  System administration
    List of utilities
    Administrator's Guide
      The database server
        Overview of database server configuration and administration
          Database server concepts
          Environment configuration
          Database server configuration
            Storage space creation and management
            Automatic performance tuning
            Feature configuration
            Connectivity configuration
            Limit session resources
            Automate startup and shutdown on UNIX
            Automate startup on Windows
          Database server maintenance tasks
        Client/server communication
          Client/server architecture
            Network protocol
            Network programming interface
            Windows network domain
            Database server connections
            Supporting multiplexed connections
          Connections that the database server supports
          Local connections
            Shared-memory connections (UNIX)
            Stream-pipe connections (UNIX and Linux)
            Named-pipe connections (Windows)
            Local-loopback connections
          Communication support services
          Connectivity files
            Network-configuration files
              TCP/IP connectivity files
                Client and server actions when a TCP/IP connection is opened
              Multiple TCP/IP ports
            Network security files
              Trusted-host information
              Trusted-user information
              The netrc information
                User impersonation
            The sqlhosts file and the SQLHOSTS registry key
              Creating the sqlhosts file with a text editor
              Setting up the SQLHOSTS registry key with Setnet32 (Windows)
          The sqlhosts information
            IANA standard service names and port numbers in the sqlhosts.std file
            sqlhosts connectivity information
              sqlhosts file and SQLHOSTS registry key options
            Group information
              Creating a group in the sqlhosts file
            Alternatives for TCP/IP connections
          Informix support for IPv6 addresses
          Configuration parameters related to connectivity
            Connection information set in the DBSERVERNAME configuration parameter
            Connection information set in the DBSERVERALIASES configuration parameter
            Connection information set in the LIMITNUMSESSIONS configuration parameter
            Connection information set in the NETTYPE configuration parameter
            Name service maximum retention time set in the NS_CACHE configuration parameter
            Connection information set in the NUMFDSERVERS configuration parameter
            Connection information set in the HA_ALIAS configuration parameter
          Environment variables for network connections
          Automatically terminating idle connections
          Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA) communications
            Overview of DRDA
            Configuring connectivity between Informix and HCL Data Server clients
            Allocating poll threads for an interface/protocol combination with the NETTYPE configuration parameter
            Specify the size of the DRDA communication buffer with the DRDA_COMMBUFFSIZE configuration parameter
            The DRDAEXEC thread and queries from clients
            SQL and supported and unsupported data types
            Display DRDA connection information
            Display DRDA session information
          Examples of client/server configurations
            A network connection
            Multiple connection types
            Accessing multiple database servers
          HCL Informix MaxConnect
        Database server initialization
          Initialization process
          Database server operating modes
            Users permitted to change modes
            Changing database server operating modes
              Specifying administration mode users
      Disk, memory, and process management
        Virtual processors and threads
          Virtual processors
            Advantages of virtual processors
              Shared processing
              Save memory and resources
              Parallel processing
              Add and drop virtual processors in online mode
              Bind virtual processors to CPUs
          How virtual processors service threads
            Control structures
            Context switching
              Ready queues
              Sleep queues
              Wait queues
          Virtual processor classes
            CPU virtual processors
              Determine the number of CPU virtual processors needed
              Run on a multiprocessor computer
              Run on a single-processor computer
              Add and drop CPU virtual processors in online mode
              Prevent priority aging
              Processor affinity
                Set processor affinity with the VPCLASS configuration parameter
            User-defined classes of virtual processors
              Determine the number of user-defined virtual processors needed
              User-defined virtual processors
              Specify user-defined virtual processors
              Assign a UDR to a user-defined virtual-processor class
              Add and drop user-defined virtual processors in online mode
            Tenant virtual processor class
            Java virtual processors
            Disk I/O virtual processors
              I/O priorities
              Logical-log I/O
              Physical-log I/O
              Asynchronous I/O
                Kernel-asynchronous I/O
                AIO virtual processors
            Network virtual processors
              Specifying Network Connections
              Run poll threads on CPU or network virtual processors
              Specify the number of networking virtual processors
              Specify listen and poll threads for the client/server connection
              Fast polling
              Multiple listen threads
                Add listen threads
                Add a network-interface card
                Dynamically starting, stopping, or restarting a listen thread
            Communications support module virtual processor
            Encrypt virtual processors
            Audit virtual processor
            Miscellaneous virtual processor
            Basic text search virtual processors
            MQ messaging virtual processor
            Web feature service virtual processor
            XML virtual processor
        Manage virtual processors
          Set virtual-processor configuration parameters
          Start and stop virtual processors
            Add virtual processors in online mode
              Add virtual processors in online mode with onmode
              Add network virtual processors
            Drop CPU and user-defined virtual processors
          Monitor virtual processors
            Monitor virtual processors with command-line utilities
              The onstat -g ath command
              The onstat -g glo command
              The onstat -g ioq command
              The onstat -g rea command
            Monitor virtual processors with SMI tables
        Shared memory
          Shared memory
          Shared-memory use
            Shared-memory allocation
            Shared-memory size
            Action to take if SHMTOTAL is exceeded
          Processes that attach to shared memory
            How a client attaches to the communications portion (UNIX)
            How utilities attach to shared memory
            How virtual processors attach to shared memory
              Obtain key values for shared-memory segments
              Specify where to attach the first shared-memory segment
              Attach additional shared-memory segments
              Define the shared-memory lower-boundary address
          Resident portion of shared memory
            Shared-memory header
            Logical-log buffer
            Physical-log buffer
            High-Availability Data-Replication buffer
            Lock table
          Buffer pool portion of shared memory
          Virtual portion of shared memory
            Management of the virtual portion of shared memory
              Size of the virtual portion of shared memory
            Components of the virtual portion of shared memory
              Shared-memory internal tables
                Buffer table
                Chunk table
                Dbspace table
                Page-cleaner table
                Tblspace table
                Transaction table
                User table
              Big buffers
              Session data
              Thread data
            Data-distribution cache
              Dictionary cache
              SQL statement cache
              Sort memory
              SPL routine and the UDR cache
              Global pool
          Communications portion of shared memory (UNIX)
          Virtual-extension portion of shared memory
          Concurrency control
            Shared-memory mutexes
            Shared-memory buffer locks
              Types of buffer locks
                Share lock
                Exclusive lock
          Database server thread access to shared buffers
            FIFO/LRU queues
              Components of LRU queue
              Pages in least-recently used order
              LRU queues and buffer-pool management
              Number of LRU queues to configure
              Number of cleaners to allocate
              Number of pages added to the MLRU queues
              End of MLRU cleaning
            Read-ahead operations
            Database server thread access to buffer pages
          Flush data to disk
            Flush buffer-pool buffers
            Flush before-images first
            Flush the physical-log buffer
            Synchronize buffer flushing
            Types of writes during flushing
              Foreground write
              LRU write
              Chunk write
            Flush the logical-log buffer
              After a transaction is prepared or terminated in a database with unbuffered logging
              When a session that uses nonlogging databases or unbuffered logging terminates
              When a checkpoint occurs
              When a page is modified that does not require a before-image in the physical-log file
          Buffer large-object data
            Write simple large objects
              Blobpages and shared memory
              Creation of simple large objects
              Creation of blobpage buffers
            Access smart large objects
          Memory use on 64-bit platforms
        Manage shared memory
          Set operating-system shared-memory configuration parameters
            Maximum shared-memory segment size
              Using more than two gigabytes of memory (Windows)
              Maximum number of shared-memory identifiers (UNIX)
            Semaphores (UNIX)
          Set database server shared-memory configuration parameters
          Set SQL statement cache parameters
          Set up shared memory
          Turn residency on or off for resident shared memory
            Turn residency on or off in online mode
            Turn residency on or off when restarting the database server
          Add a segment to the virtual portion of shared memory
          Reserve memory for critical activities
          Configure the server response when memory is critically low
            Scenario for maintaining a targeted amount of memory
          Monitor shared memory
            Monitor shared-memory segments
            Monitor the shared-memory profile and latches
              Command-line utilities to monitor shared memory and latches
              SMI tables
            Monitor buffers
          Deleting shared memory segments after a server failure
        Data storage
            Disk allocation for chunks
              Disk access on Windows
              Unbuffered or buffered disk access on UNIX
            Extendable chunks
            Partitions and offsets
            Control of where simple large object data is stored
            Root dbspace
            Temporary dbspaces
            Advantages of using sbspaces
            Sbspaces and Enterprise Replication
            Metadata, user data, and reserved area
            Control of where smart large object data is stored
            Storage characteristics of sbspaces
              Extent sizes for sbspaces
              Average smart-large-object size
              Buffering mode
              Last-access time
              Lock mode
            Levels of inheritance for sbspace characteristics
            More information about sbspaces
            Temporary sbspaces
              Comparison of temporary and standard sbspaces
              Temporary smart large objects
            Damaged tables
          Table types for Informix
            Standard permanent tables
            RAW tables
            Temp tables
            Properties of table types
              Loading of data into a table
              Fast recovery of table types
              Backup and restore of RAW tables
            Temporary tables
              Temporary tables that you create
                Where user-created temporary tables are stored
              Temporary tables that the database server creates
                Where database server-created temporary tables are stored
            Maximum number of tblspaces in a table
            Table and index tblspaces
            Extent interleaving
          Table fragmentation and data storage
          Amount of disk space needed to store data
            Size of the root dbspace
            Amount of space that databases require
          The storage pool
          Disk-layout guidelines
            Dbspace and chunk guidelines
            Table-location guidelines
          Sample disk layouts
          Logical-volume manager
        Manage disk space
          Allocate disk space
            Specify an offset
              Specify an offset for the initial chunk of root dbspace
              Specify an offset for additional chunks
              Use offsets to create multiple chunks
            Allocating cooked file spaces on UNIX
            Allocating raw disk space on UNIX
            Create symbolic links to raw devices (UNIX)
            Allocating NTFS file space on Windows
            Allocating raw disk space on Windows
          Specify names for storage spaces and chunks
            Specify the maximum size of chunks
            Specify the maximum number of chunks and storage spaces
            Back up after you change the physical schema
          Monitor storage spaces
          Manage dbspaces
            Creating a dbspace that uses the default page size
              Specifying the first and next extent sizes for the tblspace tblspace
            Creating a dbspace with a non-default page size
            Improving the performance of cooked-file dbspaces by using direct I/O
            Storing multiple named fragments in a single dbspace
            Creating a temporary dbspace
            What to do if you run out of disk space
            Adding a chunk to a dbspace or blobspace
            Rename dbspaces
              Additional actions that may be required after you rename a dbspace
            Managing automatic location and fragmentation
          Manage blobspaces
            Creating a blobspace
            Prepare blobspaces to store TEXT and BYTE data
            Determine blobpage size
              Determine database server page size
              Obtain blobspace storage statistics
          Manage sbspaces
            Creating an sbspace
            Size sbspace metadata
            Adding a chunk to an sbspace
            Alter storage characteristics of smart large objects
            Creating a temporary sbspace
          Manage the plogspace
          Automatic space management
            Creating and managing storage pool entries
            Marking a chunk as extendable or not extendable
            Modifying the sizes of an extendable storage space
            Changing the threshold and wait time for the automatic addition of more space
            Configuring the frequency of the monitor low storage task
            Manually expanding a space or extending an extendable chunk
            Example of minimally configuring for and testing the automatic addition of more space
            Example of configuring for the automatic addition of more space
          Drop a chunk
            Verify whether a chunk is empty
            Drop a chunk from a dbspace with onspaces
            Drop a chunk from a blobspace
            Drop a chunk from an sbspace with onspaces
              The -f (force) option
              Delete smart large objects without any pointers
          Drop a storage space
            Preparation for dropping a storage space
            Drop a mirrored storage space
            Drop a storage space with onspaces
            Back up after dropping a storage space
          Creating a space or chunk from the storage pool
          Returning empty space to the storage pool
          Manage extspaces
            Create an extspace
            Drop an extspace
          Skip inaccessible fragments
            The DATASKIP configuration parameter
            The dataskip feature of onspaces
            Use onstat to check dataskip status
            The SQL statement SET DATASKIP
            Effect of the dataskip feature on transactions
            Determine when to use dataskip
              Determine when to skip selected fragments
              Determine when to skip all fragments
            Monitor fragmentation use
          Display databases
            SMI tables
          Monitor disk usage
            Monitor chunks
              The onstat -d utility
              The onstat -d update option
              The onstat -D option
              Monitor chunk I/O activity with the onstat -g iof command
              The oncheck -pr command
              The oncheck -pe command
              SMI tables
            Monitor tblspaces and extents
              SMI tables
            Monitor simple large objects in a blobspace
              Determine blobpage fullness with oncheck -pB
              Monitor blobspace usage with oncheck -pe
              Monitor simple large objects in a dbspace with oncheck -pT
            Monitor sbspaces
              The onstat -d option
              The oncheck -ce and oncheck -pe options
              The oncheck -cs option
              The oncheck -ps option
              Monitoring the metadata and user-data areas
            Creating a tenant database
            Managing tenant databases
            Restoring a tenant database to a point in time
          Storage optimization
            Storage optimization methods
            Scheduling data optimization
            Example: Optimizing data storage on demand
            Partition defragmentation
              Data that you can compress
              Data that you cannot compress
              B-tree index compression
              Compression ratio estimates
              Compression dictionaries
              Tools for moving compressed data
              BLOBspace Blob Compression
              Methods for viewing compression information
          Load data into a table
        Moving data with external tables
          External tables
          Defining external tables
          Map columns to other columns
          Load data from and unload to a named pipe
            Loading data with named pipes
            FIFO virtual processors
            Unloading data with named pipes
            Copying data from one instance to another using the PIPE option
          Monitor the load or unload operations
            Monitor frequent load and unload operations
            Monitor FIFO virtual processors
          External tables in high-availability cluster environments
          System catalog entries for external tables
          Performance considerations when using external tables
          Manage errors from external table load and unload operations
            Reject files
            External table error messages
            Recoverability of table types for external tables
        Storage space encryption
          Creating encrypted or unencrypted storage spaces
          Changing storage space encryption during a restore
          Monitoring the encryption of storage spaces
      Logging and log administration
          Database server processes that require logging
          Transaction logging
          Logging of SQL statements and database server activity
            Activity that is always logged
            Activity logged for databases with transaction logging
            Activity that is not logged
          Database-logging status
            Unbuffered transaction logging
            Buffered transaction logging
            ANSI-compliant transaction logging
            No database logging
            Databases with different log-buffering status
            Database logging in an X/Open DTP environment
          Settings or changes for logging status or mode
        Manage the database-logging mode
          Change the database-logging mode
          Modify the database-logging mode with ondblog
            Change the buffering mode with ondblog
            Cancel a logging mode change with ondblog
            End logging with ondblog
            Make a database ANSI compliant with ondblog
            Changing the logging mode of an ANSI-compliant database
          Modify the database logging mode with ontape
            Turn on transaction logging with ontape
            End logging with ontape
            Change buffering mode with ontape
            Make a database ANSI compliant with ontape
          Modify the table-logging mode
            Alter a table to turn off logging
            Alter a table to turn on logging
            Disable logging on temporary tables
          Monitor transactions
          Monitor the logging mode of a database
            Monitor the logging mode with SMI tables
        Logical log
          What is the logical log?
