List of Expressions
Each category of SQL expression includes many individual expressions.
The following table lists all the SQL expressions
(and some operators) in alphabetical order. The columns in this table
have the following meanings:
- Name gives the name of each expression.
- Description gives a short description of each expression.
- Syntax lists the page that shows the syntax of the expression.
- Usage shows the page that describes the usage of the expression.
Name | Description | Syntax | Usage |
ABS function | Returns absolute value of a numeric argument | Algebraic Functions | ABS Function |
ACOS function | Returns the arc cosine of a numeric argument | Trigonometric Functions | ACOS Function |
ACOSH function | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the specified numeric input | Trigonometric Functions | ACOSH Function |
ADD_MONTHS function | Adds a specified number of months | Time Functions | ADD_MONTHS Function |
Addition ( + ) operator | Returns the sum of two numeric operands | Expression | Arithmetic Operators |
ASCII function | Returns the ASCII codepoint of the first character in its string argument | String-Manipulation Functions | ASCII Function |
ASIN function | Returns the arc sine of a numeric argument | Trigonometric Functions | ASIN Function |
ASINH function | Returns the arc hyperbolic sine of the specified numeric input | Trigonometric Functions | ASINH Function |
ATAN function | Returns the arc tangent of numeric argument | Trigonometric Functions | ATAN Function |
ATAN2 function | Calculates the angular component of polar coordinate arguments | Trigonometric Functions | ATAN2 Function |
ATANH function | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the specified numeric input | Trigonometric Functions | ATANH Function |
AVG function | Returns the mean of a set of numeric values | Aggregate Expressions | AVG Function |
BITAND | Returns the bitwise AND of two arguments | Bitwise Logical Functions | BITAND Function |
BITANDNOT | Returns the bitwise ANDNOT of two arguments | Bitwise Logical Functions | BITANDNOT Function |
BITNOT | Returns the bitwise NOT of two arguments | Bitwise Logical Functions | BITNOT Function |
BITOR | Returns the bitwise OR of two arguments | Bitwise Logical Functions | BITOR Function |
BITXOR | Returns the bitwise XOR of two arguments | Bitwise Logical Functions | BITXOR Function |
CARDINALITY function | Returns the number of elements in a collection data type (SET, MULTISET, or LIST) | CARDINALITY Function | CARDINALITY Function |
CASE expression | Returns a value that depends on which of several conditional tests evaluates to true | CASE Expressions | CASE Expressions |
CAST expression | Converts an expression to a specified data type | CAST Expressions | CAST Expressions |
Cast ( :: ) operator | See "Double-colon ( :: ) cast operator" | CAST Expressions | CAST Expressions |
CEIL function | Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to its single argument | Algebraic Functions | CEIL Function |
CHARACTER_ LENGTH function | See CHAR_LENGTH function. (In multibyte locales, this replaces the LENGTH function.) | Length functions | CHAR_LENGTH Function |
CHAR_LENGTH function | Returns count of logical characters in a string argument | Length functions | CHAR_LENGTH Function |
CHARINDEX function | Returns the location of a substring within a string | CHARINDEX function | CHARINDEX function |
CHR | Returns a code point in the range 0 through 255 from the default code set | String-Manipulation Functions | CHR Function |
COALESCE function | Returns the first non-NULL value from a series of expressions | COALESCE Function | COALESCE Function |
Column expression | Column value from a table | Column Expressions | Column Expressions |
CONCAT operator function | Concatenates the results of two expressions | String-Manipulation Functions | CONCAT Function |
Concatenation ( || ) operator | Concatenates the results of two expressions | Expression | Concatenation Operator |
Constant expression | Expression with a literal, fixed, or variant value | Constant Expressions | Constant Expressions |
COS function | Returns the cosine of a radian expression | Trigonometric Functions | COS Function |
