Time series SQL routines sorted by task

Time series SQL routines are sorted into logical areas that are based on the type of task.

Table 1. Time series SQL routines by task type
Task type Description
Get information from a time series

Get space usage and other information: TSInfo function

Get the origin: GetOrigin function

Get the interval: GetInterval function

Get the calendar: GetCalendar function

Get the calendar name: GetCalendarName function

Get the container name: GetContainerName function

Get user-defined metadata: GetMetaData function

Get the metadata type: GetMetaTypeName function

Determine whether a time series is regular: IsRegular function

Get the instance ID if the time series is stored in a container: InstanceId function

Determine whether a time series contains packed data: GetPacked function

Get the frequency of hertz data: GetHertz function

Get the compression type of compressed data: GetCompression function

Convert between a time stamp and an offset Return the offset for the specified timestamp: GetIndex function

Return the time stamp for the specified offset: GetStamp function

Count the number of elements Return the number of elements: GetNelems function

Get the number of elements between two time stamps: ClipGetCount function

Get the number of elements that match the criteria of an arithmetic expression: CountIf function

Select individual elements Get the element associated with the specified time stampGetElem function

Get the element at or before a time stamp: GetLastValid function

Get the element after a time stamp: GetNextValid function

Get the element before a time stamp: GetPreviousValid function

Get the element at a specified position: GetNthElem function

Get the first element: GetFirstElem function

Get the timestamp of the first element: GetFirstElementStamp function

Get the last element: GetLastElem function

Get the timestamp of the last element: GetLastElementStamp function

Get the last non-null element: GetLastNonNull function

Get the next non-null element: GetNextNonNull function

Modify elements or a set of elements Add or update a single element: PutElem function

Add or update a single element: PutElemNoDups function

Add or update a single element at a specified offset (regular only): PutNthElem function

Add or update an entire set: PutSet function

Insert an element: InsElem function

Insert a set: InsSet function

Update an element: UpdElem function

Update a set: UpdSet function

Put every element of one time series into another time series: PutTimeSeries function

Delete elements Delete an element at the specified timepoint: DelElem function

Delete all elements in a time series instance for a specified time range: DelClip function

Delete all elements and free space in a time series instance for a specified time range in any part of a time series: DelRange function

Delete all elements and free space in a time series instance for a specified time range at the end of a time series: DelTrim function

Free empty pages in a specified time range or throughout the time series instance: NullCleanup function

Delete elements through a specified timestamp from one or more containers for one or more time series instances: TSContainerPurge function

Modify metadata Update user-defined metadata: UpdMetaData function
Make elements visible or invisible to a scan Make an element invisible HideElem function

Make a range of elements invisible: HideRange function

Make an element visible: RevealElem function

Make a range of elements visible: RevealRange function

Check for null or hidden elements Determine whether an element is hidden: ElemIsHidden function

Determine whether an element is null: ElemIsNull function

Extract and use part of a time series Extract a period between two time stamps or corresponding to a set of values and run an expression or function on every entry: Apply function

Clip data between two timepoints: Clip function

Clip data from specific columns: ProjectedClip function

Clip a specific number of elements: ClipCount function

Output values in XML format: TSToXML function

Extract a period that includes the specified time or starts or ends at the specified time: WithinC and WithinR functions

Apply a new calendar to a time series Apply a calendar: ApplyCalendar function
Create and load a time series Load data from a client file: BulkLoad function

Create a regular empty time series, a regular populated time series, or a regular time series with metadata: TSCreate function

Create an irregular empty time series, an irregular populated time series, or an irregular time series with metadata: TSCreateIrr function

Load time series data through a loader program Initialize a loader session: TSL_Init function

Open a database session: TSL_Attach function

Specify the definition for new time series: TSL_SetNewTS function

Load data into the database server: TSL_Put function

Load JSON documents into the database server: TSL_PutJson function

Load data from a table into the database server: TSL_PutSQL function

Load a row of data into the database server: TSL_PutRow function

Flush loaded data to disk in a single transaction: TSL_FlushAll function

Flush loaded data to disk in multiple transactions: TSL_Commit function

View information about the last data flush operation: TSL_FlushInfo function

View handles for active loader sessions: TSL_ActiveHandles function

Reset the logging mode: TSL_SetLogMode function

Monitor loading and saving data: TSL_GetLogMessage function, TSL_GetFmtMessage function, and TSL_MessageSet function.