          Location of logical-log files
          Identification of logical-log files
          Status flags of logical-log files
          Size of the logical-log file
            Number of logical-log files
            Performance considerations
          Dynamic log allocation
          Freeing of logical-log files
            Action if the next logical-log file is not free
            Action if the next log file contains the last checkpoint
          Log blobspaces and simple large objects
            Switch log files to activate blobspaces
            Back up log files to free blobpages
            Back up blobspaces after inserting or deleting TEXT and BYTE data
          Log sbspaces and smart large objects
            Sbspace logging
              Logging for smart large objects
              Logging for updated smart large objects
              Turn logging on or off for an sbspace
            Smart-large-object log records
            Prevent long transactions when logging smart-large-object data
          Logging process
            Dbspace logging
            Blobspace logging
        Manage logical-log files
          Estimate the size and number of log files
            Estimate the log size when logging smart large objects
            Estimate the number of logical-log files
          Back up logical-log files
            Backing up blobspaces
            Back up sbspaces
          Switch to the next logical-log file
          Free a logical-log file
            Delete a log file with status D
            Free a log file with status U
            Freeing a log file with status U-B or F
            Freeing a log file with status U-C or U-C-L
            Free a log file with status U-B-L
          Monitor logging activity
            Monitor the logical log for fullness
              The onstat -l command
              The oncheck -pr command
            Monitor temporary logical logs
            SMI tables
            Monitor log-backup status
          Allocate logical log files
            Dynamically add a logical-log file to prevent transaction blocking
              Size and number of dynamically added log files
              Location of dynamically added logical log files
              Monitor events for dynamically added logs
            Dynamically add logical logs for performance
            Adding logical-log files manually
          Dropping logical-log files
          Change the size of logical-log files
          Move logical-log files
          Display logical-log records
          Controlling long transactions
        Physical logging, checkpoints, and fast recovery
          Critical sections
          Physical logging
            Fast recovery use of physically-logged pages
            Backup use of physically-logged pages
            Database server activity that is physically logged
              Physical recovery messages
              Physical logging and simple large objects
              Physical logging and smart large objects
          Size and location of the physical log
            Strategy for estimating the size of the physical log
            Physical-log overflow when transaction logging is turned off
            LRU values for flushing a buffer pool between checkpoints
            Checkpoints during backup
          Fast recovery
            Need for fast recovery
            Situations when fast recovery is initiated
              Fast recovery and buffered logging
              Possible physical log overflow during fast recovery
              Fast recovery and no logging
            Fast recovery after a checkpoint
              The server returns to the last-checkpoint state
              The server locates the checkpoint record in the logical log
              The server rolls forward logical-log records
              The server rolls back uncommitted transactions
        Manage the physical log
          Change the physical-log location and size
          Monitor physical and logical-logging activity
          Monitor checkpoint information
            Turn checkpoint tuning on or off
            Force a checkpoint
            Server-provided checkpoint statistics
            SMI tables
          Turn automatic LRU tuning on or off
      Fault tolerance
            Benefits of mirroring
            Costs of mirroring
            Consequences of not mirroring
            Data to mirror
            Alternatives to mirroring
              Logical volume managers
              Hardware mirroring
              External backup and restore
          Mirroring process
            Creation of a mirror chunk
            Mirror status flags
            Actions during processing
              Disk writes to mirror chunks
              Disk reads from mirror chunks
              Detection of media failures
              Chunk recovery
            Result of stopping mirroring
            Structure of a mirror chunk
        Using mirroring
          Preparing to mirror data
          Enable the MIRROR configuration parameter
          Allocate disk space for mirrored data
            Link chunks (UNIX)
            Relink a chunk to a device after a disk failure
          Using mirroring
            Mirroring the root dbspace during initialization
            Change the mirror status
          Manage mirroring
            Start mirroring for unmirrored storage spaces
              Start mirroring for unmirrored dbspaces using onspaces
            Start mirroring for new storage spaces
              Start mirroring for new spaces using onspaces
            Add mirror chunks
              Add mirror chunks using onspaces
            Swap mirror chunk
            Take down a mirror chunk
              Take down mirror chunks using onspaces
            Recover a mirror chunk
              Recover a mirror chunk using onspaces
            End mirroring
              End mirroring using onspaces
        Consistency checking
          Perform periodic consistency checking
            Verify consistency
              Validate system catalog tables
              Validate data pages
              Validate extents
              Validate indexes
              Validate logical logs
              Validate reserved pages
              Validate metadata
            Monitor for data inconsistency
              Read assertion failures in the message log and dump files
              Validate table and tblspace data
            Retain consistent level-0 backups
          Deal with corruption
            Find symptoms of corruption
            Fix index corruption
            Fix I/O errors on a chunk
          Collect diagnostic information
          Disable I/O errors
          Monitor the database server for disabling I/O errors
            The message log to monitor disabling I/O errors
            Event alarms to monitor disabling I/O errors
            No bad-sector mapping
      High availability and scalability
        Strategies for high availability and scalability
          Components supporting high availability and scalability
            Advantages of data replication
              Clustering versus mirroring
              Clustering versus two-phase commit
              Type of data replicated in clusters
              Primary and secondary database servers
          Transparent scaling and workload balancing strategies
          High availability strategies
        High-availability cluster configuration
          Plan for a high-availability cluster
          Configuring clusters
            Hardware and operating-system requirements for clusters
            Database and data requirements for clusters
            Database server configuration requirements for clusters
              Database server version
              Storage space and chunk configuration
              Non-default page sizes in an HDR environment
              Physical-log configuration
              Dbspace and logical-log tape backup devices
              Logical-log configuration
              High-availability cluster configuration parameters
              Cluster transaction coordination
            Configuring secure connections for high-availability clusters
          Starting HDR for the First Time
            Decrease setup time using the ontape STDIO feature
          Remote standalone secondary servers
            Comparison of RS secondary servers and HDR secondary servers
            Index page logging
              How index page logging works
              Enable or disable index page logging
              View index page logging statistics
            Starting an RS secondary server for the first time
              Decrease setup time through an alternative backup method
            Converting an offline primary server to an RS secondary server
            Delayed application of log records
              Specifying the log staging directory
              Delay application of log records on an RS secondary server
              Stop the application of log records
            Flow control for remote standalone secondary servers
          Shared disk secondary servers
            SD secondary server
            Disk requirements for SD secondary servers
            Setting up a shared disk secondary server
            Obtain SD secondary server statistics
            Promote an SD secondary server to a primary server
            Convert a primary server to a standard server
            SD secondary server security
            Flow control for shared-disk secondary servers
        Cluster administration
          How data replication works
            How data initially replicates
            Replication of primary-server data to secondary servers
              Fully synchronous mode for HDR replication
              Nearly synchronous mode for HDR replication
              Asynchronous mode for HDR replication
              Lost-and-found transactions
            Data replication configuration examples
              Remote standalone secondary configuration examples
              Shared disk secondary configuration examples
              Enterprise Replication as part of the recoverable group
              High-availability clusters with Enterprise Replication configuration example
              Example of a complex failover recovery strategy
            Troubleshooting high-availability cluster environments
            Design data replication group clients
              Use of temporary dbspaces for sorting and temporary tables
          Performing basic administration tasks
            Changing the configuration parameters for an HDR replication pair
            Back up storage spaces and logical-log files
            Changing the logging mode of databases
            Add and drop chunks and storage spaces
            Renaming chunks
            Saving chunk status on the secondary database server
            Use and change mirroring of chunks
            Manage the physical log
            Manage the logical log
            Manage virtual processors
            Manage shared memory
            Configure SMX connections
            Replicate an index to an HDR secondary database server
            Encrypting data traffic between HDR database servers
            Adjust LRU flushing and automatic tuning in HDR server pairs
            Cloning a primary server
              Creating a clone of a primary server
            Database updates on secondary servers
              Isolation levels on secondary servers
                Set lock mode
              Transient types on high-availability cluster secondary servers
              Row versioning
            Backup and restore with high-availability clusters
            Change the database server mode
            Changing the database server type
            Prevent blocking checkpoints on HDR servers
              View statistics for nonblocking checkpoints on HDR servers
            Monitor HDR status
              Command-line utilities
                The onstat -g dri option
                The oncheck -pr option
              SMI tables
          Obtain RS secondary server statistics
          Remove an RS secondary server
          RS secondary server security
            Create or change a password on an RS secondary server
          Transaction completion during cluster failover
            Configuring the server so that transactions complete after failover
        Connection management through the Connection Manager
          Configuring connection management
            Creating Connection Manager configuration files
              Parameters and format of the Connection Manager configuration file
                CMALARMPROGRAM Connection Manager configuration parameter
                CM_TIMEOUT Connection Manager configuration parameter
                CLUSTER Connection Manager configuration parameter
                DEBUG Connection Manager configuration parameter
                EVENT_TIMEOUT Connection Manager configuration parameter
                FOC Connection Manager configuration parameter
                GRID Connection Manager configuration parameter
                INFORMIXSERVER Connection Manager configuration parameter
                LOCAL_IP Connection Manager configuration parameter
                LOG Connection Manager configuration parameter
                LOGFILE Connection Manager configuration parameter
                MACRO Connection Manager configuration parameter
                NAME Connection Manager configuration parameter
                REPLSET Connection Manager configuration parameter
                SECONDARY_EVENT_TIMEOUT Connection Manager configuration parameter
                SERVERSET Connection Manager configuration parameter
                SLA Connection Manager configuration parameter
                SQLHOSTS Connection Manager configuration parameter
                SSL_LABEL Connection Manager configuration parameter
              Modifying Connection Manager configuration files
              Converting older formats of the Connection Manager configuration file to the current format
            Configuring environments and setting configuration parameters for connection management
            Defining sqlhosts information for connection management
              Defining sqlhosts information for connection management of high-availability clusters
              sqlhosts for HA clusters that use secure ports
              sqlhosts for HA clusters that use DRDA
              sqlhosts for HA clusters that use DRDA and secure ports
              sqlhosts for grids and replicate sets
              sqlhosts for grids and replicate sets that use secure ports
              sqlhosts for HA replication systems
              sqlhosts for HA replication systems that use secure ports
              sqlhosts for server sets
            Creating a password file for connecting to database servers on untrusted networks
              Modifying encrypted password information
            Starting Connection Managers on UNIX and Linux
            Starting Connection Managers on Windows
            Stopping connection management
          Monitoring and troubleshooting connection management
          Strategies for increasing availability with Connection Managers
          Configuration examples for connection management
            Example of configuring connection management for a high-availability cluster
            Example of configuring connection management for a grid or replicate set
            Example of configuring connection management for a high-availability replication system
            Example: Configuring connection management for untrusted networks
            Example: Configuring for prioritizing connections and network monitoring
            Example: Configuring for an SSL connection
              Example: Using the OpenSSL encryption library
              Example: Using the GSKit encryption library
              Configuring a CM to connect to Oninit using SSL
              Configuring a client to connect to a CM using SSL
        Cluster failover, redirection, and restoration
          Failover configuration for high-availability clusters
            Failover with ISV cluster management software
            I/O fencing for shared file systems
            Cluster failures
              Automatic switchover
              Automatic switchover without a reliable network
              Manual switchover
              Connecting offline servers to the new primary server
          Redirection and connectivity for data-replication clients
            Redirecting clients automatically with the DBPATH environment variable
              How the DBPATH redirection method works
            Redirecting clients with the connectivity information
              Changing client connectivity information
              Connecting to the database server
              Automatic redirection with server groups
            Redirecting clients with the INFORMIXSERVER environment variable
            Redirecting clients with application code
            Comparison of redirection methods
          Recover HDR and RS clusters after failure
            Recovering a cluster after critical data is damaged
            Restarting HDR or RS clusters after a network failure
            Restarting HDR or RS clusters if the secondary server fails
            Recovering an HDR cluster after the secondary server became the primary server
            Restart if the primary server fails
          Recovering a shared-disk cluster after data is damaged
          Recovering an SD cluster after the secondary server became the primary server
      Distributed data
        Multiphase commit protocols
          Transaction managers
            TP/XA Library with a transaction manager
            Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS/XA)
            Informix transaction support for XA-compliant, external data sources
            XA in high-availability clusters
            Loosely-coupled and tightly-coupled modes
          Two-phase commit protocol
            When the two-phase commit protocol is used
            Two-phase commit concepts
            Phases of the two-phase commit protocol
              Precommit phase
              Postdecision phase
            How the two-phase commit protocol handles failures
              Types of failures that automatic recovery handles
              Administrator's role in automatic recovery
              Automatic-recovery mechanisms for coordinator failure
              Automatic-recovery mechanisms for participant failure
            Presumed-end optimization
          Independent actions
            Situations that initiate independent action
            Possible results of independent action
              Independent actions that allow transactions to complete successfully
              Independent actions that result in an error condition
              Independent actions that result in heuristic decisions
            The heuristic rollback scenario
              Conditions that result in a heuristic rollback
                Condition 1: Logical log fills to a high-watermark
                Condition 2: System administrator executes onmode -z
              Results of a heuristic rollback
                Situation 1: Coordinator issues a commit and all participants report heuristic rollbacks
                Situation 2: Coordinator issued a commit; one participant commits and one reports a heuristic rollback
            The heuristic end-transaction scenario
              When to perform a heuristic end transaction
              How to use onmode -Z
              Action when the transaction is ended heuristically
            Monitor a global transaction
          Two-phase commit protocol errors
          Two-phase commit and logical-log records
            Logical-log records when the transaction commits
            Logical-log records written during a heuristic rollback
            Logical-log records written after a heuristic end transaction
          Configuration parameters used in two-phase commits
            Function of the DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT parameter
            Function of the TXTIMEOUT parameter
          Heterogeneous commit protocol
            Gateways that can participate in a heterogeneous commit transaction
            Enable and disable of heterogeneous commit
            How heterogeneous commit works
              Precommit phase
              Gateway commit phase
              Heterogeneous commit optimization
            Implications of a failed heterogeneous commit
              Database server coordinator failure
              Participant failure
              Interpretation of heterogeneous commit error messages
                Application attempts to update multiple gateway participants
                Failed attempt to commit distributed transaction using heterogeneous commit
        Manually recovering from failed two-phase commit
          Determine if manual recovery is required
            Determine if a transaction was implemented inconsistently
              Global transaction ended prematurely
              Heuristic end transaction
              Heuristic rollback
            Determine if the distributed database contains inconsistent data
              Obtaining information from the logical log
              Obtain the global transaction identifier
            Decide if action is needed to correct the situation
          Example of manual recovery
      Overview of automatic monitoring and corrective actions
        The Scheduler
          Scheduler tables
          Built-in tasks and sensors
          Creating a task
          Creating a sensor
          Actions for task and sensors
          Creating a group
          Creating a threshold
          Creating an alert
          Monitor the scheduler
          Modifying the scheduler
        Remote administration with the SQL administration API
          SQL administration API admin() and task() functions
          Viewing SQL administration API history
            Controlling the size of the command_history table
        Query drill-down
          Specifying startup SQL tracing information by using the SQLTRACE configuration parameter
          Disable SQL tracing globally or for a session
          Enable SQL tracing
          Enable global SQL tracing for a session
      HCL Informix server licensing
        FlexNet Licensing Overview
        Licensing configuration
        System startup
          System alerts when licenses are not available
          High Availability server instances
          Monitoring the currently held licenses
        FlexNet Operations portal
        The REST interface
          Local License Server
        Informix Warehouse Accelerator
    Administrator's Reference
      Configuring and monitoring Informix
        Database configuration parameters
          onconfig file
            Modifying the onconfig file
            Displaying the settings in the onconfig file
          onconfig Portal: Configuration parameters by functional category
          ADMIN_MODE_USERS configuration parameter
          ADMIN_USER_MODE_WITH_DBSA configuration parameter
          ALARMPROGRAM configuration parameter
          ALLOW_NEWLINE configuration parameter
          ALRM_ALL_EVENTS configuration parameter
          AUTO_AIOVPS configuration parameter
          AUTO_CKPTS configuration parameter
          AUTO_LLOG configuration parameter
          AUTO_TUNE_SERVER_SIZE configuration parameter
          AUTO_LRU_TUNING configuration parameter
          AUTO_READAHEAD configuration parameter
          AUTO_REPREPARE configuration parameter
          AUTO_STAT_MODE configuration parameter
          AUTO_TUNE configuration parameter
          AUTOLOCATE configuration parameter
          BATCHEDREAD_INDEX configuration parameter
          BATCHEDREAD_TABLE configuration parameter
          BLOCKTIMEOUT configuration parameter
          BTSCANNER Configuration Parameter
          BUFFERPOOL configuration parameter
          CHECKALLDOMAINSFORUSER configuration parameter
          CKPTINTVL configuration parameter
          CLEANERS configuration parameter
          CLUSTER_TXN_SCOPE configuration parameter
          CONSOLE configuration parameter
          CONVERSION_GUARD configuration parameter
          DATASKIP Configuration Parameter
          DBCREATE_PERMISSION configuration parameter
          DB_LIBRARY_PATH configuration parameter
          DBSERVERALIASES configuration parameter
          DBSERVERNAME configuration parameter
          DBSPACETEMP configuration parameter
            Use Hash Join Overflow and DBSPACETEMP
          DD_HASHMAX configuration parameter
          DD_HASHSIZE configuration parameter
          DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT configuration parameter
          DEF_TABLE_LOCKMODE configuration parameter
          DEFAULTESCCHAR configuration parameter
          DELAY_APPLY Configuration Parameter
          DIRECT_IO configuration parameter (UNIX)
          DIRECTIVES configuration parameter
          DISABLE_B162428_XA_FIX configuration parameter
          DISK_ENCRYPTION configuration parameter
          DRDA_COMMBUFFSIZE configuration parameter
          DRAUTO configuration parameter
          DRIDXAUTO configuration parameter
          DRINTERVAL configuration parameter
          DRLOSTFOUND configuration parameter
          DRTIMEOUT configuration parameter
          DS_HASHSIZE configuration parameter
          DS_MAX_QUERIES configuration parameter
          DS_MAX_SCANS configuration parameter
          DS_NONPDQ_QUERY_MEM configuration parameter
          DS_POOLSIZE configuration parameter
          DS_TOTAL_MEMORY configuration parameter
            Algorithm for DS_TOTAL_MEMORY
          DUMPCNT configuration parameter (UNIX)
          DUMPCORE configuration parameter (UNIX)
          DUMPDIR configuration parameter
          DUMPGCORE configuration parameter (UNIX)
          DUMPSHMEM configuration parameter (UNIX)
          DYNAMIC_LOGS configuration parameter
          EILSEQ_COMPAT_MODE configuration parameter
          ENABLE_SNAPSHOT_COPY configuration parameter
          ENCRYPT_CIPHERS configuration parameter
          ENCRYPT_HDR configuration parameter
          ENCRYPT_MAC configuration parameter
          ENCRYPT_MACFILE configuration parameter
          ENCRYPT_SMX configuration parameter
          ENCRYPT_SWITCH configuration parameter
          EXPLAIN_STAT configuration parameter
          EXT_DIRECTIVES configuration parameter
          EXTSHMADD configuration parameter
          FAILOVER_CALLBACK configuration parameter
          FAILOVER_TX_TIMEOUT configuration parameter
          FASTPOLL configuration parameter
          FILLFACTOR configuration parameter
          FULL_DISK_INIT configuration parameter
          GSKIT_VERSION configuration parameter
          HA_ALIAS configuration parameter
          HA_FOC_ORDER configuration parameter
          HDR_TXN_SCOPE configuration parameter
          HETERO_COMMIT configuration parameter
          IFX_EXTEND_ROLE configuration parameter
          IFX_FOLDVIEW configuration parameter
          IFX_XA_UNIQUEXID_IN_DATABASE configuration parameter
          INFORMIXCONRETRY configuration parameter
          INFORMIXCONTIME configuration parameter
          LICENSE_SERVER configuration parameter
          LICENSE_TIMING configuration parameter
          LIMITNUMSESSIONS configuration parameter
          LISTEN_TIMEOUT configuration parameter
          LOCKS configuration parameter
          LOGBUFF configuration parameter
          LOGBUF_INTVL configuration parameter
          LOGFILES configuration parameter
          LOG_INDEX_BUILDS configuration parameter
          LOG_STAGING_DIR configuration parameter
          LOGSIZE configuration parameter
          LOW_MEMORY_MGR configuration parameter
          LOW_MEMORY_RESERVE configuration parameter
          LTXEHWM configuration parameter
          LTXHWM configuration parameter
          MAX_FILL_DATA_PAGES configuration parameter
          MAX_INCOMPLETE_CONNECTIONS configuration parameter
          MAX_PDQPRIORITY configuration parameter
          MIRROR configuration parameter
          MIRROROFFSET configuration parameter
          MIRRORPATH configuration parameter
          MSG_DATE configuration parameter
          MSGPATH configuration parameter
          MULTIPROCESSOR configuration parameter
          NET_IO_TIMEOUT_ALARM configuration parameter
          NETTYPE configuration parameter
          NS_CACHE configuration parameter
          NUMFDSERVERS configuration parameter
          OFF_RECVRY_THREADS configuration parameter
          ON_RECVRY_THREADS configuration parameter
          ONDBSPACEDOWN configuration parameter
            Database Server Behavior When ONDBSPACEDOWN Does Not Apply
          ONLIDX_MAXMEM configuration parameter
          OPTCOMPIND configuration parameter
          OPT_GOAL configuration parameter
          PC_HASHSIZE configuration parameter
          PC_POOLSIZE configuration parameter
          PFSC_BOOST configuration parameter
          PHYSBUFF configuration parameter
          PHYSFILE configuration parameter
          PLOG_OVERFLOW_PATH configuration parameter
          PLCY_HASHSIZE configuration parameter
          PLCY_POOLSIZE configuration parameter
          PN_STAGEBLOB_THRESHOLD configuration parameter
          PRELOAD_DLL_FILE configuration parameter
          QSTATS configuration parameter
          REMOTE_SERVER_CFG configuration parameter
          REMOTE_USERS_CFG configuration parameter
          RESIDENT configuration parameter
          RESTARTABLE_RESTORE configuration parameter
          RESTORE_POINT_DIR configuration parameter
          ROOTNAME configuration parameter
          ROOTOFFSET configuration parameter
          ROOTPATH configuration parameter
          ROOTSIZE configuration parameter
          RSS_FLOW_CONTROL configuration parameter
          RSS_NONBLOCKING_CKPT configuration parameter
          RTO_SERVER_RESTART configuration parameter
          S6_USE_REMOTE_SERVER_CFG configuration parameter
          SB_CHECK_FOR_TEMP configuration parameter
          SBSPACENAME configuration parameter
          SBSPACETEMP configuration parameter
          SDS_ALTERNATE configuration parameter
          SDS_ENABLE configuration parameter
          SDS_FLOW_CONTROL configuration parameter
          SDS_LOGCHECK configuration parameter
          SDS_PAGING configuration parameter
          SDS_TEMPDBS configuration parameter
          SDS_TIMEOUT configuration parameter
          SEC_APPLY_POLLTIME configuration parameter
          SEC_DR_BUFS configuration parameter
          SEC_LOGREC_MAXBUFS configuration parameter
          SECURITY_LOCALCONNECTION configuration parameter
          SEQ_CACHE_SIZE configuration parameter
          SERVERNUM configuration parameter
          SESSION_LIMIT_LOCKS configuration parameter
          SESSION_LIMIT_LOGSPACE configuration parameter
          SESSION_LIMIT_MEMORY configuration parameter
          SESSION_LIMIT_TEMPSPACE configuration parameter
          SESSION_LIMIT_TXN_TIME configuration parameter
          SHMADD configuration parameter
          SHMBASE configuration parameter
          SHMNOACCESS configuration parameter
          SHMTOTAL configuration parameter
          SHMVIRT_ALLOCSEG configuration parameter
          SHMVIRTSIZE configuration parameter
          SINGLE_CPU_VP configuration parameter
            VPCLASS Values and the SINGLE_CPU_VP Configuration Parameter
          SMX_COMPRESS configuration parameter
          SMX_NUMPIPES configuration parameter
          SMX_PING_INTERVAL configuration parameter
          SMX_PING_RETRY configuration parameter
          SP_AUTOEXPAND configuration parameter
          SP_THRESHOLD configuration parameter
          SP_WAITTIME configuration parameter
          SQL_LOGICAL_CHAR configuration parameter
          SQLTRACE configuration parameter
          SSL_KEYSTORE_LABEL configuration parameter
          STACKSIZE configuration parameter
          STATCHANGE configuration parameter
          STMT_CACHE configuration parameter
          STMT_CACHE_HITS configuration parameter
          STMT_CACHE_NOLIMIT configuration parameter
          STMT_CACHE_NUMPOOL configuration parameter
          STMT_CACHE_QUERY_PLAN configuration parameter
          STMT_CACHE_SIZE configuration parameter
          STOP_APPLY configuration parameter
          STORAGE_FULL_ALARM configuration parameter
          SYSALARMPROGRAM configuration parameter
          SYSSBSPACENAME configuration parameter
          TBLSPACE_STATS configuration parameter
          TBLTBLFIRST configuration parameter
          TBLTBLNEXT configuration parameter
          TEMPTAB_NOLOG configuration parameter
          TENANT_LIMIT_CONNECTIONS configuration parameter
          TENANT_LIMIT_MEMORY configuration parameter
          TENANT_LIMIT_SPACE configuration parameter
          TLS_VERSION configuration parameter
          TXTIMEOUT configuration parameter
          UNSECURE_ONSTAT configuration parameter
          UPDATABLE_SECONDARY configuration parameter
          USELASTCOMMITTED configuration parameter
          USEOSTIME configuration parameter
          USERMAPPING configuration parameter (UNIX, Linux)
          USRC_HASHSIZE configuration parameter
          USRC_POOLSIZE configuration parameter
          USTLOW_SAMPLE configuration parameter
          VP_MEMORY_CACHE_KB configuration parameter
          VPCLASS configuration parameter
          VP_KAIO_PERCENT configuration parameter
          WSTATS configuration parameter
        The sysmaster database
          The sysmaster Database
            The buildsmi Script
            The Script
          The System-Monitoring Interface
            Understanding the SMI Tables
            Accessing SMI tables
              SELECT statements
              Triggers and Event Alarms
              SPL and SMI Tables
              Locking and SMI Tables
          The System-Monitoring Interface Tables
            The sysutils Tables
            sysha_lagtime Table
            syslogfil table
            sysnetworkio table
            sysproxysessions table
            sysproxytxnops table
            sysproxytxns table
            sysptprof table
            sysrepevtreg table
            sysrepstats table
              User interface for sysrepstats and sysrepevtreg tables
            syssqexplain table
            The SMI Tables Map
            Information from onstat in the SMI Tables
        The sysadmin Database
          The Scheduler tables
            The ph_task Table
            The ph_run Table
            The ph_group Table
            The ph_alert Table
            The ph_threshold Table
          The results tables
          The command_history table
          The storagepool table
          The tenant table
        Disk Structures and Storage
          Dbspace Structure and Storage
            Structure of the Root Dbspace
            Reserved Pages
            Structure of a Regular Dbspace
              Structure of an Additional Dbspace Chunk
              Structure of a Mirror Chunk
            Structure of the Chunk Free-List Page
            Structure of the Tblspace Tblspace
              Tblspace tblspace entries
              Tblspace Numbers
            Structure of the Database Tblspace
              Database Tblspace Entries
            Structure and Allocation of an Extent
              Extent Structure
                Extent size
                Page Types Within a Table Extent
                Page Types Within an Index Extent
              Next-Extent Allocation
                Next-Extent Size
                Extent size doubling
                Lack of Contiguous Space
                Merge of Extents for the Same Table
            Structure and Storage of a Dbspace Page
              Rows in Nonfragmented Tables
                Definition of Rowid
                Use of Rowids
              Rows in Fragmented Tables
                Access to Data in Fragmented Tables with Rowid
              Recommendations on Use of Rowid
              Data-Row Format and Storage
                Storage of Row
                Location of Rows
                Page Compression
            Structure of Fragmented Tables
            Structure of B-Tree Index Pages
              Definition of B-tree terms
              Logical Storage of Indexes
                Creation of Root and Leaf Nodes
                Creation of branch nodes
                Duplicate Key Values
                Key-Value Locking
                Adjacent Key Locking
                Freed Index Pages
                Filling Indexes
                Calculating the Length of Index Items
              Functional Indexes
            Structure of R-Tree Index Pages
          Storage of Simple Large Objects
            Structure of a Blobspace
            Structure of a Dbspace Blobpage
            Simple-Large-Object Storage and the Descriptor
              Creation of Simple Large Objects
              Deletion or Insertion of Simple Large Objects
              Size Limits for Simple Large Objects
            Blobspace Page Types
            Structure of a Blobspace Blobpage
          Sbspace Structure
            Structure of the metadata area
            Sbpage Structure
          Time Stamps
          Database and Table Creation: What Happens on Disk
            Database Creation
              Disk-Space Allocation for System Catalog Tables
              Tracking of System Catalog Tables
            Table Creation
              Disk-Space Allocation
              Entry in the Tblspace Tblspace
              Entries in the System Catalog Tables
              Creation of a Temporary Table
        Interpreting Logical-Log Records
          About Logical-Log Records
            Transactions That Drop a Table or Index
            Transactions That Are Rolled Back
            Checkpoints with Active Transactions
            Distributed Transactions
          Logical-Log Record Structure
            Logical-Log Record Header
            Logical-log record types and additional columns
            Log Record Types for Smart Large Objects
      Administrative Utilities
        Overview of Utilities
          Obtaining utility version information
          Setting local environment variables for utilities (UNIX)
        The finderr utility
        The genoncfg Utility
        The oncheck Utility
          oncheck Check-and-Repair
            What Does Each Option Do?