COSH function | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the argument, where the argument is an angle expressed in radians | Trigonometric Functions | COSH function |
COUNT (as a set of functions) | Functions that return frequency counts Each form of the COUNT function is listed below. | Aggregate Expressions | Overview of COUNT Functions |
COUNT (ALL column) function | See COUNT (column) function. | Aggregate Expressions | COUNT column Function |
COUNT (column) function | Returns the number of non-NULL values in a specified column | Aggregate Expressions | COUNT column Function |
COUNT DISTINCT function | Returns the number of unique non-NULL values in a specified column | Aggregate Expressions | COUNT DISTINCT and COUNT UNIQUE functions |
COUNT UNIQUE function | See COUNT DISTINCT function. | Aggregate Expressions | COUNT DISTINCT and COUNT UNIQUE functions |
COUNT (*) function | Returns the cardinality of the set of rows that satisfy a query | Aggregate Expressions | COUNT(*) function |
CUME_DIST function | Returns percentile rankings for each row in an OLAP partition | OLAP ranking function expressions | CUME_DIST function |
CURRENT operator | Returns the current time as a DATETIME value that consists of the date and the time of day | Constant Expressions | CURRENT Operator |
CURRENT_ROLE operator | Returns the currently enabled role of the user | Constant Expressions | CURRENT_ROLE Operator |
CURRENT_USER operator | Returns the authorization identifier of the user. Synonym for USER operator. | Constant Expressions | USER or CURRENT_USER Operator |
sequence.CURRVAL | Returns the current value of specified sequence | Constant Expressions | Using CURRVAL |
DATE function | Converts a nondate argument to a DATE value | Time Functions | DATE Function |
DAY function | Returns the day of the month as an integer | Time Functions | DAY Function |
DBINFO (option) | Functions for retrieving database and session information. Each option is listed below. | DBINFO Function | DBINFO Options |
DBINFO ('bigserial') | Returns most recently inserted BIGSERIAL value | DBINFO Function | Using the 'serial8' and 'bigserial' options |
DBINFO ('cdrsession') | Shows whether a DML operation is part of a replicated transaction | DBINFO Function | Using the 'cdrsession' option |
DBINFO ('dbhostname') | Returns the host name of the database server to which a client application is connected | DBINFO Function | Using the 'dbhostname' Option |
DBINFO ('dbname') | Returns the identifier of the database to which a client application is connected | DBINFO Function | Using the 'dbname' Option |
DBINFO ('dbspace', tblspace_number) | Returns the name of a dbspace corresponding to a tblspace number | DBINFO Function | Using the ('dbspace', tblspace_num) Option |
DBINFO ('get_tz' ) | Returns the time zone of the current session | DBINFO Function | Using the 'get_tz' Option |
DBINFO ('serial8') | Returns most recently inserted SERIAL8 value | DBINFO Function | Using the 'serial8' and 'bigserial' options |
DBINFO ('sessionid') | Returns the session ID of the current session | DBINFO Function | Using the 'sessionid' Option |
DBINFO ('sqlca.sqlerrd1') | Returns the last serial value inserted in a table | DBINFO Function | Using the 'sqlca.sqlerrd1' Option |
DBINFO ('sqlca.sqlerrd2') | Returns the number of rows processed by DML statements, and by EXECUTE PROCEDURE and EXECUTE FUNCTION statements | DBINFO Function | Using the 'sqlca.sqlerrd2' Option |
DBINFO ('utc_current') | Returns the current Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) value. | DBINFO Function | Using the 'utc_current' Option |
DBINFO ('utc_to_datetime', expression) | Returns the DATETIME value of an integer or column expression that specifies a UTC value. | DBINFO Function | Using the 'utc_to_datetime' Option |
DBINFO ('version', parameter) | Returns all or part, as specified by the parameter, of the exact version of the database server to which the client application is connected. | DBINFO Function | Using the 'version' Option |
DBSERVERNAME function | Returns the name of the database server | Constant Expressions | DBSERVERNAME and SITENAME Operators |
DECODE function | Evaluates one or more expression pairs and compares the when expression in each pair with a specified value expression | DECODE Function | DECODE Function |
