onstat Portal: onstat Utility Commands Sorted by Functional Category
The information in this topic lists onstat commands that are sorted by functional category.
Category List
- onstat Utility Archive Information Options
- onstat Utility Cache Information Options
- onstat Utility Compression Options
- onstat Utility Debugging Options
- onstat Utility Enterprise Replication Options
- onstat Utility High-Availability Replication Options
- onstat Utility Informix Warehouse Accelerator Options
- onstat Utility I/O Options
- onstat Utility Locks and Latches Options
- onstat Utility Logs Options
- onstat Utility Memory Options
- onstat Utility Network Options
- onstat Utility Performance Checks (First Tier)
- onstat Utility Performance Checks (Second Tier)
- onstat Utility Table Options
- onstat Utility Thread Options
- onstat Utility User/Session Options
- onstat Utility Virtual Processor Options
- onstat Utility Waiting Options
- Other Useful onstat Utility Options
onstat Utility Archive Information Options
Use the following onstat options to display information about archives and restores.
Commands | Reference |
onstat -D | Prints chunk I/O activity. Prints dbspace read/write activity for monitoring restore progress. onstat -D command: Print page-read and page-write information |
onstat -g arc | Prints the last committed and any ongoing backups for each dbspace. |
onstat Utility Cache Information Options
Use the following onstat options to display information about caches and cached data, including buffer pools.
Commands | Reference |
onstat -b | Prints buffer pages in use. onstat -b command: Print buffer information for buffers in use |
onstat -B | Prints information about used buffers. |
onstat -F | Prints state of buffer queue cleaners and I/O. |
onstat -g cac | Prints summary and detailed information about all memory caches or about the specified cache. |
onstat -g dic | Prints data dictionary cache, containing system catalog data for tables. Prints one line of information for each table that is cached in the shared-memory dictionary. For more information, see your HCL Informix Performance Guide. |
onstat -g dsc | Prints table distribution statistics for the optimizer. onstat -g dsc command: Print distribution cache information. |
onstat -g prc | Prints the stored procedure (SPL) routine cache. Prints information about SPL routine cache. onstat -g prc command: Print sessions using UDR or SPL routines |
onstat -g ssc | Prints the number of times that the database server reads the SQL statement in the cache. Displays the same output as onstat -g cac. For more information, see improving query performance in the HCL Informix Performance Guide. |
onstat -g vpcache | Prints CPU virtual processor memory cache. |
onstat -h | Prints buffer hash chain information. onstat -h command: Print buffer header hash chain information |
onstat -p | Prints global (server) information regarding the effectiveness of buffer pool caching. |
onstat -X | Prints threads that are waiting for buffers. |
onstat Utility Compression Options
Use the following onstat options to print compression information.
Commands | Reference |
onstat -g dsk | Prints progress of currently running compression operations. onstat -g dsk command: Print the progress of the currently running compression operation |
onstat -g ppd | Prints partition compression dictionary information. onstat -g ppd command: Print partition compression dictionary information |
onstat Utility Debugging Options
Use the following onstat options to display information that is useful for debugging problems with the server.
Commands | Reference |
onstat -g dmp | Prints raw memory at a specified address for a number of given bytes. |
onstat -g src |
Searches for patterns in shared memory. Note that memory is byte-swapped on Intel platforms. |
onstat -o | Prints shared memory contents to a file. |
onstat Utility Enterprise Replication Options
Use the following onstat options to track Enterprise Replication statistics and to provide troubleshooting information. For additional information about Enterprise Replication see the cdr view and cdr view profile commands that are described in the IBM Informix Enterprise Replication Guide.
Commands | Reference |
onstat -g cat | Prints information from the Enterprise Replication global catalog. The global catalog contains a summary of information about the defined servers, replicates, and replicate sets on each of the servers within the enterprise. |
onstat -g cdr | Prints the output for all of the Enterprise Replication statistics commands. |
onstat -g cdr config | Prints Enterprise Replication configuration parameters and environment variables. |
onstat -g ddr | Prints status of Enterprise Replication components that read and process log records. |
onstat -g dss | Prints activity of individual data sync (transaction processing) threads. |
onstat -g dtc | Prints delete table cleaner activity. Deleted or updated rows that are placed in the delete table are purged at intervals. |
onstat -g grp | Prints Enterprise Replication grouper statistics. The grouper evaluates the log records, rebuilds the individual log records into the original transaction, packages the transaction, and queues the transaction for transmission. |
onstat -g nif | Prints network interface statistics. Shows the state of the network interface, servers, and data transfer among servers. |
onstat -g que | Prints statistics for the high-level queue interface (which is common to all of the queues of the Enterprise Replication Queue Manager). |
onstat -g rcv | Prints receive manager statistics. |
onstat -g rep | Prints events that are in the queue for the schedule manager. |
onstat -g rqm | Prints statistics and contents of the low-level queues (send queue, receive queue, ack send queue, sync send queue, and control send queue) managed by the Reliable Queue Manager (RQM). |
onstat -g sync | Prints synchronization status. |
onstat Utility High-Availability Replication Options
Use the following onstat options to monitor high-availability cluster environments and the Connection Manager.