            Using the -y Option to Perform Repairs
            Repairing Indexes in Sbspaces and External Spaces
            Locking and oncheck
          oncheck utility syntax
          oncheck -cc and-pc: Check system catalog tables
          oncheck -cd and oncheck -cD commands: Check pages
          oncheck -ce, -pe: Check the chunk-free list
          oncheck -ci and -cI: Check index node links
          oncheck -cr and -cR: Check reserved pages
          oncheck -cs, -cS, -ps, -pS: Check and display sbspaces
          oncheck -pB: Display blobspace statistics
          oncheck -pd and pD: Display rows in hexadecimal format
          oncheck -pk, -pK, -pl, -pL: Display index information
          oncheck -pp and -pP: Display the contents of a logical page
          oncheck -pr and pR: Display reserved-page information
          oncheck -pt and -pT: Display tblspaces for a Table or Fragment
          Turn On Locking with -x
          Send Special Arguments to the Access Method with -u
          Return Codes on Exit
        The onclean utility
          The onshutdown script
        The oncmsm utility
        The onconfig_diff utility
        The ondblog utility
        The oninit utility
          The -FILE option
          Return codes for the oninit utility
        The onkstash Utility
        The onkstore Utility
          Create a Keystore with onkstore
          Creating an AWS type keystore
          Creating an Azure type keystore
          Creating a KMIP type keystore
          Verifying a Keystore File
          Changing the Password for a Keystore File
          Converting a Keystore File
          List the contents of a Keystore File
        The onlog utility
        The onmode utility
          onmode command syntax
          onmode -a: Add a shared-memory segment
          onmode -BC: Allow large chunk mode
          onmode -c: Force a checkpoint
          onmode -C: Control the B-tree scanner
          onmode -cache surrogates: Cache the allowed.surrogates file
          onmode -d: Set data-replication types
          onmode -d: Set High Availability server characteristics
          onmode -d command: Replicate an index with data-replication
          onmode -D, -M, -Q, -S: Change decision-support parameters
          onmode -e: Change usage of the SQL statement cache
          onmode -F: Free unused memory segments
          onmode -h: Update sqlhosts caches
          onmode -I: Control diagnostics collection
          onmode -k, -m, -s, -u, -j: Change database server mode
            Taking the Database Server to Offline Mode with the -k Option
            Bringing the Database Server Online with the -m Option
            Shutting Down the Database Server Gracefully with the -s Option
            Shutting Down the Database Server Immediately with the -u Option
            Changing the Database Server to Administration Mode with the -j Option
          onmode -l: Switch the logical-log file
          onmode -n, -r: Change shared-memory residency
          onmode -O: Override ONDBSPACEDOWN WAIT mode
          onmode -p: Add or drop virtual processors
            Rules for adding and dropping virtual processors
            Monitoring poll threads with onstat
          onmode -P: Start, stop, or restart a listen thread dynamically
          onmode -R: Regenerate .infos.dbservername File
          onmode -W: Change settings for the SQL statement cache
            SQL statement cache examples
          onmode -we: Export a file that contains current configuration parameters
          onmode -wf, -wm: Dynamically change certain configuration parameters
            onmode -wm: Change LRU tuning status
          onmode -wi: Import a configuration parameter file
          onmode -Y: Dynamically change SET EXPLAIN
          onmode -z: Kill a database server session
          onmode -Z: Kill a distributed transaction
        The onparams Utility
          onparams syntax
          onparams -a -d dbspace: Add a logical-log file
          onparams -d -l lognum: Drop a logical-log file
          onparams -p: Change physical-log parameters
            Backing Up After You Change the Physical-Log Size or Location
            Changing the Size of the Physical Log and Using Non-Default Page Sizes
          onparams -b: Add a buffer pool
          Examples of onparams Commands
        The onpassword utility
        The ifxclone utility
        The onspaces utility
          onspaces syntax
          onspaces -a: Add a chunk to a dbspace or blobspace
          onspaces -a: Add a chunk to an sbspace
          onspaces -c -b: Create a blobspace
          onspaces -c -d: Create a dbspace
          onspaces -c -P: Create a plogspace
          onspaces -c -S: Create an sbspace
            Creating a Temporary Sbspace with the -t Option
            Creating an Sbspace with the -Df option
            Changing the -Df Settings
            Using the onspaces -g option
          onspaces -c -x: Create an extspace
          onspaces -ch: Change sbspace default specifications
          onspaces -cl: Clean up stray smart large objects in sbspaces
          onspaces -d: Drop a chunk in a dbspace, blobspace, or sbspace
          onspaces -d: Drop a space
          onspaces -f: Specify DATASKIP parameter
          onspaces -m: Start mirroring
            Using a File to Specify Chunk-Location Information with the -f Option
          onspaces -r: Stop mirroring
          onspaces -ren: Rename a dbspace, blobspace, sbspace, or extspace
            Renaming a dbspace, blobspace, sbspace, or extspace when Enterprise Replication is active
            Performing an Archive after Renaming a Space
          onspaces -s: Change status of a mirrored chunk
          Avoid overwriting a chunk
        The onstat utility
          onstat Utility Commands Sorted by Functional Category
          Monitor the database server status
          onstat command syntax
          onstat command: Equivalent to the onstat -pu command
          onstat - command: Print output header
          onstat -- command: Print onstat options and functions
          Running onstat Commands on a Shared Memory Dump File
          onstat -a command: Print overall status of the database server
          onstat -b command: Print buffer information for buffers in use
          onstat -B command: Prints information about used buffers
          onstat -c command: Print ONCONFIG file contents
          onstat -C command: Print B-tree scanner information
          onstat -d command: Print chunk information
          onstat -D command: Print page-read and page-write information
          onstat -f command: Print dbspace information affected by dataskip
          onstat -F command: Print counts
          onstat -g monitoring options
            onstat -g act command: Print active threads
            onstat -g afr command: Print allocated memory fragments
            onstat -g all command: Print diagnostic information
            onstat -g aqt command: Print data mart and accelerated query table information
            onstat -g arc command: Print archive status
            onstat -g ath command: Print information about all threads
            onstat -g bth and -g BTH: Print blocked and waiting threads
            onstat -g buf command: Print buffer pool profile information
            onstat -g cac command: Print information about caches
            onstat -g ckp command: Print checkpoint history and configuration recommendations
            onstat -g cfg command: Print the current values of configuration parameters
            onstat -g cluster command: Print high-availability cluster information
            onstat -g cmsm command: Print Connection Manager information
            onstat -g con command: Print condition and thread information
            onstat -g cpu: Print runtime statistics
            onstat -g dbc command: Print dbScheduler and dbWorker thread statistics
            onstat -g defragment command: Print defragment partition extents
            onstat -g dic command: Print table information
            onstat -g dis command: Print database server information
            onstat -g dll command: Print dynamic link library file list
            onstat -g dmp command: Print raw memory
            onstat -g dri command: Print high-availability data replication information
            onstat -g dsc command: Print distribution cache information
            onstat -g dsk command: Print the progress of the currently running compression operation
            onstat -g env command: Print environment variable values
            onstat -g ffr command: Print free fragments
            onstat -g glo command: Print global multithreading information
            onstat -g his command: Print SQL trace information
            onstat -g ioa command: Print combined onstat -g information
            onstat -g iob command: Print big buffer use summary
            onstat -g iof command: Print asynchronous I/O statistics
            onstat -g iog command: Print AIO global information
            onstat -g ioq command: Print I/O queue information
            onstat -g ipl command: Print index page logging status information
            onstat -g iov command: Print AIO VP statistics
            onstat -g lap command: Print light appends status information
            onstat -g laq command: Print secondary server queues
            onstat -g lmm command: Print low memory management information
            onstat -g lmx command: Print all locked mutexes
            onstat -g lsc command: Print active light scan status (deprecated)
            onstat -g mem command: Print pool memory statistics
            onstat -g mgm command: Print MGM resource information
            onstat -g nbm command: Print a block bit map
            onstat -g nsc command: Print current shared memory connection information
            onstat -g nsd command: Print poll threads shared-memory data
            onstat -g nss command: Print shared memory network connections status
            onstat -g ntd command: Print network statistics
            onstat -g ntm command: Print network mail statistics
            onstat -g ntt command: Print network user times
            onstat -g ntu command: Print network user statistics
            onstat -g opn command: Print open partitions
            onstat -g osi: Print operating system information
            onstat -g pd command: Print push data session-related information
            onstat -g pd event command: Print push data event-related information
            onstat -g pfsc command: Print partition free space cache information
            onstat -g pos command: Print file values
            onstat -g ppd command: Print partition compression dictionary information
            onstat -g ppf command: Print partition profiles
            onstat -g pqs command: Print operators for all SQL queries
            onstat -g prc command: Print sessions using UDR or SPL routines
            onstat -g proxy command: Print proxy distributor information
            onstat -g qst command: Print wait options for mutex and condition queues
            onstat -g rah command: Print read-ahead request statistics
            onstat -g rbm command: Print a block map of shared memory
            onstat -g rea command: Print ready threads
            onstat -g rss command: Print RS secondary server information
            onstat -g rwm command: Print read and write mutexes
            onstat -g sch command: Print VP information
            onstat -g scn command: Print scan information
            onstat -g sds command: Print SD secondary server information
            onstat -g seg command: Print shared memory segment statistics
            onstat -g ses command: Print session-related information
            onstat -g shard command: Print information about the shard definition
            onstat -g sle command: Print all sleeping threads
            onstat -g smb command: Print sbspaces information
            onstat -g smx command: Print multiplexer group information
            onstat -g spi command: Print spin locks with long spins
            onstat -g sql command: Print SQL-related session information
            onstat -g spf: Print prepared statement profiles
            onstat -g src command: Patterns in shared memory
            onstat -g ssc command: Print SQL statement occurrences
            onstat -g stk command: Print thread stack
            onstat -g stm command: Print SQL statement memory usage
            onstat -g stq command: Print queue information
            onstat -g sts command: Print stack usage for each thread
            onstat -g sym command: Print symbol table information for the oninit utility
            onstat -g top command: Print top consumers of resources
            onstat -g tpf command: Print thread profiles
            onstat -g ufr command: Print memory pool fragments
            onstat -g vpcache command: Print CPU VP and tenant VP private memory cache statistics
            onstat -g wai command: Print wait queue thread list
            onstat -g wmx command: Print all mutexes with waiters
            onstat -g wst command: Print wait statistics for threads
          onstat -G command: Print TP/XA transaction information
          onstat -h command: Print buffer header hash chain information
          onstat -i command: Initiate interactive mode
          onstat -j command: Provide onpload status information
          onstat -k command: Print active lock information
          onstat -l command: Print physical and logical log information
          onstat -L command: Print the number of free locks
          onstat -m command: Print recent system message log information
          onstat -o command: Output shared memory contents to a file
          onstat -p command: Print profile counts
          onstat -P command: Print partition information
          onstat -r command: Repeatedly print selected statistics
          onstat -R command: Print LRU, FLRU, and MLRU queue information
          onstat -s command: Print latch information
          onstat -t and onstat -T commands: Print tblspace information
          onstat -u command: Print user activity profile
          onstat -x command: Print database server transaction information
            Determine the position of a logical-log record
            Determine the mode of a global transaction
          onstat -X command: Print thread information
          onstat -z command: Clear statistics
          Return codes on exiting the onstat utility
      SQL Administration API
        SQL Administration API Functions
          SQL Administration API Overview
            admin() and task() Function Syntax Behavior
            admin() and task() Argument Size Specifications
            admin() and task() Function Return Codes
          SQL administration API portal: Arguments by privilege groups
          add bufferpool argument: Add a buffer pool (SQL administration API)
          add chunk argument: Add a new chunk (SQL administration API)
          add log argument: Add a new logical log (SQL administration API)
          add memory argument: Increase shared memory (SQL administration API)
          add mirror argument: Add a mirror chunk (SQL administration API)
          alter chunk argument: Change chunk status to online or offline (SQL administration API)
          alter logmode argument: Change the database logging mode (SQL administration API)
          alter plog argument: Change the physical log (SQL administration API)
          archive fake argument: Perform an unrecorded backup (SQL administration API)
          autolocate database add argument: Add a dbspace to the dbspace list (SQL administration API)
          autolocate database anywhere argument: Add all dbspaces to the dbspace list (SQL administration API)
          autolocate database argument: Specify dbspaces for automatic location and fragmentation (SQL administration API)
          autolocate database off argument: Disable automatic fragmentation for a database (SQL administration API)
          autolocate database remove argument: Remove a dbspace from the dbspace list (SQL administration API)
          cdr argument: Administer Enterprise Replication (SQL administration API)
          cdr add trustedhost argument: Add trusted hosts (SQL administration API)
          cdr autoconfig serv argument: Autoconfigure connectivity and replication (SQL administration API)
          cdr list trustedhost argument: List trusted hosts (SQL administration API)
          cdr remove trustedhost argument: Remove trusted hosts (SQL administration API)
          check data argument: Check data consistency (SQL administration API)
          check extents argument: Check extent consistency (SQL administration API)
          check partition argument: Check partition consistency (SQL administration API)
          checkpoint argument: Force a checkpoint (SQL administration API)
          clean sbspace argument: Release unreferenced smart large objects (SQL administration API)
          create blobspace argument: Create a blobspace (SQL administration API)
          create blobspace from storagepool argument: Create a blobspace from the storage pool (SQL administration API)
          create chunk argument: Create a chunk (SQL administration API)
          create chunk from storagepool argument: Create a chunk from the storage pool (SQL administration API)
          create database argument: Create a database (SQL administration API)
          create dbaccessdemo argument: Create the demonstration database (SQL administration API)
          create dbspace argument: Create a dbspace (SQL administration API)
          create dbspace from storagepool argument: Create a dbspace from the storage pool (SQL administration API)
          create plogspace: Create a plogspace (SQL administration API)
          create sbspace argument: Create an sbspace (SQL administration API)
          create sbspace from storagepool argument: Create an sbspace from the storage pool (SQL administration API)
          create sbspace with accesstime argument: Create an sbspace that tracks access time (SQL administration API)
          create sbspace with log argument: Create an sbspace with transaction logging (SQL administration API)
          create tempdbspace argument: Create a temporary dbspace (SQL administration API)
          create tempdbspace from storagepool argument: Create a temporary dbspace from the storage pool (SQL administration API)
          create tempsbspace argument: Create a temporary sbspace (SQL administration API)
          create tempsbspace from storagepool argument: Create a temporary sbspace from the storage pool (SQL administration API)
          defragment argument: Dynamically defragment partition extents (SQL administration API)
          drop blobspace argument: Drop a blobspace (SQL administration API)
          drop blobspace to storagepool argument: Return space from an empty blobspace to the storage pool (SQL administration API)
          drop chunk argument: Drop a chunk (SQL administration API)
          drop chunk to storagepool argument: Return space from an empty chunk to the storage pool (SQL administration API)
          drop database argument: Drop a database (SQL administration API)
          drop dbspace argument: Drop a dbspace (SQL administration API)
          drop dbspace to storagepool argument: Return space from an empty dbspace to the storage pool (SQL administration API)
          drop log argument: Drop a logical log (SQL administration API)
          drop plogspace: Drop the plogspace (SQL administration API)
          drop sbspace argument: Drop an sbspace (SQL administration API)
          drop sbspace to storagepool argument: Return space from an empty sbspace to the storage pool (SQL administration API)
          drop tempdbspace argument: Drop a temporary dbspace (SQL administration API)
          drop tempdbspace to storagepool argument: Return space from an empty temporary dbspace to the storage pool (SQL administration API)
          drop tempsbspace to storagepool argument: Return space from an empty temporary sbspace to the storage pool (SQL administration API)
          export config argument: Export configuration parameter values (SQL administration API)
          file status argument: Display the status of a message log file (SQL administration API)
          grant admin argument: Grant privileges to run SQL administration API commands
          ha make primary argument: Change the mode of a secondary server (SQL administration API)
          ha rss argument: Create an RS secondary server (SQL administration API)
          ha rss add argument: Add an RS secondary server to a primary server (SQL administration API)
          ha rss change argument: Change the password of an RS secondary server (SQL administration API)
          ha rss delete argument: Delete an RS secondary server (SQL administration API)
          ha sds clear argument: Stop shared-disk replication (SQL administration API)
          ha sds primary argument: Convert an SD secondary server to a primary server (SQL administration API)
          ha sds set argument: Create a shared-disk primary server (SQL administration API)
          ha set idxauto argument: Replicate indexes to secondary servers (SQL administration API)
          ha set ipl argument: Log index builds on the primary server (SQL administration API)
          ha set primary argument: Define an HDR primary server (SQL administration API)
          ha set secondary argument: Define an HDR secondary server (SQL administration API)
