What's new in HCL Informix Warehouse Accelerator, Version 12.10

This publication includes information about new features and changes in existing functionality.

For a complete list of what's new in this release, go to What's new in Informix®.

Table 1. What's New in HCL Informix Warehouse Accelerator for HCL Informix Version 12.10.xC6
Overview Reference
Enhanced monitoring of HCL Informix Warehouse Accelerator queries

When you run the ondwa tasks command to monitor Informix Warehouse Accelerator queries, the command now displays client session information for running queries and basic information about queued queries. The client session information includes the session ID and the server number to which the client is connected.

ondwa tasks command
Table 2. What's New in HCL Informix Warehouse Accelerator for HCL Informix Version 12.10.xC5
Overview Reference
Enhancements to Informix Warehouse Accelerator

Informix Warehouse Accelerator has the following enhancements:

  • You can now accelerate queries that include these scalar functions: CURRENT, SQRT, and SYSDATE.
  • You can now view information about existing data marts in the accelerators by running the ondwa listmarts command.
  • You can now load data marts faster by adding a second DWAVP virtual processor. The DWAVP virtual processor runs Informix Warehouse Accelerator administrative functions and procedures. A DWAVP virtual processor is automatically allocated when the first Informix Warehouse Accelerator related activity occurs. In systems with significant data mart administration activity, you can define a second DWAVP virtual processor to speed the loading of data marts.
Supported functions and expressions

ondwa listmarts command

Preparing the Informix database server

Table 3. What's New in HCL Informix Warehouse Accelerator for HCL Informix Version 12.10.xC3
Overview Reference
Accelerate warehouse queries in-memory using data from multiple sources

You can use synonyms and views to combine data from multiple sources, including JSON and time series data. The synonyms and views can include references to a local table, a table in a different database on the same instance, or a remote table (table in a different database and different instance). The usage of synonyms and views might require changes to the uniquecheck parameter on the use_dwa environment variable.

You now reference tables in different databases, tables in databases of the same Informix instance, or tables in a different Informix instance.

Types of tables for acceleration

Example: in-memory acceleration of JSON

Table 4. What's New in HCL Informix Warehouse Accelerator for HCL Informix Version 12.10.xC2
Overview Reference
Accelerate queries on time series data

You accelerate queries on time series data by creating data marts that are based on time series virtual tables.

You can define virtual partitions so that you can quickly refresh the data in part of the data mart or continuously refresh the data. You can make queries faster by limiting the amount of data in the data mart to specific time intervals.

Data marts for time series data

Example: Continuous refresh of accelerated time series data

Load data from external tables into data marts

You can load data directly from external tables into an Informix Warehouse Accelerator data mart. You no longer need to load data from external tables into an Informix database before you transfer the data to Informix Warehouse Accelerator.

Load data from external tables
Table 5. What's New in HCL Informix Warehouse Accelerator for HCL Informix Version 12.10.xC1
Overview Reference
Continuously refresh the data in data marts

If your business requires that the data in your warehouse is always synchronized with the data in your database, you can configure the continuous refreshing of data in your data marts. This continuous synchronization process is sometimes referred to as trickle feed. You run the ifx_setupTrickleFeed() function to start refreshing the data in the data mart at the frequency that you specify.

You can refresh data when you choose in a data mart by running the ifx_refreshMart() function. The ifx_refreshMart() function checks for data changes in individual partitions and refreshes the changed partitions.

ifx_setupTrickleFeed() function

ifx_refreshMart() function

Required privileges for administering Informix Warehouse Accelerator

To administer Informix Warehouse Accelerator with Informix Warehouse Accelerator SQL routines, Java™ classes, the HCL OpenAdmin Tool (OAT) for Informix or Informix Smart Analytics Optimizer Studio, a user must be user informix, have the DBA role, or have the WAREHOUSE privilege. Previously, any user was allowed to administer Informix Warehouse Accelerator. User informix, or a user with ADMIN or GRANT privilege for SQL administration API commands, can grant the WAREHOUSE privilege by running the admin() or task() function with the grant admin and WAREHOUSE arguments.

Permissions for administering Informix Warehouse Accelerator
New SQL routines for administering the Informix Warehouse Accelerator

Informix Warehouse Accelerator includes new functions and procedures that you can use from any SQL client to perform administrative tasks. For example, you can use functions to create a data mart, to load a data mart, or to gather accelerator metrics.

The names of all Informix Warehouse Accelerator routines now start with the ifx_ prefix: for example, ifx_createMart().

SQL administration routines
Enhanced query acceleration
Informix Warehouse Accelerator was enhanced with the following capabilities:
  • When you combine multiple queries with UNION or UNION ALL operations, each of the queries is considered for acceleration and is accelerated if it qualifies.
  • You can use ANSI SQL Standard OLAP window functions and aggregates in your warehouse queries. When the query matches a data mart and qualifies to run in Informix Warehouse Accelerator, Informix uses the Informix Warehouse Accelerator for the underlying SELECT, JOIN, and PROJECT operations. The Informix database server then evaluates the OLAP expressions and the ORDER BY clause before returning the results to the application.
  • When you sort query results with the ORDER BY clause, you can use the new keyword options of NULLS FIRST or NULLS LAST to specify the NULL ordering. Earlier Informix releases treated NULL as the lowest value and sorted it accordingly.
Queries that benefit from acceleration

Query block example: Average employee sales

Query block example: Sales count

Ascending and Descending Orders

Administer Informix Warehouse Accelerator with HCL OpenAdmin Tool (OAT) for Informix

You can now use OAT to administer Informix Warehouse Accelerator. You can create an accelerator, monitor the status of an accelerator, and view the data marts that are associated with an accelerator on the OAT Warehouse Accelerator page.

For more information, view the online help.

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