Get the container name for a specific primary key: TSL_GetKeyContainer function

Close a database session: TSL_SessionClose function

Shut down the loader session: TSL_Shutdown procedure

Find the intersection or union of time series Build the intersection of multiple time series and optionally clip the result: Intersect function

Build the union of multiple time series and optionally clip the result: Union function

Iterator functions Convert time series data to tabular form: Transpose function
Aggregate functions Return a list (collection of rows) containing all elements in a time series: TSSetToList function

Return a list of values from the specified column name in the time series: TSColNameToList function

Return a list of values from the specified column number in the time series: TSColNumToList function

Return a list of values that contains the columns of the time series plus non-time-series columns: TSRowToList function

Return a list of values from the specified column name of the time series plus non-time-series columns: TSRowNameToList function

Return a list of values from the specified column number of the time series plus non-time-series columns: TSRowNumToList function

Used within the Apply function to perform statistical calculations on a time series Sum SMALLFLOAT or DOUBLE PRECISION values: TSAddPrevious function

Compute the decay function: TSDecay function

Compute a running average over a specified number of values: TSRunningAvg function

Compute a running correlation between two time series over a specified number of values: TSRunningCor function

Compute a running median over a specified number of values: TSRunningMed function

Compute a running sum over a specified number of values: TSRunningSum function

Compute a running variance over a specified number of values: TSRunningVar function

Compare SMALLFLOAT or DOUBLE PRECISION values: TSCmp function

Return a previously saved value: TSPrevious function

Perform an arithmetic operation on one or two time series Add two time series together: Plus function

Subtract one time series from another: Minus function

Multiply one time series by another: Times function

Divide one time series by another: Divide function

Raise the first argument to the power of the second: Pow function

Get the absolute value: Abs function

Exponentiate the time series: Exp function

Get the natural logarithm of a time series: Logn function

Get the modulus or remainder of a division of one time series by another: Mod function

Negate a time series: Negate function

Return the argument and the argument is bound to the unary + operator: Positive function

Round the time series to the nearest whole number: Round function

Get the square root of the time series: Sqrt function

Get the cosine of the time series: Cos function

Get the sine of the time series: Sin function

Get the tangent of the time series: Tan function

Get the arc cosine of the time series: Acos function

Get the arc sine of the time series: Asin function

Get the arc tangent of the time series: Atan function

Get the arc tangent for two time series: Atan2 function

Apply an arithmetic operation on one or more time series Apply a binary function to a pair of time series, or to a time series and a compatible row type or number: ApplyBinaryTsOp function

Apply a unary function to a time series: ApplyUnaryTsOp function

Apply another function to a set of time series: ApplyOpToTsSet function

Aggregate time series values Aggregate values in a time series from a single row: AggregateBy function

Aggregate values in a time series from a single row over a specified time range: AggregateRange function

Aggregate time series values across multiple rows: TSRollup function

Create a time series that lags Create a time series that lags the source time series by a specified offset (regular only): Lag function
Reset the origin Reset the origin: SetOrigin function
Manage containers Create a container: TSContainerCreate procedure

Delete a container: TSContainerDestroy procedure

Set the container name: SetContainerName function

Specify the container pool for inserting data into a time series: TSContainerPoolRoundRobin function

Add a container into a container pool or remove a container from a container pool: TSContainerSetPool procedure

Delete elements through a specified timestamp from one or more containers: TSContainerPurge function

Control whether multiple sessions write to the container at the same time: TSContainerLock procedure

Change the properties of rolling windows containers: TSContainerManage function

Change the extent sizes of containers: TSContainerManage function

Monitor containers Return the number of elements in one or all containers: TSContainerNElems function

Return the percentage of space that is used in one or all containers: TSContainerPctUsed function

Return the total number of pages that are allocated to one or all containers: TSContainerTotalPages function

Return the number of pages that are used by one or all containers: TSContainerTotalUsed function

Return the number of elements, the number of pages that are used, and the total number of pages that are allocated for one or all containers: TSContainerUsage function

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