          ha set standard argument: Convert an HDR server into a standard server (SQL administration API)
          ha set timeout argument: Change SD secondary server timeout (SQL administration API)
          import config argument: Import configuration parameter values (SQL administration API)
          index compress repack shrink arguments: Optimize the storage of B-tree indexes (SQL administration API)
          index estimate_compression argument: Estimate index compression (SQL administration API)
          master_key reset argument: Change the keystore password (SQL administration API)
          message log delete argument: Delete a message log file (SQL administration API)
          message log rotate argument: Rotate the message log file (SQL administration API)
          message log truncate argument: Delete the contents of a message log file (SQL administration API)
          modify chunk extend argument: Extend the size of a chunk (SQL administration API)
          modify chunk extendable argument: Mark a chunk as extendable (SQL administration API)
          modify chunk extendable off argument: Mark a chunk as not extendable (SQL administration API)
          modify chunk swap_mirror argument: Switch primary and mirror chunk files without any downtime(SQL administration API)
          modify space swap_mirror argument: Switch all primary and mirror chunk files for a space without any downtime (SQL administration API)
          modify config arguments: Modify configuration parameters (SQL administration API)
          modify space expand argument: Expand the size of a space (SQL administration API)
          modify space sp_sizes argument: Modify sizes of an extendable storage space (SQL administration API)
          onbar argument: Backup the storage spaces (SQL administration API)
          onmode and a arguments: Add a shared-memory segment (SQL administration API)
          onmode and c arguments: Force a checkpoint (SQL administration API)
          onmode and C arguments: Control the B-tree scanner (SQL administration API)
          onmode and d arguments: Set data-replication types (SQL administration API)
          onmode and D arguments: Set PDQ priority (SQL administration API)
          onmode and e arguments: Change usage of the SQL statement cache (SQL administration API)
          onmode and F arguments: Free unused memory segments (SQL administration API)
          onmode and h arguments: Update sqlhosts caches (SQL administration API)
          onmode and j arguments: Switch the database server to administration mode (SQL administration API)
          onmode and l arguments: Switch to the next logical log (SQL administration API)
          onmode and m arguments: Switch to multi-user mode (SQL administration API)
          onmode and M arguments: Temporarily change decision-support memory (SQL administration API)
          onmode and n arguments: Unlock resident memory (SQL administration API)
          onmode and O arguments: Mark a disabled dbspace as down (SQL administration API)
          onmode and p arguments: Add or remove virtual processors (SQL administration API)
          onmode and Q arguments: Set maximum number for decision-support queries (SQL administration API)
          onmode and r arguments: Force residency of shared memory (SQL administration API)
          onmode and S arguments: Set maximum number of decision-support scans (SQL administration API)
          onmode and W arguments: Reset statement cache attributes (SQL administration API)
          onmode and wf arguments: Permanently update a configuration parameter (SQL administration API)
          onmode and wm arguments: Temporarily update a configuration parameter (SQL administration API)
          onmode, wm, and AUTO_LRU_TUNING arguments: Change LRU tuning status (SQL administration API)
          onmode and Y arguments: Change query plan measurements for a session (SQL administration API)
          onmode and z arguments: Terminate a user session (SQL administration API)
          onmode and Z arguments: Terminate a distributed transaction (SQL administration API)
          onsmsync argument: Synchronize with the storage manager catalog (SQL administration API)
          onstat argument: Monitor the database server (SQL administration API)
          ontape archive argument: Backup the data on your database (SQL administration API)
          print error argument: Print an error message (SQL administration API)
          print file info argument: Display directory or file information (SQL administration API)
          print partition argument: Print partition information (SQL administration API)
          rename space argument: Rename a storage space (SQL administration API)
          reset config argument: Revert configuration parameter value (SQL administration API)
          reset config all argument: Revert all dynamically updatable configuration parameter values (SQL administration API)
          reset sysadmin argument: Move the sysadmin database (SQL administration API)
          restart listen argument: Stop and start a listen thread dynamically (SQL administration API)
          revoke admin argument: Revoke privileges to run SQL administration API commands
          scheduler argument: Stop or start the scheduler (SQL administration API)
          scheduler lmm enable argument: Specify automatic low memory management settings (SQL administration API)
          scheduler lmm disable argument: Stop automatic low memory management (SQL administration API)
          set chunk argument: Change the status of a chunk (SQL administration API)
          set dataskip argument: Start or stop skipping a dbspace (SQL administration API)
          set index compression argument: Change index page compression (SQL administration API)
          set onconfig memory argument: Temporarily change a configuration parameter (SQL administration API)
          set onconfig permanent argument: Permanently change a configuration parameter (SQL administration API)
          set sbspace accesstime argument: Control access time tracking (SQL administration API)
          set sbspace avg_lo_size argument: Set the average size of smart large objects (SQL administration API)
          set sbspace logging argument: Change the logging of an sbspace (SQL administration API)
          set sql tracing argument: Set global SQL tracing (SQL administration API)
          set sql tracing database argument: Change database tracing (SQL administration API)
          set sql tracing session argument: Control tracing for a session (SQL administration API)
          set sql tracing user argument: Control tracing for users (SQL administration API)
          set sql user tracing argument: Set global SQL tracing for a user session (SQL administration API)
          start json listener argument: Start the MongoDB API wire listener (deprecated)
          start listen argument: Start a listen thread dynamically (SQL administration API)
          start mirroring argument: Starts storage space mirroring (SQL administration API)
          statement cache enable argument: Enable the SQL statement cache (SQL administration API)
          statement cache flush argument: Flush the SQL statement cache (SQL administration API)
          statement cache hits argument: Specify the number of hits in the SQL statement cache (SQL administration API)
          statement cache nolimit argument: Control whether to insert qualified statements into the SQL statement cache (SQL administration API)
          statement cache off argument: Disable the SQL statement cache (SQL administration API)
          statement cache save argument: Save the SQL statement cache (SQL administration API)
          statement cache restore argument: Restore the SQL statement cache (SQL administration API)
          stop json listener: Stop the wire listener (deprecated)
          stop listen argument: Stop a listen thread dynamically (SQL administration API)
          stop mirroring argument: Stops storage space mirroring (SQL administration API)
          storagepool add argument: Add a storage pool entry (SQL administration API)
          storagepool delete argument: Delete one storage pool entry (SQL administration API)
          storagepool modify argument: Modify a storage pool entry (SQL administration API)
          storagepool purge argument: Delete storage pool entries (SQL administration API)
          Table and fragment pfsc_boost argument: Enable or disable a boosted partition free space cache (PFSC)
          Table and fragment compress and uncompress operations (SQL administration API)
            table or fragment arguments: Compress data and optimize storage (SQL administration API)
            Output of the estimate compression operation (SQL administration API)
            purge compression dictionary arguments: Remove compression dictionaries (SQL administration API)
          tenant create argument: Create a tenant database (SQL Administration API)
          tenant drop argument: Drop a tenant database (SQL Administration API)
          tenant update argument: Modify tenant database properties (SQL Administration API)
        Database server files
        Troubleshooting errors
          Collecting Diagnostics using onmode -I
          Creating Tracepoints
          Collecting data with the ifxcollect tool
        Event Alarms
          Using ALARMPROGRAM to Capture Events
            Setting ALRM_ALL_EVENTS
            Writing Your Own Alarm Script
            Customizing the ALARMPROGRAM Scripts
            Precautions for Foreground Operations in Alarm Scripts
            Interpreting event alarm messages
          Events in the ph_alert Table
          Event Alarm Parameters
          Event alarm IDs
            Severity 5 event alarms
          Connection Manager event alarm IDs
        Messages in the database server log
          How the Messages Are Ordered in This Chapter
            How to view these messages
            Message Categories
          Messages: A-B
            Aborting Long Transaction: tx 0xn.
            Affinitied VP mm to phys proc nn.
            Affinity not enabled for this server.
            Assert Failed: Error from SBSpace cleanup thread.
            Assert Failed: Short description of what failed Who: Description of user/session/thread running at the time Result: State of the affected database server entity Action: What action the database administrator should take See Also: DUMPDIR/af.uniqid containing more diagnostics.
            Begin re-creating indexes deferred during recovery.
            Building 'sysmaster' database requires ~mm pages of logical log. Currently there are nn pages available. Prepare to back up your logs soon.
            Building 'sysmaster' database...
          Messages: C
            Cannot Allocate Physical-log File, mm wanted, nn available.
            Cannot alter a table which has associated violations table.
            Cannot change to mode.
            Cannot Commit Partially Complete Transactions.
            Cannot create a user-defined VP class with 'SINGLE_CPU_VP' non-zero.
            Cannot create violations/diagnostics table.
            Cannot insert from the violations table to the target table.
            Cannot modify/drop a violations/diagnostics table.
            Cannot Open Dbspace nnn.
            Cannot Open Logical Log.
            Cannot Open Mirror Chunk pathname, errorno = nn.
            Cannot Open Primary Chunk pathname, errorno = nnn.
            Cannot Open Primary Chunk chunkname.
            Cannot open sysams in database name, iserrno number.
            Cannot open sysdistrib in database name, iserrno number.
            Cannot open system_table in database name, iserrno number.
            Cannot open systrigbody in database name, iserrno number.
            Cannot open systriggers in database name, iserrno number.
            Cannot open sysxtdtypes in database name, iserrno number.
            Cannot Perform Checkpoint, shut system down.
            Cannot Restore to Checkpoint.
            Cannot Rollback Incomplete Transactions.
            Cannot update pagezero.
            Cannot update syscasts in database name. Iserrno number.
            Can’t affinity VP mm to phys proc nn.
            Changing the sbspace minimum extent value: old value value1, new value value2.
            Checkpoint blocked by down space, waiting for override or shutdown.
            Checkpoint Completed: duration was n seconds.
            Checkpoint Page Write Error.
            Checkpoint Record Not Found in Logical Log.
            Chunk chunkname added to space spacename.
            Chunk chunkname dropped from space spacename.
            Chunk number nn pathname -- Offline.
            Chunk number nn pathname -- Online.
            The chunk pathname must have READ/WRITE permissions for owner and group.
            The chunk pathname must have owner-ID and group-ID set to informix.
            The chunk pathname will not fit in the space specified.
            Cleaning stray LOs in sbspace sbspacename.
            Completed re-creating indexes.
            Configuration has been grown to handle up to integer chunks.
            Configuration has been grown to handle up to integer dbslices.
            Configuration has been grown to handle up to integer dbspaces.
            Continuing Long Transaction (for COMMIT): tx 0xn.
            Could not disable priority aging: errno = number.
            Could not fork a virtual processor: errno = number.
            Create_vp: cannot allocate memory.
          Messages: D-E-F
            Dataskip is OFF for all dbspaces.
            Dataskip is ON for all dbspaces.
            Dataskip is ON for dbspaces: dbspacelist.
            Dataskip will be turned {ON|OFF} for dbspacename.
            DBSERVERALIASES exceeded the maximum limit of 32
            DBSPACETEMP internal list not initialized, using default.
            The DBspace/BLOBspace spacename is now mirrored.
            The DBspace/BLOBspace spacename is no longer mirrored.
            devname: write failed, file system is full.
            Dropping temporary tblspace 0xn, recovering nn pages.
            Dynamically allocated new shared memory segment (size nnnn).
            ERROR: NO "wait for" locks in Critical Section.
            Error building sysmaster database. See outfile.
            Error in dropping system defined type.
            Error in renaming systdist.
            Error removing sysdistrib row for tabid = tabid, colid = colid in database name. iserrno = number
            Error writing pathname errno = number.
            Error writing shmem to file filename (error). Unable to create output file filename errno=mm.Error writing filename errno=nn.
            Fail to extend physical log space.
            Fatal error initializing CWD string. Check permissions on current working directory. Group groupname must have at least execute permission on '.'.
            Fragments dbspacename1 dbspacename2 of table tablename set to non-resident.
            Forced-resident shared memory not available.
            Freed mm shared-memory segment(s) number bytes.
          Messages: G-H-I
            gcore pid; mv dir/
            I/O function chunk mm, pagenum nn, pagecnt aa --> errno = bb.
            I/O error, primary/mirror Chunk pathname -- Offline (sanity).
            Informix database_server Initialized - Complete Disk Initialized.
            Informix database_server Initialized - Shared Memory Initialized.
            Informix database_server Stopped.
            In-Place Alter Table. Perform EXECUTE FUNCTION sysadmin:task('table update_ipa', 'table_name','database');
            ERROR: Insufficient available disk in the root dbspace to increase the entire Configuration save area.
            Insufficient available disk in the root dbspace for the CM save area. Increase the size of the root dbspace in the ONCONFIG file and reinitialize the server.
            Internal overflow of shmid's, increase system max shared memory segment size.
          Messages: J-K-L-M
            Listener-thread err = error_number: error_message.
            Lock table overflow - user id mm session id nn.
            Logical-log File not found.
            Logical Log nn Complete.
            Logical logging vberror for type:subtype in (failed_system).
            Log Record: log = ll, pos = 0xn, type = type:subtype(snum), trans = xx
            Log record (type:subtype) at log nn, 0xn was not undone.
            Log record (type:subtype) failed, partnum pnum row rid iserrno num.
            Log record (type:subtype) in log nn, offset 0xn was not rolled back.
            Logical Recovery allocating nn worker threads thread_type.
            Logical Recovery Started.
            Maximum server connections number.
            Memory allocation error.
            Mirror Chunk chunkname added to space spacename. Perform manual recovery.
            Mixed transaction result. (pid=nn user=userid).
            mt_shm_free_pool: pool 0xn has blocks still used (id nn).
            mt_shm_init: can’t create resident/virtual segment.
            mt_shm_remove: WARNING: may not have removed all/correct segments.
          Messages: N-O-P
            Newly specified value of value for the pagesize in the configuration file does not match older value of value. Using the older value.
            Not enough main memory.
            Not enough logical-log files, Increase LOGFILES.
            The number of configured inline poll threads exceeds the number of CPU virtual processors.
            onconfig parameter parameter modified from old_value to new_value.
            oninit: Cannot have SINGLE_CPU_VP non-zero and number of CPU VPs greater than 1.
            oninit: Cannot have SINGLE_CPU_VP non-zero and user-defined VP classes.
            oninit: Fatal error in initializing ASF with 'ASF_INIT_DATA' flags asfcode = '25507'.
            Cannot alter a table which has associated violations table.
            oninit: Too many VPCLASS parameters specified.
            oninit: VPCLASS classname bad affinity specification.
            oninit: VPCLASS classname duplicate class name.
            oninit: VPCLASS classname illegal option.
            oninit: VPCLASS classname maximum number of VPs is out of the range 0-10000.
            oninit: VPCLASS classname name is too long. Maximum length is maxlength.
            oninit: VPCLASS classname number of VPs is greater than the maximum specified.
            oninit: VPCLASS classname number of VPs is out of the range 0-10000.
            onmode: VPCLASS classname name is too long. Maximum length is maxlength.
            Online Mode.
            onspaces: unable to reset dataskip.
            Open transaction detected when changing log versions.
            Out of message shared memory.
            Out of resident shared memory.
            Out of virtual shared memory.
            PANIC: Attempting to bring system down.
            Participant site database_server heuristically rolled back.
            Physical recovery complete: number pages examined, number pages restored.
            Physical recovery started at page (chunk:offset).
            Portions of partition partnum of table tablename in database dbname were not logged. This partition cannot be rolled forward.
            Possible mixed transaction result.
            Prepared participant site server_name did not respond.
            Prepared participant site server_name not responding.
          Messages: Q-R-S
            Quiescent Mode.
            Read failed. Table name, Database name, iserrno = number
            Recovery Mode.
            Recreating index: 'dbsname:"owner".tabname-idxname'.
            Rollforward of log record failed, iserrno = nn.
            Root chunk is full and no additional pages could be allocated to chunk descriptor page.
            scan_logundo: subsys ss, type tt, iserrno ee.
            Session completed abnormally. Committing tx id 0xm, flags 0xn.
            Session completed abnormally. Rolling back tx id 0xm, flags 0xn.
            semctl: errno = nn.
            semget: errno = nn.
            shmat: some_string os_errno: os_err_text.
            shmctl: errno = nn.
            shmdt: errno = nn.
            shmem sent to filename.
            shmget: some_str os_errno: key shmkey: some_string.
            Shutdown (onmode -k) or override (onmode -O).
            Shutdown Mode.
            Space spacename added.
            Space spacename dropped.
            Space spacename -- Recovery Begins(addr).
            Space spacename -- Recovery Complete(addr).
            Space spacename -- Recovery Failed(addr).
            sysmaster database built successfully.
            Successfully extend physical log space
          Messages: T-U-V
            This ddl operation is not allowed due to deferred constraints pending on this table and dependent tables.
            This type of space does not accept log files.
            TIMER VP: Could not redirect I/O in initialization, errno = nn.
            Too Many Active Transactions.
            Too many violations.
            Transaction Not Found.
            Transaction heuristically rolled back.
            Transaction table overflow - user id nn, process id nn.
            Unable to create output file filename errno = nn.
            Unable to extend nn reserved pages for purpose in root chunk.
            Unable to start SQL engine.
            Unable to open tblspace nn, iserrno = nn.