Commands | Reference |
onstat -g cluster | Prints high-availability cluster information. onstat -g cluster command: Print high-availability cluster information |
onstat -g cmsm | Prints Connection Manager information. onstat -g cmsm command: Print Connection Manager information |
onstat -g dri | Prints data-replication information. See Monitoring High-Availability Data-Replication status in the IBM Informix Administrator's Guide. onstat -g dri command: Print high-availability data replication information. |
onstat -g ipl | Prints index page logging status. onstat -g ipl command: Print index page logging status information |
onstat -g laq |
Prints information about queues on the secondary server. |
onstat -g proxy | Prints proxy distributors for high-availability. onstat -g proxy command: Print proxy distributor information |
onstat -g rss | Prints remote stand-alone server (RSS) information. onstat -g rss command: Print RS secondary server information |
onstat -g sds | Prints shared disk secondary (SDS) server information. onstat -g sds command: Print SD secondary server information |
onstat -g smx | Prints Server Multiplexer Group (SMX) connections in high-availability environments. Prints data transfer statistics and encryption status. |
onstat Utility Informix Warehouse Accelerator Options
Use the following onstat options to display information that is exchanged between the database server and the Informix Warehouse Accelerator.
Commands | Reference |
onstat -g aqt | Prints information about the data marts and
the associated accelerated query tables (AQTs). onstat -g aqt command: Print data mart and accelerated query table information. |
onstat Utility I/O Options
Use the following onstat options to track input and output (read and write) activity.
Commands | Reference |
onstat -D | Prints chunk I/O activity. onstat -D command: Print page-read and page-write information |
onstat -g cpu | Prints runtime statistics for each thread. |
onstat -g ioa | Prints combined information from onstat -g ioq (queues), onstat -g iov (virtual processors), and onstat -g iob (big buffer). |
onstat -g iob | Prints the big buffer usage summary. |
onstat -g iof | Prints I/O statistics by file or chunk. This option is similar to the onstat -D option, but also displays information about non-chunk, temporary, and sort-work files. |
onstat -g iog | Prints AIO global information. |
onstat -g ioq | Prints queue read/write statistics and queue length. onstat -g ioq command: Print I/O queue information. Also see the HCL Informix Performance Guide. |
onstat -g iov | Prints asynchronous I/O statistics by virtual processor. |
onstat -p | Prints global disk activity, including sequential scans. |
onstat Utility Locks and Latches Options
Use the following onstat options to display information about locks.
Commands | Reference |
onstat -k |
Prints information about active locks. |
onstat -L | Prints the number of locks on a lock free list. |
onstat -p | Prints global statistics on lock requests, lock waits, and latch waits. |
onstat -s | Prints latch (mutex) information. |
onstat Utility Logs Options
Use the following onstat options to monitor logical and physical logs.
Commands | Reference |
onstat -g ipl | Prints index page logging information in high-availability environments. onstat -g ipl command: Print index page logging status information |
onstat -l | Prints status of physical and logical logs, and log buffering. onstat -l command: Print physical and logical log information |
onstat Utility Memory Options
Use the following onstat options to monitor the various aspects of server memory allocation and use.
Commands | Reference |
onstat -g afr | Prints allocated memory fragments for a specified session or shared-memory pool. To obtain the pool name, see the onstat -g mem option. |
onstat -g ffr (pool name session ID) | Prints free fragments for a session or shared memory pool. |
onstat -g lmm | Prints information about automatic low memory management settings and recent activity: onstat -g lmm command: Print low memory management information |
onstat -g mem | Prints session or pool virtual shared memory statistics. |
onstat -g mgm | Prints Memory Grant Manager (parallel and sort operations) resource information. onstat -g mgm command: Print MGM resource information. Also see the HCL Informix Performance Guide. |
onstat -g nbm | Prints block map for non-resident segments. |
onstat -g rbm | Prints block map for resident segment. |
onstat -g seg | Prints memory segment statistics. onstat -g seg command: Print shared memory segment statistics. Also see the IBM Informix Administrator's Guide. |
onstat -g ses | Prints session information, including memory breakdown. For detailed information, use: onstat -g ses session_id onstat -g ses command: Print session-related information Also see the HCL Informix Performance Guide |
onstat -g stm | Prints SQL statement memory use. |
onstat -g stq | Prints stream queue buffers. |
onstat -g ufr | Prints memory pool fragments for a session or shared memory pool in use. |
onstat -R | Prints buffer pool queues and their status. onstat -R command: Print LRU, FLRU, and MLRU queue information |
onstat Utility Network Options
Use the following onstat options to monitor shared memory and network connection services.