DECRYPT_ BINARY function | Returns a plain-text BLOB data value after processing an encrypted BLOB argument | Encryption and decryption functions | DECRYPT_BINARY Function |
DECRYPT_CHAR function | Returns a plain-text string or CLOB after processing an encrypted argument | Encryption and decryption functions | DECRYPT_CHAR Function |
DEFAULT_ROLE operator | Returns the default role of the current user | Constant Expressions | DEFAULT_ROLE Operator |
DEGREES function | Converts units of radians to degrees | Trigonometric Functions | DEGREES function |
DELETING Boolean operator | Returns 't' if triggering event is a DELETE | Trigger-Type Boolean Operator | Trigger-Type Boolean Operator |
DENSERANK function | Synonym for the DENSE_RANK function | OLAP ranking function expressions | DENSE_RANK function |
DENSE_RANK function | Ranks each row in an OLAP partition, with no gaps in ranks | OLAP ranking function expressions | DENSE_RANK function |
Division ( / ) operator | Returns the quotient of two numeric operands | Expression | Arithmetic Operators |
Double-colon ( :: ) cast operator | Converts the value of an expression to a specified data type | CAST Expressions | CAST Expressions |
Double-pipe ( || ) concatenation operator | Returns a string that joins one string operand to another string operand | Expression | Concatenation Operator |
ENCRYPT_AES function | Returns an encrypted string or BLOB after processing a plain-text string, BLOB, or CLOB | Encryption and decryption functions | ENCRYPT_AES Function |
ENCRYPT_TDES function | Returns an encrypted string or BLOB after processing a plain-text string, BLOB, or CLOB | Encryption and decryption functions | ENCRYPT_TDES Function |
EXP function | Returns the exponent of a numeric expression | Exponential and Logarithmic Functions | EXP Function |
EXTEND function | Resets precision of DATETIME or DATE value | Time Functions | EXTEND Function |
FILETOBLOB function | Creates a BLOB value from data stored in a specified operating-system file | Smart-Large-Object Functions | FILETOBLOB and FILETOCLOB Functions |
FILETOCLOB function | Creates a CLOB value from data stored in a specified operating-system file | Smart-Large-Object Functions | FILETOBLOB and FILETOCLOB Functions |
FIRST_VALUE function | Returns the value of a specified expression for the first row in each OLAP window partition | OLAP aggregation function expressions | LAST_VALUE function |
FLOOR function | Returns the largest integer that is smaller than or equal to its single argument | Algebraic Functions | FLOOR Function |
FORMAT_UNITS function | Returns a character string that specifies a number and abbreviated units of memory or of storage | FORMAT_UNITS Function | FORMAT_UNITS Function |
GETHINT function | Returns a plain-text hint string after processing an encrypted data-string argument | Encryption and decryption functions | GETHINT Function |
GREATEST function | Returns the maximum value in a set of values | Algebraic Functions | GREATEST function |
HEX function | Returns the hexadecimal encoding of a base-10 integer argument | HEX Function | HEX Function |
Host variable | See Variable. | Expression | Expression |
IFX_ALLOW_ NEWLINE function | Sets a newline session mode that allows or disallows newline characters in quoted strings | IFX_ALLOW_NEWLINE Function | IFX_ALLOW_NEWLINE Function |
INITCAP function | Converts a string argument to a string in which only the initial letter of each word is uppercase | Case-Conversion Functions | INITCAP Function |
INSERTING Boolean operator | Returns 't' if triggering event is an INSERT | Trigger-Type Boolean Operator | Trigger-Type Boolean Operator |
INSTR function | Returns position of Nth occurrence of a substring within a string | INSTR function | INSTR function |
LAG function | Returns an expression value for the row at a specified offset before the current row in an OLAP partition | OLAP ranking function expressions | LAG and LEAD functions |
LAST_DAY function | Returns the date of the last day of the month that its argument specifies | Time Functions | LAST_DAY Function |
LAST_VALUE function | Returns the value of a specified expression for the last row in an OLAP window partition | OLAP aggregation function expressions | LAST_VALUE function |