            The value of pagesize pagesize specified in the config file is not a valid pagesize. Use 2048, 4096 or 8192 as the value for PAGESIZE in the onconfig file and restart the server.
            Violations table is not started for the target table.
            Violations table reversion test completed successfully.
            Violations table reversion test failed.
            Violations table reversion test start.
            Violations tables still exist.
            Virtual processor limit exceeded.
            VPCLASS classname name is too long. Maximum length is maxlength.
            VPCLASS classname duplicate class name.
            VPCLASS classname Not enough physical procs for affinity.
          Messages: W-X-Y-Z
            WARNING: aio_wait: errno = nn.
            WARNING: Buffer pool size may cause database server to get into a locked state. Recommended minimum buffer pool size is num times maximum concurrent user threads.
            warning: Chunk time stamps are invalid.
            Warning: name_old is a deprecated onconfig parameter. Use name_new instead. See the release notes and the Informix Administrator's Reference for more information.
            Warning: name_old is a deprecated onconfig parameter. Use name_new instead.
            Warning: Unable to allocate requested big buffer of size nn.
            You are turning off smart large object logging.
          Messages: Symbols
            HH:MM:SS Informix database server Version R.VV.PPPPP Software Serial Number RDS#XYYYYYY.
            argument: invalid argument.
            function_name: cannot allocate memory.
          Conversion and reversion error messages
            Cannot revert new fragment expression for index index, tabid id.
            Cannot revert new table fragment expression for table with id id.
            The conversion of the database name has failed.
            Database name is not revertible...
            Database name: Must drop trigger (id = id_number) before attempting reversion.
            The dummy updates failed while converting database name. This may imply data corruption in the database. If so, restore the original database with the tape backup. For more information, see output_file.
            Error in slow altering a system table.
            Internal server error.
            Must drop long identifiers in table name in database name
            Must drop new database (name) before attempting reversion. Iserrno error_number
            Must drop new user defined statistics in database name, iserrno number
            The pload database contains load/unload jobs referring to long table names, column names, or database names. These jobs will not work as expected until they are redefined.
            Reversion canceled.
            There is a semi-detached index in this table, which cannot be reverted.
            WARNING: Target server version must have a certified Storage Manager installed after conversion/reversion and before bringing up server.
          Conversion and Reversion Messages for Enterprise Replication
            CDR reversion test failed; for details look in $INFORMIXDIR/etc/revtestcdr.out.
            Enterprise Replication is not ready for conversion. The Control and TRG send queues should be empty for conversion/reversion to proceed.
            Enterprise Replication should be in a stopped state for conversion/reversion to proceed.
            ...‘syscdr’ reversion failed; for details look in $INFORMIXDIR/etc/revcdr.out.
            'syscdr' conversion failed. For details, look in $INFORMIXDIR/etc/concdr.out.
            Syscdr should NOT contain new replicate sets for reversion to succeed.
            Syscdr should not contain replicates defined with the --floatieee option for reversion to succeed.
          Dynamic Log Messages
            Dynamically added log file logid to DBspace dbspace_number.
            Log file logid added to DBspace dbspace_number.
            Log file number logid has been dropped from DBspace dbspace_number.
            Log file logid has been pre-dropped.
            Pre-dropped log file number logid has been deleted from DBspace dbspace_number.
            ALERT: Because the oldest logical log (logid) contains records from an open transaction (transaction_address), the server is attempting to dynamically add a log file. But there is no space available. Please add a DBspace or chunk. Then complete the transaction as soon as possible.
            ALERT: The oldest logical log (logid) contains records from an open transaction (transaction_address). Logical logging will remain blocked until a log file is added. Add the log file with the onparams -a command, using the -i (insert) option, as in: onparams -a -d dbspace -s size -i. Then complete the transaction as soon as possible.
            Log file logid has been pre-dropped. It will be deleted from the log list and its space can be reused once you take level-0 archives of all BLOBspaces, Smart BLOBspaces and non-temporary DBspaces.
          Sbspace Metadata Messages
            Allocated number pages to Metadata from chunk number.
            Allocated number pages to Userdata from chunk number.
            Freeing reserved space from chunk number to Metadata.
            Freeing reserved space from chunk number to Userdata.
          Truncate Table Messages
            The table cannot be truncated if it has an open cursor or dirty readers.
            The table cannot be truncated. It has at least one non-empty child table with referential constraints.
        Limits in Informix
    DB-Access User's Guide
      Getting started with DB-Access
        Requirements for the Informix server DB-Access utility
          Environment variables for DB-Access
        Requirements for the Informix Client Software Development Kit DB-Access utility
        Demonstration databases
          Creating a demonstration database
          dbaccessdemo command: Create demonstration databases
        Start DB-Access
          dbaccess command: Start DB-Access
            CONNECTION menu options
            DATABASE menu options
            QUERY-LANGUAGE menu options
            TABLE menu options
            Example: Start DB-Access for a database
            Example: Run a command file
            Example: View the Information Schema
            Example: Check for ANSI compliance
            Example: Show nonprintable characters in hexadecimal
          Run DB-Access in interactive mode without menus
            Connect to a database environment in interactive mode
      The full-screen menu interface
        The Query-language option
          SQL editor
          A system editor
          Statements that the Run option supports
          Redirect query results
          Choose an existing SQL statement
          Save the current SQL statement
          Support for SPL Routines
          What happens when errors occur
        The Database option
          List of available databases
          Retrieve nondefault locale information
          Close a database
        The Table option
          Display table information
        The Connection and Session options
          Implicit closures
        How to read online help for SQL statements
        Demonstration SQL
          SQL files for the relational database model
            The alt_cat.sql command file
            The c_calls.sql command file
            The c_cat.sql command file
            The c_custom.sql command file
            The c_index.sql command file
            The c_items.sql command file
            The c_manuf.sql command file
            The c_orders.sql file
            The c_proc.sql command file
            The c_state command file
            The c_stock.sql command file
            The c_stores.sql command file
            The c_table.sql command file
            The c_trig.sql command file
            The c_type.sql command file
            The c_view1.sql command file
            The c_view2.sql command file
            The d_proc.sql command file
            The d_trig.sql command file
            The d_view.sql command file
            The del_stock.sql command file
            The ins_table.sql command file
            The sel_agg.sql command file
            The sel_all.sql command file
            The sel_group.sql command file
            The sel_join.sql command file
            The sel_ojoin1.sql command file
            The sel_ojoin2.sql command file
            The sel_ojoin3.sql command file
            The sel_ojoin4.sql command file
            The sel_order.sql command file
            The sel_sub.sql command file
            The sel_union.sql command file
            The upd_table.sql command file
          SQL files for the Dimensional Database Model
            The createdw.sql file
            The loaddw.sql file
          User-defined routines for the object-relational database model
    High-Performance Loader User's Guide
      High-Performance Loader overview
        Overview of HPL features
        The HPL data-load process
        The HPL data-unload process
        HPL loading modes
        HPL components
          The onpload utility
          The ipload utility
          The onpladm utility
          The onpload database
          Relationships among the parts of the HPL
        Environment variables needed for the HPL
          Preparing multiple onpload databases
          The PLCONFIG environment variable
          The PLOAD_SHMBASE environment variable
            Avoid shared-memory collision
            Set the PLOAD_SHMBASE environment variable
          The PLOAD_LO_PATH environment variable
          The PLOAD_SHMAT environment variable
        Architecture of the onpload utility
          The onpload utility deluxe-mode process
            Threads that the onpload utility uses
            Threads that the database server uses
          The onpload utility express-mode load process
          The onpload utility unload process
      Examples of loading and unloading jobs using the ipload utility
        Prepare to use the ipload utility
        Create a file of data
        Create a database
        The ipload utility
          Start the ipload utility
          Choose a project
          Check the ipload utility default values
            Look at the Defaults window
            Look at the Machines window
        Load Job windows
          Load Job Select window
          Load Job window
        Device-Array windows
          Device Array Selection window
          Device-Array Definition window
        Format windows
          Format Views window
          Record Formats window
          Format-Definition window
        Filter, Discard Records, and Logfile text boxes
        Map Views window
          Creating a map by using Map Views window
        Completing the Load Record Maps window
        Map-Definition window
          Associating each input item with a column of the database table
        Load Options window
        Running the ipload job
        Active Job window
        The ipload utility Generate options
          Use the information you created with the ipload example
          Preparing the Unload Job window
          Performing the unload job
      The ipload utility windows
        The ipload utility GUI or the onpladm command-line interface
          Start the ipload utility
        The ipload utility GUI
          The HPL main window
            Initial options on the HPL main window
            Options of the HPL main window
          Component-Selection windows
          Component-Definition windows
          Load Job and Unload Job windows
          Views windows
            Access views windows
            Available options in a Views window
              Search for a component in a Views window
              Expand the view in a Views window
          Selection-List windows
          Message windows
        The HPL ipload utility buttons
          The HPL ipload utility toolbar buttons
            The Browse button
            The Copy button
              Copying an existing format into a new format
            The Delete button
              Deleting an existing format
            The Notes button
              Creating a note
            The Print button
          The HPL ipload utility icon buttons
          Buttons at the bottom of the HPL ipload utility display
        The HPL online help
        The UNIX keyboard commands to move the cursor
      Define HPL projects
        HPL projects
        Project organization
        Select or create a project with the Projects window
          Defining a new project
          Selecting a project
            Selecting a project for a load or unload job
            Selecting a project to edit
      Configure the High-Performance Loader
        Configure the ipload utility
        Select a database server
          Selecting a database server
          Create the onpload database
        Modify the onpload default values
          The Defaults window
          Specifying the onpload defaults
        Selecting a driver
          The Drivers window
          Adding a custom-driver name
        Modify the machine description
          The Machines window
          Editing the description of a computer
          Adding a computer type to the Machines list
      Define device arrays
        Device arrays
        Multiple devices in a device array
        The Device-Array Selection window
          Creating a device array
          Opening an existing device array
        The Device-Array Definition window
          Adding, editing, and removing devices
            Adding devices to the device array
            Editing a device in the device array
            Deleting a device from the device array
      Define formats
        Formats of supported datafile records
        Fixed-length records
          Creating a fixed format
            Data types allowed in a fixed format
          Editing a format
            Adding a new field description to the format
            Inserting a new field into the format
            Editing the description of a field
            Deleting a field description from the format
          Create a fixed format that uses carriage returns
          Create a fixed format that includes BYTE or TEXT data
            Inline data
            Data in a separate file
          Create a fixed format that includes Ext type or Simple LO data
            Fixed-length data
            Inline data
            Simple LO data in a separate file
        Delimited records
          Create a delimited format
            Data types allowed in a delimited format
          Create a delimited format that includes BYTE or TEXT data
          Create a delimited format with extended data types
        COBOL records
          Create a COBOL format
          Picture and usage descriptions
        Other formats
        Format options
          Modifying fixed and COBOL formats
          Modifying delimited-format options
            Testing the import of a CSV file
        Format Views window
      Define queries
        HPL queries
        Creating a query
          Using the Column Selection window
          Editing the WHERE clause
        Editing a query
        Exporting and importing queries
          Importing a query
          Exporting a query
        The Database Views window
      Define maps
        Load and unload maps
          The Map-Definition window
            The Table and Format panes
            Unassigned or multiple-assigned fields and columns
            Identical field names and column names
          Creating a load map
        Unload maps
          Creating an unload map
          Unload data by using functions
        Mapping options
          Defining the mapping options
          Set the mapping options
        Editing options
          Using the Delete button
          Using the Find button
          Using the Specs button
        Map Views window
          Seeing the load maps of a database
          Seeing selected load maps
      Define filters
        Example of using filter
        Creating a filter
          Preparing the filter definition
        Modifying a filter
          Editing an existing filter
          Adding an item to the filter
          Inserting an item into the filter sequence
          Deleting a filter
        Filter views
        Filters with code-set conversion (GLS)
      Unload data from a database
        Unload jobs
        Components of the unload job
          Choose the database server
          Run multiple jobs
        The Unload Job windows
          Creating an unload job
          Run the unload job
            Problems during an unload job
          Specify to write to the end of the tape
          The command-line information
          Changing the unload options
          Editing an unload job
        Generate options for an unload job
      Load data to a database table
        Load jobs
        Components of the load job
          Choose the database server
          Run multiple jobs
          Prepare user privileges and the violations table
            Set user constraints
            Manage the violations and diagnostics tables
        The Load Job windows
          Creating a load job
          Run the load job
            Make a level-0 backup
            Problems during a load job
          Specify to read to the end of the tape
          The command-line information
          Changing the load options
          Editing a load job
        Generate options for a load job
      The Generate options of the ipload utility
        Overview of the ipload Generate options
        Tasks that generate load or unload components
        Generate from the Load Job window
          Generating a job from the Load Job window
        Generate from the Unload Job window
          Generating a job that uses a query
          Generating a job that unloads an entire table
        Generate from the Components menu
          The Generate window
            Generate group
            Format type group
          Generating load and unload components
          Using the No Conversion Job option
      The HPL browsing options
        Browsing options
          Preview data-file records
            Using the Record Browser window
              Reviewing data-file records in a selected format
              Searching and editing a format
              Editing a format
          Reviewing records that the conversion rejected
          Viewing the violations table
          View the status of a load job or unload job
            Viewing the log file
            Sample log file
      Manage the High-Performance Loader
        Manage modes, errors, and performance
        HPL modes
          The HPL deluxe mode
          The HPL express mode
          How the express and deluxe modes work
            Foreign-key constraints
            Comparison between an express-mode and a deluxe-mode load operation
        HPL load and unload errors
          Rejected records from the input file
          Constraint violations
          View error records
        HPL performance
          The onpload configuration parameters
          Express-mode limitations
          The onstat options for onpload
          Devices for the device array
          HPL usage tasks
            Reorganize computer configuration
            Alter the schema of a table
            Assess information for loading or unloading external data
          Settings for a no-conversion load or unload job
            Run no-conversion load jobs with tables with hidden columns
          An express-mode load with delimited ASCII
          HPL performance hints
            Choose an efficient format
            Ensure enough converter threads and VPs
            Ensure enough memory
            Ensure enough buffers of adequate size
            Increase the commit interval
        Limitation when using the Excalibur Text DataBlade Module indexes
      The onpload utility
        Overview of the onpload utility
        The onpload file name size limitations on UNIX
        Start the onpload utility
        Using the onpload utility
        The onpload utility syntax
        Set the onpload run mode with the -f option
          Type the onpload -f flags
          Interpret the onpload -d and -f options together
        Modify the size of onpload database parameters
          The onpload -i option
        Override the onpload database values
        Load data into collection data type columns
      The onpladm utility
        Overview of the onpladm utility
          The onpladm utility features
          Specification-file conventions
          Error handling
        Define onpladm utility jobs
          Create onpladm jobs
            Create conversion jobs
              Create conversion jobs by using a quick command
              Create conversion jobs by using detailed specification files
                Create a conversion-load job
                Create a conversion unload job
            Create no-conversion jobs
              Create no-conversion jobs by using a quick command
              Create no-conversion jobs by using detailed specification files
                Create a no-conversion load job
                Create a no-conversion unload job
          Modify a job by using a detailed specification file
          Describe a job
          List all jobs in a project
          Run a job
            The onpladm utility when referential constraints are on tables
          Delete a job
        Define device arrays
          Create a device array
          Modify a device array
          Describe a device array
          List project device arrays
          Deleting a device array
        Define maps
          Create maps
            Create a map by using a quick command
            Create a map with a detailed specification file
          Delete a map
          Describe a map
          Modify a map by using a detailed specification file
          List all maps in a project
        Define formats
          Create a format
          Modify a format by using a specification file
          Describe a format
          List all formats in a project
          Delete a format
        Define queries
          Creating a query
          Modify a query
          Describing a query
          List all queries in a project
          Delete a query
        Define filters
          Create a filter
          Modify a filter
          Describe a filter
          List all filters in a project
          Delete a filter
        Define projects
          Create a project
          Run all jobs in a project
          List all projects
          Delete a project
        Define machine types
          Create a machine type
          Modify a machine type
          Describe a machine
          List all existing machine types
          Delete a machine type
        Define database operations
          Create a database project
          Configure target-server attributes
            Set target-server attribute values
            List target-server defaults
        The onpload database
          The defaults table in the onpload database
          The delimiters table in the onpload database
          The device table in the onpload database
          The driver table in the onpload database
          The filteritem table in the onpload database
          The filters table in the onpload database
          The formatitem table in the onpload database
          The formats table in the onpload database
          The language table in the onpload database
          The machines table in the onpload database
          The mapitem table in the onpload database
          The mapoption table in the onpload database
          The maps table in the onpload database
          The note table in the onpload database
          The project table in the onpload database
          The query table in the onpload database
          The session table in the onpload database
        High-Performance Loader configuration file
          HPL configuration parameter descriptions
          HPL configuration parameter file conventions
          The AIOBUFFERS configuration parameter
          The AIOBUFSIZE configuration parameter
          The CONVERTTHREADS configuration parameter
          The CONVERTVPS configuration parameter
          The HPLAPIVERSION configuration parameter
          The HPL_DYNAMIC_LIB_PATH configuration parameter
          The STRMBUFFERS configuration parameter
          The STRMBUFFSIZE configuration parameter
        Picture strings
          Alphanumeric pictures
          Numeric pictures
          Date pictures
        Match condition operators and characters
          Operator descriptions and examples
        Custom-conversion functions
          Custom conversion example
          The onpload conversion process
            Integrating custom conversion functions
            API functions
              The DBXget_source_value(fldname,buffer,buflen) routine
              The DBXget_dest_value(fldname,buffer,buflen) routine
              The DBXput_dest_value(fldname,buffer) routine
              The DBXget_dest_length(fldname) routine
        The onstat -j option
          Using the onstat -j option
        The HPL log-file and pop-up messages
          How HPL logfile messages are ordered
          HPL logfile message categories
          The HPL log-file messages
            Blob conversion error occurred on record record_num
            Cannot access database table table_name: SQL error error_num
            Cannot allocate shared memory
            Cannot allocate TLI memory for operating_system structure
            Cannot bind socket connection: errno= operating-system_error_num
            Cannot bind TLI connection: t_errno= t_error_num
            Cannot configure driver driver_name
            Cannot connect to message server: Socket error = UNIX_error_num
            Cannot connect to message server: TLI erro r= t_error_num, TLI event = t_event_num, errno = error_num
            Cannot connect to server_name: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
            Cannot connect worker to server data stream
            Cannot disable table_name object constraints: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
            Cannot disable primary-key constraint. Child-table references exist
            Cannot express load to logged table on HDR server server_name
            Cannot filter indexes for table table_name: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
            Cannot find the shared library path in the plconfig file. Using the shared library from the default location library_location
            Cannot find the user-defined function user_func_name in the shared library: error error_num
            Cannot get systable info for table table_name: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
            Cannot initialize shared library handling
            Cannot load code-set conversion file from file_name to file_name
            Cannot load mapping definitions
            Cannot load the shared library library_location
            Cannot locate delimiter in data file
            Cannot open
            Cannot open simple large object file: file_name, simple large object not loaded
            Cannot open database database_name: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
            Cannot open file file_name: error number operating-system_error_num
            Cannot open TCP connection for server_name: errno operating-system_error_num
            Cannot perform express mode load on table with pseudo rowid
            Cannot perform express-mode load with rowsize = row_length > page_size
            Cannot read file file_name: AIO error code operating-system_error_num
            Cannot re-enable all objects: num_violations violations detected
            Cannot reorder query statement to align simple large objects or Ext Types
            Cannot reorder query statement to align blobs
            Cannot set mode of table_name objects from current_mode to final_mode mode: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
            Cannot start violations table for table_name: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
            Cannot stop violations table for table_name: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
            Cannot unload to multiple devices when the given query cannot be executed in parallel
            Cannot write file file_name: AIO error code operating-system_error_num
            Code-set conversion overflow
            Conversion of onpload database failed due to error error_num
            Conversion of onpload database failed due to error error_num, run as user informix
            Custom conversion function function_name not found in shared library
            Discarded num_bytes null bytes from end of tape device device_name
            Environment variable variable_name expansion would overflow string
            Error accepting socket connection: errno = operating-system_error_num
            Error accessing file_name
            Error accessing format: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
            Error accessing map map_name: SQL error error_num, ISAMerror error_num
            Error accessing sysmaster: SQL error error_num, ISAMerror error_num
            Error accessing table table_name: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
            Error: AIO buffer size buffer_size is less than required minimum size size
            Error error_num closing current database
            Error operating-system_error_num closing file file_name
            Error error_num converting record field field_name to column column_name
            Error declaring cursor: could not get table info
            Error declaring cursor: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
            Error describing unload query query_name: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
            Error error_num initializing backend connection
            Error inserting into table table_name: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
            Error listening for socket connection: t_errno = t_error_num errno = operating-system_error_num
            Error listening for TLI connection: t_errno = t_error_num errno = UNIX_error_num
            Error error_num on record record_num converting column column_name to record field field_name
            Error occurred on record %d reading pipe %s
            Error on close of server load session: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
            Error opening cursor: SQL Error error_num
            Error preparing query: SQL error error_num
            Error preparing statement statement_name: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
            Error preparing unload query query_name: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
            Error error_num reading message queue
            Error operating-system_error_num reading TLI/socket connection
            Error error_num setting isolation level
            Error error_num writing message on message queue
            Error operating-system_error_num writing TLI/socket connection
            Error: Stream buffer size buffer_size is less than required minimum size size
            Exhausted all attempts to allocate shared-memory key.