Commands | Reference |
onstat -g imc | Prints information about Informix MaxConnect instances that are connected to the database server. If Informix MaxConnect is not connected to the database server, this command displays No MaxConnect servers are connected. |
onstat -g nsc | Prints shared-memory status by client id. If client id is omitted, all client status areas are displayed. This command prints the same status data as the nss command. onstat -g nsc command: Print current shared memory connection information |
onstat -g nsd | Prints network shared-memory data for poll threads. onstat -g nsd command: Print poll threads shared-memory data |
onstat -g nss | Prints network shared-memory status by session id. If session id is omitted, all session status areas are displayed. This command prints the same status data as the onstat -g nsc command. onstat -g nss command: Print shared memory network connections status |
onstat -g nta | Prints combined network statistics from onstat -g ntd, onstat -g ntm, onstat -g ntt, and onstat -g ntu. If Informix MaxConnect is installed, this command prints statistics that you can use to tune Informix MaxConnect performance. |
onstat -g ntd | Prints network statistics by service. |
onstat -g ntm | Prints network mail statistics. |
onstat -g ntt | Prints network user times. |
onstat -g ntu | Prints network user statistics. |
onstat Utility Performance Checks (First Tier)
Commands | Reference |
onstat -c | Prints server configuration. |
onstat -D | Prints chunk I/O. onstat -D command: Print page-read and page-write information |
onstat -g ath | Prints status and statistics for all threads. The sqlexec thread is a client session thread. The rstcb value corresponds to the user field of the onstat -u command. onstat -g ath command: Print information about all threads. For information about using onstat -g ath to print Enterprise Replication threads, see the IBM Informix Enterprise Replication Guide. |
onstat -g ckp | Prints checkpoint history and display configuration recommendations. onstat -g ckp command: Print checkpoint history and configuration recommendations |
onstat -g cpu | Prints runtime statistics for each thread. |
onstat -g ioq | Prints pending I/O operations for the queue name. |
onstat -p | Prints global server performance profile. |
onstat -u | Prints status and statistics for user threads. If a thread is waiting for a resource, this command identifies the type (flags field) and address (wait field) of the resource. |
onstat Utility Performance Checks (Second Tier)
Commands | Reference |
onstat -b | Prints active buffers. onstat -b command: Print buffer information for buffers in use |
onstat -g act | Prints active threads. |
onstat -g glo | Prints virtual processors and their operating system processes (oninit processes). Prints virtual processor CPU use. On Windows, the virtual processors are operating system threads, and the values in the pid field are thread IDs. onstat -g glo command: Print global multithreading information |
onstat -g mgm | Prints Memory Grant Manager resource information. |
onstat -g rah | Prints read-ahead request information |
onstat -g rea | Prints threads in the ready queue that are waiting for CPU resources. |
onstat -g seg | Prints shared-memory-segment statistics. This option shows the number and size of shared-memory segments that are allocated to the database server. onstat -g seg command: Print shared memory segment statistics. |
onstat -g wai | Prints waiting threads; all threads that are waiting for mutex or condition, or yielding. |
onstat -k | Prints active locks. |
onstat Utility Table Options
Use the following onstat options to display information about table status and table statistics.
Commands | Reference |
onstat -g buf | Prints buffer pool profile information. onstat -g buf command: Print buffer pool profile information |
onstat -g lap |
Prints information about the status of currently active light appends (writes bypassing the buffer pool). onstat -g lap command: Print light appends status information |
onstat -g opn | Prints open partitions (tables). |
onstat -g ppf |
Prints partition profile (activity data) for the specified partition number or prints profiles for all partitions. |
onstat -g scn | Prints information about the progress of a scan, based on rows scanned on compressed tables, tables with rows that are larger than a page, and tables with VARCHAR, LVARCHAR, and NVARCHAR data, and identifies whether a scan is a light or bufferpool scan. |
onstat -P | Prints table and B-tree pages in the buffer pool, listed by partition (table). |
onstat -t
onstat -T |
Prints basic tblspace (partition) information for active (t) or all (T) tblspaces. onstat -t and onstat -T commands: Print tblspace information |
onstat Utility Thread Options
Use the following onstat options to display the status and activity of threads.