LEAD function | Returns an expression value for the row at a specified offset after the current row in an OLAP partition | OLAP ranking function expressions | LAG and LEAD functions |
LEAST function | Returns the minimum value in a set of values | Algebraic Functions | LEAST function |
LEFT function | Returns the leftmost N characters of a string | LEFT function | LEFT function |
LEN function | Synonym for the LENGTH function | Length functions | LENGTH Function |
LENGTH function | Returns the number of bytes in a character column, not including trailing blank spaces | Length functions | LENGTH Function |
LIST collection constructor | Constructor for ordered collections that can contain duplicate values | Collection Constructors | Collection Constructors |
Literal BOOLEAN | Literal representation of a BOOLEAN value | Constant Expressions | Constant Expressions |
Literal collection | Represents elements in a collection data type | Constant Expressions | Literal Collection |
Literal DATETIME | Represents a DATETIME value | Constant Expressions | Literal DATETIME |
Literal INTERVAL | Represents an INTERVAL value | Constant Expressions | Literal INTERVAL |
Literal number | Represents a numeric value | Constant Expressions | Literal Number |
Literal opaque type | Represents an opaque data type | Constant Expressions | Constant Expressions |
Literal row | Represents the elements in a ROW data type | Constant Expressions | Literal Row |
LN | Returns the natural logarithm of a numeric argument | Exponential and Logarithmic Functions | LN function |
LOCOPY function | Creates a copy of a smart large object | Smart-Large-Object Functions | LOCOPY Function |
LOG10 function | Returns the base-10 logarithm of a numeric argument | Exponential and Logarithmic Functions | LOG10 Function |
LOGN function | Returns the natural logarithm of a numeric argument | Exponential and Logarithmic Functions | LOGN Function |
LOTOFILE function | Copies a BLOB or CLOB object to a file | Smart-Large-Object Functions | LOTOFILE Function |
LOWER function | Converts uppercase letters to lowercase | Case-Conversion Functions | LOWER Function |
LPAD function | Returns a string that is left-padded by a specified number of pad characters | String-Manipulation Functions | LPAD Function |
LTRIM function | Removes specified leading pad characters from a string. | String-Manipulation Functions | LTRIM Function |
MAX function | Returns the largest in a specified set of values | Aggregate Expressions | MAX Function |
MDY function | Returns a DATE value from integer arguments | Time Functions | MDY Function |
MIN function | Returns the smallest in a specified set of values | Aggregate Expressions | MIN Function |
MOD function | Returns the modulus (the integer-division remainder value) from two numeric arguments | Algebraic Functions | MOD Function |
MONTH function | Returns the month value from a DATE or DATETIME argument | Time Functions | MONTH Function |
MONTHS_ BETWEEN function | Returns the difference in months between two time arguments | Time Functions | MONTHS_BETWEEN Function |
Multiplication ( * ) operator | Returns the product of two numeric operands | Expression | Arithmetic Operators |
MULTISET collection constructor | Constructor for a non-ordered collection of elements that can contain duplicate value | Collection Constructors | Collection Constructors |
NEXT_DAY function | Returns the earliest calendar date that satisfies both of two conditions | Time Functions | NEXT_DAY Function |
sequence.NEXTVAL | Increments value of the specified sequence | Constant Expressions | Using NEXTVAL |
NTILE function | Classifies the rows in an OLAP partition into N ranked categories, called tiles, of similar cardinalities | OLAP ranking function expressions | NTILE function |
NULL keyword | Unknown, missing, or logically undefined value | NULL Keyword | NULL Keyword |
NULLIF function | Returns NULL if both arguments are equal | NULLIF Function | NULLIF Function |
NVL function | Returns the value of a not-NULL argument, or a specified value if the argument is NULL | NVL Function | NVL Function |
NVL2 function | Returns the second argument when the first argument is not NULL | NVL2 Function | NVL2 Function |
OCTET_LENGTH function | Returns the number of bytes in a character column, including any trailing blank spaces | Length functions | OCTET_LENGTH Function |