            Fatal error: cannot execute pipe_name
            Fatal error: cannot load X resource
            Fatal error creating server load session: error error_num
            Fatal error getting stream buffer from server
            Fatal error in server row processing: SQL error error_num, ISAM error error_num
            File type device file file_name is not a regular (disk) file
            Got Interrupt: Shutting down
            Internal error: Cannot initialize AIO library
            Internal error: Cannot send message
            Internal error: error_num. Contact Tech Support
            Internal error: invalid message type error_num
            Internal error error_num reading queue
            Invalid count detected, might be due to abnormal BE shutdown
            Invalid code-set character: Cannot convert
            Invalid HEXASCII simple large object or extended type representation on record record_num
            Invalid HEXASCII simple large object representation in fieldname, record record_num
            Invalid project name project_name entered
            Invalid reject count detected, might be due to abnormal BE shutdown. Using last known reject count and proceeding
            Invalid session ID id_number
            Invalid tape header expecting -> tape_name
            Map map_name type is not a load map
            Method not supported by current driver
            MT cannot bind to vpid
            MT internal failure
            MT failure putting CPU online
            No insert permission on table table_name
            No mapping to simple large object field field_name
            onpload must run on the host host_name that contains the target database
            onpload terminated by signal
            Pipe type device file file_name is not a regular file
            Pload cannot reorder queries having expressions/aggregates and blobs/udts in the same select list
            Query contains unmapped simple large object column column_name: Cannot proceed
            Query for unload is not a select query.
            Record is too long to process: recnum record_num, length record_length, bufsize buffer_size
            Server interface error; expected num_input but got num_received instead
            SQL error error_num executing statement statement_name
            Simple large object or extended type conversion error occurred on record record_num
            Start record record_num is greater than number of records total_num read from input file_name
            Successfully loaded the shared library library_location
            Table table_name will be read-only until level-0 archive
            Tables with BLOBS cannot be loaded in High Performance Mode
            Tables with BLOBS or extended types cannot be loaded in Express mode
            Tables with simple large objects or extended types cannot be processed with no conversion (-fn)
            Tape header is larger than I/O buffer: tape header_length, I/O buffer_size
            Tape type device file file_name is not a character-special or block-special file
            There is no mapping to column column_name, which cannot accept null values
            Unable to load locale categories for locale locale_name: error error_num
            Unload query select item for the query_item expression needs to be assigned a name
            Write/read to/from tape until end of device
            Write to device (tape or pipe) device_name failed; no space left on device. AIO error error_num
          HPL logfile pop-up messages
            Cannot attach to server shared memory
            Cannot create shared-memory message queue: error error_num
            Cannot create shared-memory pool: errno UNIX_error_num
            Cannot initialize multithreaded library
            Cannot initialize shared memory: errno operating-system_error_num
            Cannot load X resource
            Cannot open. Enter (r)etry, (c)ontinue, (q)uit job when ready
            Cannot open log file log_file_name.
            Cannot start I/O. Enter (r)etry, (c)ontinue, (q)uit job when ready
            Fatal error: shared memory will conflict with server
            Incorrect database version. Make sure that it is upgraded properly
            Press ‘r’ when ready, ‘c’ to shutdown device or ‘q’ to quit
            Set the shared library path as an absolute path in the plconfig file
            Tables with blobs cannot be loaded in High-Performance Mode
            Write error. Enter (r)etry, (c)ontinue, (q)uit job when ready
        Custom drivers
          Add a custom driver to the onpload utility
            Adding the driver name to the onpload database
            Preparing the custom-driver code
              Preparing the file that provides the driver functionality
              Preparing the plcstdrv.c file
            Rebuilding the shared-library file
          Connect your code to onpload at run time
            Driver initialization
            Register driver functions
          An example of a custom driver
            The plcstdrv.c file
            Custom-driver code for MYDRIVER
          Available driver methods
            The PL_MTH_OPEN function
            The PL_MTH_CLOSE function
          Available API support functions
            The pl_inherit_methods(driver, methodtable) function
            The pl_set_method_function(methodtable, method, function) function
            The pl_driver_inherit(method) function
            The pl_get_recordlength() function
            The pl_set_informix_conversion(flag) function
            The pl_lock_globals() function
            The pl_reset_inherit_chain(method) function
        Run load and unload jobs on a Windows computer
          The onpladm utility on Windows
            Run the Run Job or Run Project commands
            Running onpladm on UNIX with the database server running on Windows
          Preparing jobs with the ipload utility on Windows computers
        Conversion and reversion scripts for HPL database migration
          Upgrade the High-Performance Loader onpload database
          Revert from the current onpload database
    Performance Guide
      Performance basics
        Developing a basic approach to performance measurement and tuning
        Quick start for acceptable performance on a small database
        Performance goals
        Measurements of performance
            Ways to measure throughput
            Standard throughput benchmarks
          Response time
            Response time and throughput
            Response-time measurement
              Operating-system timing commands
              Operating-system tools for monitoring performance
              Timing functions within your application
          Cost per transaction
        Resource utilization and performance
          Resource utilization
          CPU utilization
          Memory utilization
          Disk utilization
        Factors that affect resource utilization
        Maintenance of good performance
      Performance monitoring and the tools you use
        Evaluate the current configuration
        Create a performance history
          The importance of a performance history
          Tools that create a performance history
            Operating-system tools
            Database server tools
              Performance information that the onstat utility displays
        Monitor database server resources
          Monitor resources that impact CPU utilization
          Monitor memory utilization
          Monitor disk I/O utilization
            Using onstat -g to monitor I/O utilization
            Using the oncheck utility to monitor I/O utilization
        Monitor transactions
          Using the onlog utility to monitor transactions
          Using the onstat utility to monitor transactions
        Monitor sessions and queries
          Monitoring memory usage for each session
          Using the SET EXPLAIN statement
      Effect of configuration on CPU utilization
        UNIX configuration parameters that affect CPU utilization
          UNIX semaphore parameters
          UNIX file-descriptor parameters
          UNIX memory configuration parameters
        Windows configuration parameters that affect CPU utilization
        Configuration parameters and environment variables that affect CPU utilization
          Specifying virtual processor class information
            Setting the number of CPU VPs
            Disabling process priority aging for CPU VPs
            Specifying processor affinity
              Distributing computation impact
              Isolating AIO VPs from CPU VPs
              Avoiding a certain CPU
            Setting the number of AIO VPs
          Setting the MULTIPROCESSOR configuration parameter when using multiple CPU VPs
          Setting the SINGLE_CPU_VP configuration parameter when using one CPU VP
          Optimizing access methods
            Setting the value of OPTCOMPIND within a session
          Limiting PDQ resources in queries
          Limiting the performance impact of CPU-intensive queries
          Limiting the number of PDQ scan threads that can run concurrently
          Configuring poll threads
            Specifying the connection protocol
            Specifying virtual-processor classes for poll threads
            Specifying the number of connections and poll threads
            Improve connection performance and scalability
          Enabling fast polling
        Network buffer pools
          Network buffers
          Support for private network buffers
          Network buffer size
        Virtual processors and CPU utilization
          Adding virtual processors
          Monitoring virtual processors
            Using some onstat-g commands to monitor virtual processors
              Monitor virtual processors with the onstat-g glo command
              Monitor virtual processors with the onstat-g rea command
              Monitor virtual processors with the onstat-g ioq command
            Using SMI tables to monitor virtual processors
          Private memory caches
        Connections and CPU utilization
          Multiplexed connections and CPU utilization
          MaxConnect for multiple connections UNIX
      Effect of configuration on memory utilization
        Shared memory
          Resident portion of shared memory
          Virtual portion of shared memory
          Message portion of shared memory
          Buffer pool portion of shared memory
          Estimating the size of the resident portion of shared memory
          Estimating the size of the virtual portion of shared memory
          Estimating the size of the message portion of shared memory
          Configuring UNIX shared memory
          Freeing shared memory with onmode -F
        Configuration parameters that affect memory utilization
          Setting the size of the buffer pool, logical-log buffer, and physical-log buffer
            The BUFFERPOOL configuration parameter and memory utilization
            The DS_TOTAL_MEMORY configuration parameter and memory utilization
              Algorithm for determining DS_TOTAL_MEMORY
              Deriving a minimum for decision-support memory
              Deriving a working value for decision-support memory
                When the DS_TOTAL_MEMORY configuration parameter is set
                When the DS_TOTAL_MEMORY configuration parameter is not set
              Checking the derived value for decision-support memory
            The LOGBUFF configuration parameter and memory utilization
            The LOW_MEMORY_RESERVE configuration parameter and memory utilization
            The PHYSBUFF configuration parameter and memory utilization
          The LOCKS configuration parameter and memory utilization
          The RESIDENT configuration parameter and memory utilization
          The SHMADD and EXTSHMADD configuration parameters and memory utilization
          The SHMTOTAL configuration parameter and memory utilization
          The SHMVIRTSIZE configuration parameter and memory utilization
          The SHMVIRT_ALLOCSEG configuration parameter and memory utilization
          The STACKSIZE configuration parameter and memory utilization
        Configure and monitor memory caches
          Data-dictionary cache
            Data-dictionary configuration
          Data-distribution cache
            Data-distribution configuration
          Monitor and tune the SQL statement cache
            Prepared statements and the statement cache
            SQL statement cache configuration
            Number of SQL statement executions
              Monitoring the number of hits on the SQL statement cache
              Determining the number of nonshared entries in the SQL statement cache
            Monitoring and tuning the size of the SQL statement cache
              Changing the size of the SQL statement cache
              Too many single-use queries in the SQL statement cache
            Memory limit and size
            Multiple SQL statement cache pools
              Number of SQL statement cache pools
              Size of SQL statement cache pools and the current cache
            SQL statement cache information in onstat -g ssc output
        Session memory
        Data-replication buffers and memory utilization
        Memory latches
          Monitoring latches with command-line utilities
            Monitoring latches with onstat -p
            Monitoring latches with onstat -s
          Monitoring latches with SMI tables
        Encrypted values
      Effect of configuration on I/O activity
        Chunk and dbspace configuration
          Associate disk partitions with chunks
          Associate dbspaces with chunks
          Placing system catalog tables with database tables
        I/O for cooked files for dbspace chunks
          Direct I/O (UNIX)
          Direct I/O (Windows)
          Concurrent I/O (AIX only)
          Enabling the direct I/O or concurrent I/O option (UNIX)
          Confirming the use of the direct or concurrent I/O option (UNIX)
        Placement of critical data
          Consider separate disks for critical data components
          Consider mirroring for critical data components
            Consider mirroring the root dbspace
            Consider mirroring smart-large-object chunks
            Mirroring and its effect on the logical log
            Mirroring and its effect on the physical log
        Configuration parameters that affect critical data
        Configure dbspaces for temporary tables and sort files
          Creating temporary dbspaces
          Specify temporary tables in the DBSPACETEMP configuration parameter
          Override the DBSPACETEMP configuration parameter for a session
          Estimating temporary space for dbspaces and hash joins
          PSORT_NPROCS environment variable
        Configure sbspaces for temporary smart large objects
          Creating temporary sbspaces
          Specify which sbspaces to use for temporary storage
        Placement of simple large objects
          Advantage of blobspaces over dbspaces
          Blobpage size considerations
            Optimize blobspace blobpage size
            Obtain blobspace storage statistics
            Determine blobpage fullness with oncheck -pB output
              Interpreting blobpage average fullness
              Analyzing efficiency criteria with oncheck -pB output
        Factors that affect I/O for smart large objects
          Disk layout for sbspaces
          Configuration parameters that affect sbspace I/O
          onspaces options that affect sbspace I/O
            Sbspace extents
            Lightweight I/O for smart large objects
              Advantages of lightweight I/O for smart large objects
              Specifying lightweight I/O for smart large objects
        Table I/O
          Sequential scans
          Light scans
          Unavailable data
        Configuration parameters that affect table I/O
          How DATASKIP affects table I/O
        Background I/O activities
          Configuration parameters that affect checkpoints
            RTO_SERVER_RESTART and its effect on checkpoints
              Automatic checkpoints, LRU tuning, and AIO virtual processor tuning
            CKPTINTVL and its effect on checkpoints
            LOGSIZE and LOGFILES and their effect on checkpoints
            Checkpoints and the physical log
            ONDBSPACEDOWN and its effect on checkpoints
          Configuration parameters that affect logging
            LOGBUFF and PHYSBUFF and their effect on logging
            LOGFILES and its effect on logging
              Calculating the space allocated to logical log files
            LOGSIZE and its effect on logging
              Estimating logical-log size when logging dbspaces
              Estimating the logical-log size when logging simple large objects
              Estimating the logical-log size when logging smart large objects
            DYNAMIC_LOGS and its effect on logging
            AUTO_LLOG and its effect on logging
            LTXHWM and LTXEHWM and their effect on logging
            TEMPTAB_NOLOG and its effect on logging
            SESSION_LIMIT_LOGSPACE and its effect on logging
            SESSION_LIMIT_TXN_TIME and its effect on logging
          Configuration parameters that affect page cleaning
            CLEANERS and its effect on page cleaning
            BUFFERPOOL and its effect on page cleaning
            RTO_SERVER_RESTART and its effect on page cleaning
          Configuration parameters that affect backup and restore
            ON-Bar configuration parameters
            ontape configuration parameters (UNIX)
          Configuration parameters that affect rollback and recovery
            OFF_RECVRY_THREADS and ON_RECVRY_THREADS and their effect on fast recovery
            PLOG_OVERFLOW_PATH and its effect on fast recovery
            RTO_SERVER_RESTART and its effect on fast recovery
            The LOW_MEMORY_RESERVE configuration parameter and memory utilization
          Configuration parameters that affect data replication and auditing
            Configuration parameters that affect data replication
            Configuration parameters that affect auditing
          LRU tuning
      Table performance considerations
        Placing tables on disk
          Isolating high-use tables
          Placing high-use tables on middle partitions of disks
          Using multiple disks
            Using multiple disks for a dbspace
            Using multiple disks for logical logs
            Spreading temporary tables and sort files across multiple disks
          Backup and restore considerations when placing tables on disks
          Factors affecting the performance of nonfragmented tables and table fragments
        Estimating table size
          Estimating data pages
            Estimating tables with fixed-length rows
            Estimating tables with variable-length rows
            Selecting an intermediate value for the size of the table
          Estimating pages that simple large objects occupy
            Storing simple large objects in the tblspace or a separate blobspace
            Estimating tblspace pages for simple large objects
        Managing the size of first and next extents for the tblspace tblspace
        Managing sbspaces
          Estimating pages that smart large objects occupy
            Estimating the size of the sbspace and metadata area
            Sizing the metadata area manually for a new chunk
              Example of calculating the metadata area for a new chunk
          Improving metadata I/O for smart large objects
          Monitoring sbspaces
            Monitoring sbspaces with oncheck -cS
            Monitoring sbspaces with oncheck -pe
            Monitoring sbspaces with oncheck -pS
            Monitoring sbspaces with onstat -g smb
          Changing storage characteristics of smart large objects
            Altering smart-large-object columns
        Managing extents
          Choosing table extent sizes
            Extent sizes for tables in a dbspace
            Extent sizes for table fragments
            Extent sizes for smart large objects in sbspaces
          Monitoring active tblspaces
          Monitoring the upper limit on extents and extent interleaving
            Considering the upper limit on extents
            Checking for extent interleaving
            Eliminating interleaved extents
              Reorganizing dbspaces and tables to eliminate extent interleaving
              Creating or altering an index to cluster
              Using ALTER TABLE to eliminate extent interleaving
          Reclaiming unused space within an extent
            Reclaiming space in an empty extent with ALTER INDEX
            Reclaiming space in an empty extent by unloading and re-creating or reloading a table
            Releasing space in an empty extent with ALTER FRAGMENT
          Managing extent deallocation with the TRUNCATE keyword
          Defragment partitions to merge extents
        Storing multiple table fragments in a single dbspace
        Displaying a list of table and index partitions
        Changing tables to improve performance
          Loading and unloading tables
            Advantages of logging tables
            Advantages of nonlogging tables
              Quickly loading a large standard table
              Quickly loading a new nonlogging table
          Dropping indexes for table-update efficiency
          Creating and enabling referential constraints efficiently
          Attaching or detaching fragments
          Altering a table definition
            Slow alter
            In-place alter
              Conditions for in-place alter operations
              Performance considerations for DML statements
              Performance of in-place alters for DDL operations
              Altering a column that is part of an index
            Fast alter
        Denormalize the data model to improve performance
          Shortening rows
          Expelling long strings
            Convert CHAR columns into VARCHAR columns to shorten rows (GLS)
            Convert a long string to a TEXT data type column
            Move strings to a companion table
            Build a symbol table
          Splitting wide tables
          Redundant data
            Adding redundant data
        Reduce disk space in tables with variable length rows
        Reduce disk space by compressing tables and fragments
      Boosted Partition Free Space Caches (PFSC)
      Indexes and index performance considerations
        Types of indexes
          B-tree indexes
            Structure of conventional index pages
          Forest of trees indexes
          R-tree indexes
          Indexes that DataBlade modules provide
        Estimating index pages
          Index extent sizes
            Formula for estimating the extent size of an attached index
            Formula for estimating the extent size of a detached index
          Estimating conventional index pages
        Managing indexes
          Space costs of indexes
          Time costs of indexes
          Unclaimed index space
          Indexes on columns
            Filtered columns in large tables
            Order-by and group-by columns
            Avoiding columns with duplicate keys
              Configuration parameters that affect the degree of clustering
          Nonunique indexes
        Improve query performance with a forest of trees index
          Detecting root node contention
          Creating a forest of trees index
          Disabling and enabling a forest of trees index
          Performing a range scan on a forest of trees index
          Determining if you are using a forest of trees index
          Finding the number of hashed columns and subtrees in a forest of trees index
        Creating and dropping an index in an online environment
          When you cannot create or drop indexes online
          Creating attached indexes in an online environment
          Limiting memory allocation while creating indexes online
        Improving performance for index builds
          Estimating memory needed for sorting
          Estimating temporary space for index builds
        Storing multiple index fragments in a single dbspace
        Improving performance for index checks
        Indexes on user-defined data types
          Defining indexes for user-defined data types
            B-tree secondary-access method
              Uses for a B-tree index
              Extending a generic B-tree index
            Identifying the available access methods
            User-defined secondary-access methods
              R-tree indexes
            Using a functional index
              What is a functional index?
