Customizing the Replication Server Definition

You can specify replication attributes of a server when you define it.

When you define a replication server, you can specify the following attributes in the cdr define server command:
  • Set the idle timeout.

    To specify the time (in minutes) that you want to allow the connection between two Enterprise Replication servers to remain idle before disconnecting, use the --idle=timeout option.

    You can later change the values of this attribute with the cdr modify server command.

  • Specify the location of the ATS and RIS directories.

    To use ATS, specify the directory for the Aborted Transaction Spooling (ATS) files for the server using --ats=dir or--ris=dir . To prevent either ATS or RIS file generation, set the directory to /dev/null (UNIX) or NUL (Windows).

    You can later change the values of these attributes with the cdr modify server command.

  • Specify the format of the ATS and RIS files.

    Use the –atsrisformat=type option to specify whether the ATS and RIS files are generated in text format, XML format, or both formats.

    You can later change the values of this attribute with the cdr modify server command.

  • Specify the type of server if you are using hierarchical replication:
    • To specify the server as a nonroot server, use the --nonroot option.
    • To specify the server as a leaf server, use the --leaf option.

    If neither --leaf nor --nonroot is specified, the server is defined as a root server. The parent server is the server specified by the --sync=sync_server option.

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