PERCENT_RANK function | Returns a ranking value for each row in an OLAP window partition, normalized to a range from 0 to 1 | OLAP ranking function expressions | PERCENT_RANK function |
POW function | Raises a base value to a specified power | Algebraic Functions | POW Function |
Power® function | Synonym for POW function | Algebraic Functions | POW Function |
Procedure-call expression | See user-defined function. | User-Defined Functions | User-Defined Functions |
Program variable | See variable. | Expression | Expression |
QUARTER function | Returns the calendar quarter of a DATE or DATETIME value | Time Functions | QUARTER Function |
Quoted string | Literal character string | Constant Expressions | Quoted String |
RADIANS function | Converts units of degrees to radians | Trigonometric Functions | RADIANS function |
RANGE function | Returns the range of a specified set of values | Aggregate Expressions | RANGE Function |
RANK | Returns an ordinal number to rank each row in an OLAP window | OLAP ranking function expressions | RANK function |
RATIOTOREPORT function | Synonym for the RATIO_TO_REPORT function | OLAP aggregation function expressions | RATIO_TO_REPORT function |
RATIO_TO_REPORT function | Returns the fractional ratio of each row value to the sum for all rows in the same OLAP window partition | OLAP aggregation function expressions | RATIO_TO_REPORT function |
REPLACE function | Replaces specified characters in a source string | String-Manipulation Functions | REPLACE Function |
REVERSE | Reverses the order of characters in a source string | String-Manipulation Functions | REVERSE function |
RIGHT function | Returns the N rightmost characters from a source string | RIGHT function | RIGHT function |
ROOT function | Returns a real, positive, Nth root value of a numeric argument | Algebraic Functions | ROOT Function |
ROUND function | Returns the rounded value of an argument | Algebraic Functions | ROUND Function |
ROW constructor | Constructor for a named ROW data type | Constructor Expressions | ROW constructors |
ROWNUMBER function | Synonym for the ROW_NUMBER function | OLAP numbering function expression | OLAP numbering function expression |
ROW_NUMBER function | Returns sequential integers for each row in an OLAP window partition | OLAP numbering function expression | OLAP numbering function expression |
RPAD function | Returns a string right-padded by a specified number of pad characters | String-Manipulation Functions | RPAD Function |
RTRIM function | Removes trailing blank pad characters from a string | String-Manipulation Functions | RTRIM Function |
SECLABEL_BY_ COMP function | Returns the security label whose components are the arguments | Security Label Support Functions | SECLABEL_BY_COMP Function |
SECLABEL_BY_ NAME function | Returns the security label whose identifier is the argument | Security Label Support Functions | SECLABEL_BY_NAME Function |
SECLABEL_TO_ CHAR function | Returns the security label whose string format is the argument | Security Label Support Functions | SECLABEL_TO_CHAR Function |
SELECTING Boolean operator | Returns 't' if triggering event is a SELECT | Trigger-Type Boolean Operator | Trigger-Type Boolean Operator |
SET collection constructor | Constructor for an unordered collection of unique elements | Collection Constructors | Collection Constructors |
SIGN function | Returns an indicator of the sign of the numeric argument | SIGN function | SIGN function |
SIN function | Returns the sine of a radians argument | Trigonometric Functions | SIN Function |
SINH function | Returns the hyperbolic sine of a radians argument | Trigonometric Functions | SINH function |
SITENAME function | See DBSERVERNAME function. | Constant Expressions | DBSERVERNAME and SITENAME Operators |
SLV expression | A statement-local variable (SLV) whose scope is the SQL statement that declares it | Statement-Local Variable Declaration | Statement-Local Variable Expressions |
SPACE function | Returns a string of N blank characters | String-Manipulation Functions | SPACE function |
SPL routine expression | See "User-defined functions" | User-Defined Functions | User-Defined Functions |
SPL variable | SPL variable that stores an expression | Expression | Expression |
SQLCODE function | Returns sqlca.sqlcode value to an SPL UDR | SQLCODE Function (SPL) | SQLCODE Function (SPL) |