              When is a functional index used?
              Creating a functional index
          Using an index that a DataBlade module provides
          Choosing operator classes for indexes
            Operator classes
              Strategy and support functions of a secondary access method
              Default operator classes
            Built-in B-tree operator class
              B-tree strategy functions
              B-tree support function
            Identifying the available operator classes
            User-defined operator classes
          Locking granularity
          Row and key locks
            Key-value locks
          Page locks
          Table locks
          Database locks
        Configuring the lock mode
        Setting the lock mode to wait
        Locks with the SELECT statement
          Isolation level
            Dirty Read isolation
            Committed Read isolation
              Ways to reduce the risk of Committed Read isolation level conflicts
            Cursor Stability isolation
            Repeatable Read isolation
          Locking nonlogging tables
          Update cursors
        Locks placed with INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements
        The internal lock table
        Monitoring locks
          Configuring and managing lock usage
          Monitoring lock waits and lock errors
          Monitoring the number of free locks
          Monitoring deadlocks
          Monitoring isolation levels that sessions use
        Locks for smart large objects
          Byte-range locking
            How the database server manages byte-range locks
            Using byte-range locks
            Monitoring byte-range locks
            Setting number of locks for byte-range locking
          Lock promotion
          Dirty Read isolation level and smart large objects
      Fragmentation guidelines
        Planning a fragmentation strategy
          Fragmentation goals
            Improved query performance through fragmentation strategy
            Reduced contention between queries and transactions
            Increased data availability
            Increased granularity for backup and restore
          Examining your data and queries
          Considering physical fragmentation factors
        Distribution schemes
          Choosing a distribution scheme
          Designing an expression-based distribution scheme
          Suggestions for improving fragmentation
        Strategy for fragmenting indexes
          Attached indexes
          Detached indexes
          Restrictions on indexes for fragmented tables
        Strategy for fragmenting temporary tables
        Distribution schemes that eliminate fragments
          Fragmentation expressions for fragment elimination
          Query expressions for fragment elimination
            Range expressions in query
            Equality expressions in query
          Effectiveness of fragment elimination
            Nonoverlapping fragments on a single column
            Overlapping fragments on a single column
            Nonoverlapping fragments, multiple columns
        Improve the performance of operations that attach and detach fragments
          Improving ALTER FRAGMENT ATTACH performance
            Distribution schemes for reusing indexes
              Fragmenting the index in the same way as the table
              Fragmenting the index with the same distribution scheme as the table
              Attaching unfragmented tables together
            Ensuring no data movement when you attach a fragment
            Indexes on attached tables
              Example for situation when corresponding index does not exist
              Example for situation when index on table is not usable
          Improving ALTER FRAGMENT DETACH performance
            Fragmenting the index in the same way as the table
            Fragmenting the index using same distribution scheme as the table
          Forcing out transactions when altering table fragments
        Monitoring Fragment Use
          Monitoring fragmentation with the onstat -g ppf command
          Monitoring fragmentation with SET EXPLAIN output
      Queries and the query optimizer
        The query plan
          The access plan
          The join plan
            Nested-loop join
            Hash join
            Join order
          Example of query-plan execution
            Example of a join with column filters
            Example of a join with indexes
          Query plans that include an index self-join path
          Query plan evaluation
          Report that shows the query plan chosen by the optimizer
            The explain output file
            Query statistics section provides performance debugging information
          Sample query plan reports
            Single-table query
            Multitable query
            Key-first scan
            Query plans for subqueries
            Query plans for collection-derived tables
              Example showing how the database server completes the query
              Derived tables folded into parent queries
          XML query plans in IBM Data Studio
        Factors that affect the query plan
          Statistics held for the table and index
          Filters in the query
          Indexes for evaluating a filter
          Effect of PDQ on the query plan
          Effect of OPTCOMPIND on the query plan
            Single-table query
            Multitable query
          Effect of available memory on the query plan
        Time costs of a query
          Memory-activity costs
          Sort-time costs
          Row-reading costs
          Sequential access costs
          Nonsequential access costs
          Index lookup costs
            Reading duplicate values from an index
            Searching for NCHAR or NVARCHAR columns in an index
          In-place ALTER TABLE costs
          View costs
          Small-table costs
          Data-mismatch costs
          Encrypted-value costs
          GLS functionality costs
          Network-access costs
        Optimization when SQL is within an SPL routine
          SQL optimization
            Displaying the execution plan
            Automatic reoptimization
            Reoptimizing SPL routines
            Optimization levels for SQL in SPL routines
          Execution of an SPL routine
          SPL routine executable format stored in UDR cache
            Adjust the UDR cache
        Trigger execution
          Performance implications for triggers
            SELECT triggers on tables in a table hierarchy
            SELECT triggers and row buffering
      Optimizer directives
        What optimizer directives are
          Optimizer directives that are embedded in queries
          External optimizer directives
        Reasons to use optimizer directives
        Preparation for using directives
        Guidelines for using directives
        Types of optimizer directives that are supported in SQL statements
          Access-method directives
          Join-order directives
            Effect of join order on join plan
            Join order when you use views
          Join-method directives
          Optimization-goal directives
          Star-join directives
          EXPLAIN directives
          Example of directives that can alter a query plan
        Configuration parameters and environment variables for optimizer directives
        Optimizer directives and SPL routines
        Forcing reoptimization to avoid an index and previously prepared statement problem
        External optimizer directives
          Creating and saving external directives
          Enabling external directives
          Deleting external directives
      Parallel database query (PDQ)
        What PDQ is
        Structure of a PDQ query
        Database server operations that use PDQ
          Parallel update and delete operations
          Parallel insert operations
            Explicit inserts with SELECT...INTO TEMP statements
            Implicit inserts with INSERT INTO...SELECT statements
          Parallel index builds
          Parallel user-defined routines
          Hold cursors that use PDQ
          SQL operations that do not use PDQ
          Update statistics operations affected by PDQ
          SPL routines and triggers and PDQ
          Correlated and uncorrelated subqueries
          OUTER index joins and PDQ
          Remote tables used with PDQ
        The Memory Grant Manager
        The allocation of resources for parallel database queries
          Limiting the priority of decision-support queries
            Limiting the value of the PDQ priority
            Maximizing OLTP throughput for queries
            Conserving resources when using PDQ
            Allowing maximum use of parallel processing
            Determining the level of parallel processing
            Limits on parallel operations associated with PDQ priority
            Using SPL routines with PDQ queries
          Adjusting the amount of memory for DSS and PDQ queries
          Limiting the number of concurrent scans
          Limiting the maximum number of PDQ queries
        Managing PDQ queries
          Analyzing query plans with SET EXPLAIN output
          Influencing the choice of a query plan
          Setting the PDQ priority dynamically
          Enabling the database server to allocate PDQ memory
          User control of PDQ resources
          DBA control of resources for PDQ and DSS queries
            Controlling resources allocated to PDQ
            DBA control of resources allocated to decision-support queries
        Monitoring resources used for PDQ and DSS queries
          Using the onstat Utility
            Monitoring PDQ threads with onstat utility commands
            Monitoring resources allocated for a session running a DSS query
          Identifying parallel scans in SET EXPLAIN output
      Improving individual query performance
        Test queries using a dedicated test system
        Display the query plan
        Improve filter selectivity
          Filters with user-defined routines
          Avoid some filters
            Avoid difficult regular expressions
            Avoid noninitial substrings
          Use join filters and post-join filters
        Automatic statistics updating
          How AUS works
          AUS expiration policies
            Changing AUS expiration policies
          Viewing AUS statements
          Prioritizing databases in AUS
          Rescheduling AUS
          Disabling AUS
        Update statistics when they are not generated automatically
          Update the statistics for the number of rows
          Drop data distributions if necessary when upgrading
            Drop distributions in LOW mode without gathering statistics
          Creating data distributions
          Updating statistics for join columns
          Updating statistics for columns with user-defined data types
          Update statistics in parallel on very large databases
          Adjust the amount of memory and disk space for UPDATE STATISTICS
          Data sampling during update statistics operations
          Display data distributions
        Improve performance by adding or removing indexes
          Replace autoindexes with permanent indexes
          Use composite indexes
          Indexes for data warehouse applications
          Configure B-tree scanner information to improve transaction processing
            Alice scan mode values
            Leaf and range scan mode settings
            B-tree scanner index compression levels and transaction processing performance
            Setting the level for B-tree scanner compression of indexes
          Determine the amount of free space in an index page
        Optimizer estimates of distributed queries
          Buffer data transfers for a distributed query
          The query plan of a distributed query
        Improve sequential scans
        Enable view folding to improve query performance
        Reduce the join and sort operations
          Avoid or simplify sort operations
          Use parallel sorts
          Use temporary tables to reduce sorting scope
          Configuring memory for queries with hash joins, aggregates, and other memory-intensive elements
        Optimize user-response time for queries
          Optimization level
          Optimization goals
            Specifying the query performance goal
            Preferred query plans for user-response-time optimization
              Nested-loop joins versus hash joins
              Table scans versus index scans
              Ordering with fragmented indexes
        Optimize queries for user-defined data types
          Parallel UDRs
          Selectivity and cost functions
          User-defined statistics for UDTs
          Negator functions
        Optimize queries with the SQL statement cache
          When to use the SQL statement cache
          Using the SQL statement cache
            Enabling the SQL statement cache
            Placing statements in the cache
          Monitoring memory usage for each session
            Display all user threads and session memory usage
            Display detailed session information and memory usage
            Display information about session SQL statements
            Display information about the memory that SQL statements use in a session
          Monitoring usage of the SQL statement cache
        Monitor sessions and threads
          Monitor sessions and threads with onstat commands
            Monitor blocking threads with the onstat -g bth and onstat -g BTH commands
            Monitor threads with onstat –u output
            Monitor threads with onstat -g ath output
            Monitor threads with onstat -g act output
            Monitor threads with onstat -g cpu output
            Monitor session resources with onstat -g ses output
            Monitor session memory with onstat -g mem and onstat -g stm output
          Monitor sessions and threads with SMI tables
        Monitor transactions
          Display information about transactions
          Display information about transaction locks
          Display statistics on user sessions
          Display Statistics on Sessions Executing SQL Statements
      The onperf utility on UNIX
        Overview of the onperf utility
          Basic onperf utility functions
            Display metric values
            Save metric values to a file
            Review metric measurements
          onperf utility tools
        Requirements for running the onperf utility
        Starting the onperf utility and exiting from it
        The onperf user interface
          Graph tool
            Graph-tool title bar
            Graph-tool graph menu
            Graph-tool metrics menu
            Graph-tool view menu
            The graph-tool Configure menu and the Configuration dialog box
            Graph-tool Tools menu
            Changing the scale of metrics
            Displaying recent-history values
          Query-tree tool
          Status tool
          Activity tools
        Why you might want to use onperf
          Routine monitoring with onperf
          Diagnosing sudden performance loss
          Diagnosing performance degradation
        onperf utility metrics
          Database server metrics
          Disk-chunk metrics
          Disk-spindle metrics
          Physical-processor metrics
          Virtual-processor metrics
          Session metrics
          Tblspace metrics
          Fragment metrics
        Case studies and examples
          Case study of a situation in which disks are overloaded
    SNMP Subagent Guide
      SNMP concepts
        What is SNMP?
        Purpose of the SNMP
        The SNMP architecture
          SNMP network managers
          Master agents
          Managed components
          Management Information Bases
      Informix implementation of SNMP
        Components of the Informix implementation
        Purpose of Informix SNMP
          Event notification
          Data requests
          Information that OnSNMP provides
        SNMP standard
        SNMP architecture
        Informix implementation of SNMP on UNIX or Linux
          The runsnmp.ksh script
          UNIX master agents
            Assuring compatibility
            Installing and configuring a master agent manually
            Starting and stopping a master agent
              Starting a master agent manually
              Stopping a master agent manually
              Making sure that a master agent is running correctly
          UNIX subagent
          UNIX server discovery process
            Preparing onsrvapd manually
            Issue the onsrvapd command
              Starting onsrvapd manually
              Making sure that onsrvapd is running correctly
            Choose an installation directory
        Informix implementation of SNMP on Windows
          Windows master agent
          Windows subagent
            Start and stop OnSNMP
            Configure OnSNMP
            Windows registry key for the OnSNMP logging level
          Windows server discovery process
            Start and stop onsrvapd
            Installing the Informix SNMP agent
        GLS and SNMP
        MIB types and objects
        Table indexing
          Numeric index values
          Alphabetical index values
        Refresh control value
        Files installed for SNMP
          Files installed on UNIX or Linux
          Files installed on Windows
      Management Information Base reference
        Application MIB
        RDBMS MIB
            frdbmsStateChange trap
        Online MIB in the Informix Private MIB
    InformixHQ Guide
      What's new in InformixHQ
      System Compatibility
      Getting Started
        Starting the InformixHQ Server
        Starting the InformixHQ Agent
        Logging in InformixHQ
      InformixHQ Concepts
      InformixHQ Server
        InformixHQ Server Configuration
        InformixHQ UI
          Adding Servers and Groups
          Exploring Groups
          Exploring Informix Database Servers
          Configuring Monitoring
          Configuring Alerting
          Custom Dashboards
          Schema Manager
            Viewing Database Information
            Viewing Table Information
            Creating a Database
            Creating a Demo Database
            Dropping a Database
            Creating an Index
            Deleting an Index
          Connection Manager
          InformixHQ Server Settings
            Configuring Alerting Notification
            Creating Custom Sensors
          User Settings
            Configuring User Alerting Notification
          Users and Permissions
      InformixHQ Agent
        InformixHQ Agent Configuration
      Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about InformixHQ
        High level architecture and functionality
        Getting Started
        Monitoring and the Repository Database
        Users and Permissions
  Backup and restore
    Backup and Restore Guide
      Overview of backup and restore
        Backup and restore concepts
          Recovery system
            Backup systems
            Backup levels
            Logical-log backup
              Manual and continuous logical-log backups
              Log salvage
              Save logical-log backups
            Restore systems
              Physical and logical restores
              Warm, cold, and mixed restores
              Continuous log restore
          Comparison of the ON-Bar and ontape utilities
        Plan for backup and restore
          Plan a recovery strategy
            Types of data loss
            Determine failure severity
            Data use determines your backup schedule
            Schedule backups
            Security requirements for label-based access control
          Plan a backup system for a production database server
            Evaluate hardware and memory resources
            Evaluate backup and restore time
            Evaluate logging and transaction activity
            Compress row data
            Transform data with external programs
      ON-Bar backup and restore system
        Overview of the ON-Bar backup and restore system
          ON-Bar components
            Backup Services API (XBSA)
            ON-Bar catalog tables
            ixbar file: ON-Bar emergency boot file
            bar_act.log file: ON-Bar activity log
            ON-Bar script
        Configure the storage manager and ON-Bar
          Configure a storage manager
            Storage-manager definitions in the sm_versions file
            Configuring Spectrum Protect
              Editing the Spectrum Protect client options files
                Editing the Spectrum Protect client user options file
                Editing the Spectrum Protect client system options file
              Assigning a Spectrum Protect management class for a backup
              Setting the HCL Informix Interface for Spectrum Protect environment variables
              Registering with the Spectrum Protect server
              Initializing the HCL Informix Interface for Spectrum Protect password
              Updating the storage-manager definition in the sm_versions file for Spectrum Protect
              Configuring ON-Bar for optional Spectrum Protect features
            Configuring a third-party storage manager
          Validating your storage manager
          Configuring ON-Bar
            ON-Bar security
          Verifying the configuration of ON-Bar and your storage manager
          Files that ON-Bar and storage managers use
        Back up with ON-Bar
          Preparing to back up data
            Administrative files to back up
          onbar -b syntax: Backing up
            List of storage spaces in a file
            Backing up blobspaces
          onbar -m syntax: Monitoring recent ON-Bar activity
          Viewing a list of registered backups
          onbar -P syntax: Printing backed-up logical logs
          onbar -v syntax: Verifying backups
            Temporary space for backup verification
            Verification failures
              Diagnosing why a backup failed verification
              Verifying an expired backup
              Restoring when a backup is missing data
        Restore data with ON-Bar
          Pre-restore checklist
            Storage space status and required actions
          Storage device availability
          onbar -r syntax: Restoring data
            Avoid salvaging logical logs
            Performing a cold restore
            Configuring a continuous log restore by using ON-Bar
            Restoring data by using a mixed restore
              Strategies for using a mixed restore
            Recreating chunk files during a restore
              Restoring when using cooked chunks
              Restoring when using raw chunks
            Reinitializing the database server and restoring data
          Replacing disks during a restore
            Renaming a chunk to a nonexistent device
          Restoring to a different computer
          onbar -RESTART syntax: Restarting a failed restore
          Resolve a failed restore
        External backup and restore
          External backup and restore overview
            Block before backing up
            Rules for an external backup
            Prepare for an external backup
              Block and unblock database server
              Track an external backup
            Performing an external backup when chunks are not mirrored
          RS secondary server external backup
            Performing an external backup of an RS secondary server
          Data restored in an external restore
            Rename chunks
            External restore commands
            Rules for an external restore
          Performing an external restore
            Performing a cold external restore
            Performing a warm external restore
            Examples of external restore commands
          Initializing HDR with an external backup and restore
        Customize and maintain ON-Bar
          Customizing ON-Bar and storage-manager commands
            Updating the ON-Bar script during reinstallation
            Print the backup boot files
            Migrate backed-up logical logs to tape
          Expire and synchronize the backup catalogs
            Choose an expiration policy
            The onsmsync utility
              Regenerate the emergency boot file
              Regenerate the sysutils database
              Delete a bad backup
              Expire backups based on the retention date
              Expire a generation of backups
              Expire backups based on the retention interval
              Expire backups with multiple point-in-time restores
              Expire all backups
          Monitor the performance of ON-Bar and the storage managers
            Set ON-Bar performance statistics levels
            View ON-Bar backup and restore performance statistics
        ON-Bar catalog tables
          The bar_action table
          The bar_instance table
          The bar_ixbar table
          The bar_object table
          The bar_server table
          The bar_syncdeltab table
          ON-Bar catalog map
        ON-Bar messages and return codes
          Message format in the ON-Bar message log
          Message numbers
          ON-Bar return codes
      ontape backup and restore system
        Configure ontape
          Set configuration parameters for the ontape utility
            Data transformation filter parameters for ontape
            Tape and tape device parameters for ontape
            Set the tape-device parameters
              Specify separate devices for storage-space and logical-log backups
              Specify tape devices as symbolic links
              Specify a file system directory
              Specify a remote device
              Specify /dev/null for a tape device
              Set TAPEDEV to stdio
              Rewind tape devices before opening and on closing
            Specify the tape-block-size
            Specify the tape size
              Tape size for remote devices
          Changing your ontape configuration
        Back up with ontape
          Summary of ontape tasks
            Start ontape
            Exit codes for ontape
          Change database logging status
          Create a backup
            Backup levels that ontape supports
            Back up after changing the physical schema
            Prepare for a backup
              Avoid temp tables during heavy activity
              Make sure enough logical-log space exists
              Keep a copy of your configuration file
              Verify consistency before a level-0 backup