Commands | Reference |
onstat -g act | Prints active threads. This output is included in onstat -g ath output. |
onstat -g ath | Prints all threads. onstat -g ath command: Print information about all threads. For information about using onstat -g ath to print Enterprise Replication threads, see the IBM Informix Enterprise Replication Guide. |
onstat -g bth | Displays the dependencies between blocking and waiting threads. |
onstat -g BTH | Displays session and stack information for the blocking threads. |
onstat -g cpu | Prints runtime statistics for each thread. |
onstat -g rea | Prints ready threads (threads that are waiting for CPU resources). This output is included in the onstat -g ath output. |
onstat -g sle | Prints information about threads that are sleeping for a specified time. Does not include threads that are sleeping forever. |
onstat -g stk | Prints the stack of a specified thread or prints stacks for all threads. |
onstat -g sts | Prints maximum and current stack use per thread. |
onstat -g tpf | Prints thread activity statistics. |
onstat -g wai | Prints waiting (idle, sleeping, and waiting) threads. Included in onstat -g ath output. |
onstat -g wst | Prints wait statistics for threads. |
onstat Utility User/Session Options
Use the following onstat options to display information about the user environment and active sessions.
Commands | Reference |
onstat -g env | Prints the values of environment variables the database server is using. |
onstat -g his | Prints SQL tracing information. |
onstat -g pqs | Prints operators that are used in currently running SQL queries. |
onstat -g ses | Prints summary information for all active sessions or detailed information for individual sessions. |
onstat -g spf | Prints prepared statement profiles for all active sessions. |
onstat -g sql | Prints SQL information for all active sessions or detailed SQL information for individual sessions. onstat -g sql command: Print SQL-related session information |
onstat -G | Prints global transactions. |
onstat -u | Prints status of user threads and their global read/write statistics. |
onstat -x | Prints information about transactions. onstat -x command: Print database server transaction information |
onstat Utility Virtual Processor Options
Use the following onstat options to display information and statistics for virtual processors.
Commands | Reference |
onstat -g glo | Prints global multithreading information and global statistics for virtual processor classes and individual virtual processors. On Windows, the virtual processors are operating system threads, and the values in the pid field are thread IDs. onstat -g glo command: Print global multithreading information |
onstat -g sch | Prints the number of semaphore operations, spins, and busy waits for each virtual processor. On Windows, the virtual processors are operating system threads, and the values in the pid field are thread IDs. |
onstat Utility Waiting Options
Use the following onstat options to display information about wait conditions for threads.
Commands | Reference |
onstat -g con | Prints IDs of threads that are waiting for conditions. onstat -g ath to print thread information. See onstat -g con command: Print condition and thread information |
onstat -g lmx | Prints all locked mutexes. |
onstat -g qst | Prints queue-wait statistics for mutex and condition queues. onstat -g qst command: Print wait options for mutex and condition queues |
onstat -g rwm | Prints read/write mutexes. |
onstat -g spi | Prints spin locks with long spins and spin lock statistics. |
onstat -g wai | Prints waiting threads; all threads that are waiting for mutex or condition, or yielding. |
onstat -g wmx | Prints all mutexes with waiters. |
Other Useful onstat Utility Options
Commands | Reference |
onstat - | Prints onstat header; includes engine version, status (online, Quiescent, and so on), elapsed time since initialization, and memory footprint. |
onstat – | Prints onstat usage options. |
onstat options infile | Print onstat output using a shared memory dump (infile) as input. |
onstat -a | Prints collective onstat outputs. onstat -a command: Print overall status of the database server |
onstat -c | Prints the server configuration file. |
onstat -C | Prints B-tree index scanner information (shows statistics about index cleaning). |
onstat -d | Prints chunk information. |
onstat -f | Prints dbspaces configured for dataskip. onstat -f command: Print dbspace information affected by dataskip |
onstat -g all | Prints diagnostic information. |
onstat -g cfg | Prints a list of configuration parameters with their current values. onstat -g cfg command: Print the current values of configuration parameters |
onstat -g dbc | Prints statistics about dbScheduler and dbWorker threads. onstat -g dbc command: Print dbScheduler and dbWorker thread statistics |
onstat -g dis | Prints a list of database servers, their status, directory location, configuration information, and host name. |
onstat -g dll | Prints a list of dynamic libraries that are loaded. |
onstat -g osi |
Prints information about operating system resources and parameters. |
onstat -g pos | Prints values from $INFORMIXDIR/etc/.infos.servernum file, which are used by clients such as onmode for shared memory connections to the server. onmode -R rebuilds the $INFORMIXDIR/etc/.infos.servernum file. |
onstat -g smb | Prints detailed information about sbspaces. |
onstat -g sym | Prints symbol table information for the oninit utility. onstat -g sym command: Print symbol table information for the oninit utility |
onstat -i | Changes onstat mode to interactive. |
onstat -j | Prints information about the status of an onpload job. |
onstat -m | Prints message log contents. onstat -m command: Print recent system message log information |
onstat -r | Prints repetitive onstat execution. |
onstat -z | Resets the accumulated statistics to zero. |