: OPTOFC environment variable
PAM authentication for MongoDB clients Enable PAM authentication for MongoDB clients: IFMXMONGOAUTH environment variable
Path name: archecker configuration file Specify the full path name for the archecker configuration file: AC_CONFIG file environment variable
Path name: C compiler Specify the filename or pathname of the C compiler: INFORMIXC environment variable (UNIX)
Path name: database files Specify database server file and path information: DBPATH environment variable
Path name: executable programs Specify directories to search for executable programs: PATH environment variable
Path name: HPL smart-large-object handles Specify the pathname for smart-large-object handles: PLOAD_LO_PATH environment variable
Path name: installation Specify the directory that contains the subdirectories in which your product files are installed: INFORMIXDIR environment variable
Path name: libraries Specify paths for libraries: LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable (UNIX), LIBPATH environment variable (UNIX), and SHLIB_PATH environment variable (UNIX)
Path name: message files Specify the directory that contains compiled message files: DBLANG environment variable and GLS-related environment variables
Path name: parallel sorting Specify the location of temporary files for sorts: PSORT_DBTEMP environment variable
HCL Informix Primary Storage Manager Manage the storage manager: PSM_ACT_LOG environment variable. PSM_CATALOG_PATH environment variable, PSM_DBS_POOL environment variable, PSM_DEBUG environment variable, PSM_DEBUG_LOG environment variable, and PSM_LOG_POOL environment variable
Preserve owner name case Set the case of owner names: ANSIOWNER environment variable
Printing Specify the default printing program: DBPRINT environment variable
Privileges Configure role separation: INF_ROLE_SEP environment variable
Query: optimization Manage query optimizer directives: IFX_DIRECTIVES environment variable and IFX_EXTDIRECTIVES environment variable

Modify the value of the OPTCOMPIND configuration parameter: OPTCOMPIND environment variable

Specify the query performance goal for the optimizer: OPT_GOAL environment variable (UNIX)

Specify user-defined data types can use to estimate the cost of an R-tree index for queries on UDT columnsRTREE_COST_ADJUST_VALUE environment variable

Query: prioritization Specify the degree of parallelism that the database server uses: PDQPRIORITY environment variable
Remote shell Specify information that overrides the default remote shell for performing remote tape operations: DBREMOTECMD environment variable (UNIX)
Role separation Configure role separation: INF_ROLE_SEP environment variable
Rolled-back transactions Manage what the DB-Access utility does when an error occurs: DBACCNOIGN environment variable

Specify whether an internal rollback of a global transaction frees the transaction: IFX_XASTDCOMPLIANCE_XAEND environment variable

Server locale Define the locale of your database server: GLS-related environment variables SERVER_LOCALE
Shared memory Specify where shared-memory segments are attached to the client process: INFORMIXSHMBASE environment variable (UNIX)

Specify the shared-memory address for High Performance Loader (HPL) processes:PLOAD_SHMBASE environment variable

Shell: remote Specify information that overrides the default remote shell for performing remote tape operations: DBREMOTECMD environment variable (UNIX)
Shell: search path Specify which directories to search for executable programs: PATH environment variable
Sorting Specify the location of temporary files for sorts: PSORT_DBTEMP environment variable

Allocate more threads for sorting: PSORT_NPROCS environment variable

SQL statements Specify information for caching: STMT_CACHE environment variable

Specify connection information: INFORMIXCONRETRY environment variable, INFORMIXCONTIME environment variable, and INFORMIXSERVER environment variable

Specify information for CREATE TEMP TABLE operations: DBSPACETEMP environment variable

Specify information for DESCRIBE FOR UPDATE operations: IFX_UPDDESC environment variable

Specify information for LOAD and UNLOAD operations: DBDELIMITER environment variable and DBBLOBBUF environment variable

Specify information for SELECT INTO TEMP operations: DBSPACETEMP environment variable

Specify information for SET PDQPRIORITY operations: PDQPRIORITY environment variable

Specify information for SET STMT_CACHE operations

Specify information for UPDATE STATISTICS operations: DBUPSPACE environment variable

Stack size Define the stack size that is applied to client processes: INFORMIXSTACKSIZE environment variable
Temporary tables Define information for temporary tables: DBSPACETEMP environment variable, DBTEMP environment variable, and PSORT_DBTEMP environment variable
Terminal handling Specify terminal information: INFORMIXTERM environment variable (UNIX), TERM environment variable (UNIX), TERMCAP environment variable (UNIX), and TERMINFO environment variable (UNIX)
Time-limited software license Set information for trial or evaluation software warning messages: IFX_NO_TIMELIMIT_WARNING environment variable
Variables: overriding Deactivate some specified environment variable settings: ENVIGNORE environment variable (UNIX)
Virtual memory segments on large pages Specify whether the database server can use large pages on platforms where the hardware and the operating system support large pages of shared memory: IFX_LARGE_PAGES environment variable
Year values (abbreviated) Specify how to expand DATE and DATETIME values that are entered as abbreviated year values: DBCENTURY environment variable

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