SQRT function | Returns the square root of a numeric argument | Algebraic Functions | SQRT Function |
STDEV function | Returns the standard deviation of a data set | Aggregate Expressions | STDEV Function |
SUBSTR function | Returns a substring of a source string | SUBSTR function | SUBSTR function |
SUBSTRB function | Returns a substring of a source string | SUBSTRB function | SUBSTRB function |
SUBSTRING function | Returns a substring of a source string | SUBSTRING function | SUBSTRING function |
SUBSTRING_INDEX function | Returns a substring that includes the Nth occurrence of a delimiter | SUBSTRING_INDEX function | SUBSTRING_INDEX function |
Substring ( [ x, y ] ) operator | Returns a substring from a string operand | Column Expressions | Using the Substring Operator |
Subtraction ( - ) operator | Returns the difference between two numbers | Expression | Arithmetic Operators |
SUM function | Returns the sum of a specified set of values | Aggregate Expressions | SUM Function |
SYSDATE operator | Returns the current DATETIME value from the system clock. | Constant Expressions | SYSDATE Operator |
TAN function | Returns the tangent of a radians expression | Trigonometric Functions | TAN Function |
TANH function | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a radians argument | Trigonometric Functions | TANH Function |
TO_CHAR function | Converts a time or number to a character string | Time Functions | TO_CHAR Function |
TO_DATE function | Converts a character string to a DATETIME value | Time Functions | TO_DATE Function |
TO_NUMBER function | Converts a number or a character string to a DECIMAL value | TO_NUMBER Function | TO_NUMBER Function |
TODAY operator | Returns the current system date | Constant Expressions | TODAY Operator |
TRIM function | Drops blank pad characters from a character string argument | String-Manipulation Functions | TRIM Function |
TRUNC function | Returns a truncated numeric or time value | Algebraic Functions | TRUNC Function |
Unary minus ( - ) sign | Specifies a negative ( < 0 ) numeric value | Expression | Arithmetic Operators |
Unary plus ( + ) sign | Specifies a positive ( > 0 ) numeric value . | Expression | Arithmetic Operators |
UNITS operator | Convert an integer to an INTERVAL value | Constant Expressions | UNITS Operator |
UPDATING Boolean operator | Returns 't' if triggering event is an UPDATE | Trigger-Type Boolean Operator | Trigger-Type Boolean Operator |
UPPER function | Converts lowercase letters to uppercase | Case-Conversion Functions | UPPER Function |
User-defined aggregate | Aggregate that a user defines (as opposed to a built-in aggregate) | User-Defined Aggregates | User-Defined Aggregates |
User-defined function | Function that a user writes (as opposed to a built-in function) | User-Defined Functions | User-Defined Functions |
USER operator | Returns the authorization identifier of the current user | Constant Expressions | USER or CURRENT_USER Operator |
Variable | Host or program variable that stores a value | Expression | Expression |
VARIANCE function | Returns the variance for a set of numeric values | Aggregate Expressions | VARIANCE Function |
WEEKDAY function | Returns an integer code for the day of the week | Time Functions | WEEKDAY Function |
Window aggregate functions | Return aggregate results from OLAP window partitions | OLAP window expressions | OLAP window aggregate functions |
YEAR function | Returns a 4-digit integer representing a year | Time Functions | YEAR Function |
* symbol | See "Multiplication ( * ) operator" | Expression | Arithmetic Operators |
+ symbol | See "Addition" and "Unary plus ( + ) sign" | Expression | Arithmetic Operators |
- symbol | See "Subtraction" and "Unary minus ( - ) sign" | Expression | Arithmetic Operators |
/ symbol | See "Division operator" | Expression | Arithmetic Operators |
:: symbols | See "Double-colon ( :: ) cast operator" | CAST Expressions | CAST Expressions |
|| symbol | See "Double-pipe ( || ) concatenation operator" | Expression | Concatenation Operator |
[ first, last ] symbols | See "Substring operator" | Column Expressions | Using the Substring Operator |
Sections that follow describe the syntax and usage of each expression that appears in the preceding table.