              Online and quiescent backups
              Back up to tape
                Label tapes created with ontape
              Back up to standard output
              Back up to a directory
                Set the file directory path
                Rename existing files
                Override the default name of the archive files
            ontape utility syntax: Perform a backup
              Backup examples
              Back up raw tables
            Back up to Amazon Simple Storage Service
              The ifxbkpcloud.jar utility
              Cloud storage file naming conventions
            When the logical-log files fill during a backup
            When a backup terminates prematurely
            Monitor backup history by using oncheck
          Back up logical-log files with ontape
            Before you back up the logical-log files
              Use blobspace TEXT and BYTE data types and logical-log files
              Use /dev/null when you do not need to recover
            When to back up logical-log files
            Start an automatic logical-log backup
            Starting a continuous logical-log file backup
            End a continuous logical-log backup
            Devices that logical-log backups must use
        Restore with ontape
          Types of physical restore
            Full-system restore
            Restores of dbspaces, blobspaces, and sbspaces
          Cold, warm, or mixed restores
            Cold restores
            Warm restores
            Mixed restores
          ontape utility syntax: Perform a restore
          Restore the whole system
            Gather backup and logical-log tapes before restoring
            Decide on a complete cold or a mixed restore
            Verify your database server configuration
              Set shared-memory parameters to maximum assigned value
              Set mirroring configuration to level-0 backup state
              Verify that the raw devices or files are available
            Perform a cold restore
              Salvage logical-log files
              Mount tapes during the restore
              Restore logical log files
              Bring the database server online when the restore is over
            Restore selected storage spaces
              Gather the appropriate tapes
              Ensure that needed device are available
              Back up logical-log files
              Perform a warm restore
            Restore raw tables
          Configuring continuous log restore with ontape
          Rename chunks during a restore
            Validation sequence for renaming chunks
            New chunk requirements
            Rename chunks with command-line options
            Rename chunks with a file
            Rename chunks while specifying other options
            Rename a chunk to a nonexistent device
              Renaming a chunk to a nonexistent device
          Restore from standard input
          Restore data to a remote server
          Simultaneous backup and restore by using standard I/O
        Perform an external backup and restore
          Recover data by using an external backup and restore
          Data that is backed up in an external backup
            Rules for an external backup
            Performing an external backup
          Prepare for an external backup
            Block and unblock the database server
            Track an external backup
          Data that is restored in an external restore
            Use external restore commands
            Rules for an external restore
            Rename chunks
            Performing a cold external restore
              Examples of external restore commands
            Initializing HDR with an external backup and restore
      Integrated Backup Encryption
        Using a Remote Key Server
        Using a Local Encryption Key
      Informix Primary Storage Manager
        HCL Informix Primary Storage Manager
          Examples: Manage storage devices with Informix Primary Storage Manager
          Setting up Informix Primary Storage Manager
            Collecting information about file directories and devices
            Configuring Informix Primary Storage Manager
          Managing storage devices
          The onpsm utility for storage management
            onpsm -C detail output
            onpsm -D list output
            onpsm -O list output
          Device pools
          Device-configuration file for the Informix Primary Storage Manager
          Informix Primary Storage Manager file-naming conventions
          Message logs for Informix Primary Storage Manager
      archecker table level restore utility
        archecker table level restore utility
          Overview of the archecker utility
            The archecker configuration file
            Schema command file
            Table-level restore and locales
          Data restore with archecker
            Physical restore
            Logical restore
              The stager
              The applier
          Syntax for archecker utility commands
            Manually control a logical restore
            Performing a restore with multiple storage managers
            Perform a parallel restore
            Restore tables with large objects
            When to delete restore files
          The archecker schema reference
            The CREATE TABLE statement
            The CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE statement
            The DATABASE statement
            The INSERT statement
            The RESTORE statement
            The SET statement
            Schema command file examples
              Simple schema command file
              Restore a table from a previous backup
              Restore to a different table
              Extract a subset of columns
              Use data filtering
              Restore to an external table
              Restore multiple tables
              Perform a distributed restore
      Backup and restore configuration parameter reference
        Backup and restore configuration parameters
          ON-Bar and ontape configuration parameters and environment variable
            BACKUP_FILTER configuration parameter
            BAR_ACT_LOG configuration parameter
            BAR_BSALIB_PATH configuration parameter
            BAR_CKPTSEC_TIMEOUT configuration parameter
            BAR_DEBUG configuration parameter
            BAR_ENCRYPTION configuration parameter
            BAR_DECRYPTION configuration parameter
            BAR_DEBUG_LOG configuration parameter
            BAR_HISTORY configuration parameter
            BAR_IXBAR_PATH configuration parameter
            BAR_MAX_BACKUP configuration parameter
            BAR_MAX_RESTORE configuration parameter
            BAR_NB_XPORT_COUNT configuration parameter
            BAR_PERFORMANCE configuration parameter
            BAR_PROGRESS_FREQ configuration parameter
            BAR_RETRY configuration parameter
            BAR_SIZE_FACTOR configuration parameter
            BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE configuration parameter
            IFX_BAR_NO_BSA_PROVIDER environment variable
            IFX_BAR_NO_LONG_BUFFERS environment variable
            IFX_BAR_USE_DEDUP environment variable
            IFX_TSM_OBJINFO_OFF environment variable
            LTAPEBLK configuration parameter
            LTAPEDEV configuration parameter
            LTAPESIZE configuration parameter
            RESTARTABLE_RESTORE configuration parameter
            RESTORE_FILTER configuration parameter
            TAPEBLK configuration parameter
            TAPEDEV configuration parameter
            TAPESIZE configuration parameter
          The archecker utility configuration parameters and environment variable
            AC_CONFIG file environment variable
            AC_DEBUG configuration parameter
            AC_IXBAR configuration parameter
            AC_LTAPEBLOCK configuration parameter
            AC_LTAPEDEV parameter
            AC_MSGPATH configuration parameter
            AC_SCHEMA configuration parameter
            AC_STORAGE configuration parameter
            AC_TAPEBLOCK configuration parameter
            AC_TAPEDEV configuration parameter
            AC_TIMEOUT configuration parameter
            AC_VERBOSE configuration parameter
          Informix Primary Storage Manager configuration parameters
            PSM_ACT_LOG configuration parameter
            PSM_CATALOG_PATH configuration parameter
            PSM_DBS_POOL configuration parameter
            PSM_DEBUG configuration parameter
            PSM_DEBUG_LOG configuration parameter
            PSM_LOG_POOL configuration parameter
          Event alarm configuration parameters
      Cloud Backup
        Back up to Amazon Simple Storage Service using ON-Bar and the PSM
        Back up to Softlayer using ON-Bar and the PSM
        Troubleshooting some backup and restore errors
          Corrupt page during an archive
          Log backup already running
          No server connection during a restore
          Drop a database before a restore
          No dbspaces or blobspaces during a backup or restore
            Restore blobspace BLOBs
          Changing the system time on the backup system
        Migrate data, servers, and tools
          Backing up before a database server or storage-manager upgrade
          Upgrading a third-party storage manager
          Changing storage-manager vendors
          Switching from ontape to ON-Bar
        GLS support
          Use GLS with the ON-Bar utility
            Identifiers that support non-ASCII characters
            Identifiers that require 7-bit ASCII characters
            Locale of ON-Bar messages
          Use the GL_DATETIME environment variable with ON-Bar
          Use GLS with the ontape utility
    Enterprise Replication
      About Enterprise Replication
        HCL Informix Enterprise Replication technical overview
          Enterprise Replication Terminology
          Asynchronous Data Replication
          Log-Based Data Capture
          High Performance
          High Availability
          Consistent Information Delivery
          Repair and Initial Data Synchronization
          Flexible Architecture
          Centralized Administration
          Ease of Implementation
          Network Encryption
        How Enterprise Replication Replicates Data
          Data Capture
            Row Images
            Evaluate rows for updates
            Send queues and receive queues
            Data Evaluation Examples
          Data Transport
          Applying replicated data
      Planning and designing for Enterprise Replication
        Plan for Enterprise Replication
          Enterprise Replication Server administrator
          Asynchronous propagation conflicts
          Back up and restore of replication servers
          Compression of replicated data
          Transaction processing impact
          SQL statements and replication
          Global language support for replication
          Replication between multiple server versions
        Schema design for Enterprise Replication
          Unbuffered Logging
          Table Types
          Label-based access control
          Out-of-Row Data
          Shadow columns
          Unique key for replication
          Cascading Deletes
          Constraint and replication
          Sequence Objects
          The NLSCASE database property
          Replicating Table Hierarchies
          Replication and data types
            Replicating on Heterogeneous Hardware
            Serial data types and replication keys
            Replication of TimeSeries data types
            Replication of large objects
              Replicating Simple Large Objects from Tblspaces
              Replication of large objects from blobspaces or sbspaces
            Replication of opaque user-defined data types
        Replication system design
          Primary-Target Replication System
            Primary-Target Data Dissemination
            Data consolidation
            Workload Partitioning
            Workflow Replication
            Primary-Target Considerations
          Update-Anywhere Replication System
          Conflict Resolution
            Conflict resolution rule
              Ignore Conflict-Resolution Rule
              Time stamp conflict resolution rule
              SPL Conflict Resolution Rule
                SPL Conflict Resolution for Large Objects
              Delete wins conflict resolution rule
              Always-Apply Conflict-Resolution Rule
            Conflict Resolution Scope
          Choosing a Replication Network Topology
            Fully Connected Topology
            Hierarchical Routing Topology Terminology
            Hierarchical Tree Topology
            Forest of Trees
      Setting up and managing Enterprise Replication
        Preparing the Replication Environment
          Preparing the Network Environment
            Configuring hosts information for replication servers
            Configuring port and service names for replication servers
            Creating sqlhost group entries for replication servers
            Configuring secure ports for connections between replication servers
            Configuring network encryption for replication servers
            Testing the replication network
            Testing the password file
          Preparing the Disk
            Logical Log Configuration Disk Space
            Logical Log Configuration Guidelines
            Disk Space for Delete Tables
            Shadow column disk space
            Setting Up Send and Receive Queue Spool Areas
              Row Data sbspaces
                Creating sbspaces for Spooled Row Data
                Logging Mode for sbspaces
                Dropping a Spooled Row Data sbspace
            Setting Up the Grouper Paging File
            Creating ATS and RIS Directories
          Preparing the Database Server Environment
            Setting Database Server Environment Variables
            Set configuration parameters for replication
            Time Synchronization
          Preparing Data for Replication
            Preparing Consistent Data
            Blocking Replication
              Using DB-Access to Begin Work Without Replication
              Using ESQL/C to Begin Work Without Replication
            Preparing to Replicate User-Defined Types
            Preparing to Replicate User-Defined Routines
            Preparing Tables for Conflict Resolution
            Preparing Tables for a Consistency Check Index
            Preparing tables without primary keys
            Preparing Logging Databases
            Preparing for Role Separation (UNIX)
          Load and unload data
            High-Performance Loader
            onunload and onload Utilities
            dbexport and dbimport Utilities
            UNLOAD and LOAD Statements
          Data Preparation Example
            Using the cdr start replicate Command
        Using High-Availability Clusters with Enterprise Replication
          High-availability replication systems
            High-Availability Clusters in a Hierarchical Tree Topology
            Using High-Availability Clusters in a Forest of Trees Topology
            Setting Up Database Server Groups for High-Availability Cluster Servers
          Managing Enterprise Replication with High-Availability Clusters
            Failover for High-availability clusters in an Enterprise Replication environment
            Replication latency for secondary servers
        Defining Replication Servers, Replicates, Participants, and Replicate Sets
          Starting Database Servers
          Defining Replication Servers
            Creating a new domain by cloning a server
              Example of creating a new replication domain by cloning
            Adding a server to the domain by cloning a server
            Customizing the Replication Server Definition
          Define a replicate
            Participant definitions
              Defining Replicates on Table Hierarchies
            Replicate types
              Master Replicate Verification
              Creating Strict Master Replicates
              Creating Empty Master Replicates
            Defining Shadow Replicates
            Specifying Conflict Resolution Rules and Scope
            Specifying Replication Frequency
            Setting Up Failed Transaction Logging
            Replicate only changed columns
            Using the IEEE Floating Point or Canonical Format
            Enabling Triggers
            Enabling code set conversion between replicates
              Configuring code set conversion between replicates
              Code set conversion errors
              Controlling the replication of large objects
            Replication to SPL routine
          Define replicate sets
            Exclusive Replicate Sets
            Non-Exclusive Replicate Sets
            Customizing the Replicate Set Definition
          Initially Synchronizing Data Among Database Servers
          Set up replication through templates
            Defining Templates
            Realizing Templates
              Verifying Participants without Applying the Template
              Synchronizing Data Among Database Servers
                Improve Performance During Synchronization
              Create tables automatically
              Other synchronization options
              Changing Templates
              Template Example
        Grid setup and management
          Example of setting up a replication system with a grid
          Example of rolling out schema changes in a grid
          Creating a grid
          Grid maintenance
            Viewing grid information
          Adding replication servers to a grid
            Adding a replication server to a grid by running cdr change grid
            Adding a replication server to a grid by cloning
          Adding an externally created replicate into a grid replicate set
            Adding an existing replicate to a grid replicate set by using cdr change replicateset
            Adding an existing replicate to a grid replicate set by altering a table
          Creating replicated tables through a grid
          Enabling replication within a grid transaction
          Propagating updates to data
          Administering servers in the grid with the SQL administration API
          Propagating database object changes
          Propagating external files through a grid
          Rerunning failed grid routines
          Connection management for client connections to participants in a grid
          Grid queries
            Defining tables for grid queries
            Configuring secure connections for grid queries
            Examples of grid queries
        Shard cluster setup
          Creating a shard cluster
            Shard cluster definitions
          Sharded queries
          Shard cluster management and monitoring
          Shard edge server
        Managing Replication Servers and Replicates
          Managing Replication Servers
            Modify server attributes
            Dynamically Modifying Configuration Parameters for a Replication Server
            Viewing Replication Server Attributes
            Connect to another replication server
            Temporarily stopping replication on a server
            Restarting Replication on a Server
            Suspending Replication for a Server
            Resuming a Suspended Replication Server
            Deleting a Replication Server
          Managing Replicates
            Modify replicates
              Adding or Deleting Participants
              Change replicate attributes
              Changing the replication key of a replicate
            Viewing Replicate Properties
            Starting a Replicate
            Stopping a Replicate
            Suspending a Replicate
            Resuming a Suspended Replicate
            Deleting a Replicate
          Managing Replicate Sets
            Connection management for client connections to participants in a replicate set
            Modifying Replicate Sets
              Adding or Deleting Replicates From a Replicate Set
              Changing Replication Frequency For the Replicate Set
            Viewing Replicate Sets
            Starting a Replicate Set
            Stopping a Replicate Set
            Suspending a Replicate Set
            Resuming a Replicate Set
            Deleting a Replicate Set
          Managing Templates
            Viewing Template Definitions
            Deleting Templates
          Managing Replication Server Network Connections
            Viewing Network Connection Status
            Dropping the Network Connection
            Reestablishing the Network Connection
          Resynchronizing Data among Replication Servers
            Performing Direct Synchronization
              Synchronizing Significantly Inconsistent Tables
            Checking Consistency and Repairing Inconsistent Rows
              Interpreting the Consistency Report
              Increase the speed of consistency checking
                Indexing the ifx_replcheck Column
              Repair inconsistencies by time stamp
              Repairing inconsistencies while enabling a replication server
              Implementing a custom checksum function
                Rules for custom checksum functions
            Repairing Failed Transactions with ATS and RIS Files
            Resynchronize data manually
          Alter, rename, or truncate operations during replication
            Altering multiple tables in a replicate set
            Adding a Replicated Column
            Removing replicated columns
            Modifying the data type or size of a replicated column
            Changing the Name of a Replicated Column, Table, or Database
            Changing or re-creating primary key columns
            Attaching a New Fragment to a Replicated Table
            Remastering a Replicate
              Remastering replicates without name verification
          Recapture replicated transactions
        Monitor and troubleshooting Enterprise Replication
          Solve Replication Processing Problems
          Failed Transaction (ATS and RIS) Files
            Enabling ATS and RIS File Generation
            ATS and RIS File Names
            ATS and RIS File Formats
              XML File Format
                XML Tags
              ATS and RIS Text File Contents
            Disabling ATS and RIS File Generation
            Suppressing Data Sync Errors and Warnings
          Preventing Memory Queues from Overflowing
            Handle potential log wrapping
            Monitoring Disk Usage for Send and Receive Queue Spool
            Increasing the Sizes or Numbers of Storage Spaces
            Recovering when Storage Spaces Fill
          Common configuration problems
          Troubleshooting Tips for Alter Operations
          Enterprise Replication Event Alarms
            Enabling or Disabling Enterprise Replication Event Alarms
      Push data feature
        Push data session survival
        Detach trigger
      Loopback replication
        Loopback Configuration
        Replication definition between primary and pseudo groups
        The cdr utility
          Interpret the cdr utility syntax
            Command Abbreviations
            Option Abbreviations
            Option Order
            Long Command-Line Examples
            Long Identifiers
            Connect Option
            Participant and participant modifier
            Return Codes for the cdr Utility
            Frequency Options
          cdr add onconfig
          cdr alter
          cdr autoconfig serv
          cdr change grid
          cdr change gridtable
          cdr change onconfig
          cdr change replicate
          cdr change replicateset
          cdr change shardCollection
          cdr check queue
          cdr check replicate
          cdr check replicateset
          cdr check sec2er
          cdr cleanstart
          cdr connect server
          cdr define grid
          cdr define qod
          cdr define region
          cdr define replicate
          cdr define replicateset
          cdr define server
          cdr define shardCollection
          cdr define template
          cdr delete grid
          cdr delete region
          cdr delete replicate
          cdr delete replicateset
          cdr delete server
          cdr delete shardCollection
          cdr delete template
          cdr disable grid
          cdr disable server
          cdr disconnect server
          cdr enable grid
          cdr enable server
          cdr error
          cdr finderr
          cdr list grid
          cdr list replicate
          cdr list replicateset
          cdr list server
          cdr list shardCollection
          cdr list catalog
          cdr list template
          cdr migrate server
          cdr modify grid
          cdr modify replicate
          cdr modify replicateset
          cdr modify server
          cdr realize template
          cdr remaster
          cdr remaster gridtable
          cdr remaster replicateset
          cdr remove onconfig
          cdr repair
          cdr reset qod
          cdr resume replicate
          cdr resume replicateset
          cdr resume server
          cdr start
          cdr start qod
          cdr start replicate
          cdr start replicateset
          cdr start sec2er
          cdr stats rqm
          cdr stats recv
          cdr stats check
          cdr stats sync
          cdr stop
          cdr stop qod
          cdr stop replicate
          cdr stop replicateset
          cdr suspend replicate
          cdr suspend replicateset
          cdr suspend server
          cdr swap shadow
          cdr sync replicate
          cdr sync replicateset
          cdr -V
          cdr view
        Enterprise Replication configuration parameter and environment variable reference
          CDR_APPLY Configuration Parameter
          CDR_AUTO_DISCOVER configuration parameter
          CDR_DBSPACE Configuration Parameter
          CDR_DELAY_PURGE_DTC configuration parameter
          CDR_DSLOCKWAIT Configuration Parameter
          CDR_ENV Configuration Parameter
          CDR_EVALTHREADS Configuration Parameter
          CDR_LOG_LAG_ACTION configuration parameter
          CDR_LOG_STAGING_MAXSIZE Configuration Parameter
          CDR_MAX_DYNAMIC_LOGS Configuration Parameter
          CDR_MAX_FLUSH_SIZE configuration parameter
          CDR_MEM configuration parameter
          CDR_NIFCOMPRESS Configuration Parameter
          CDR_QDATA_SBSPACE Configuration Parameter
          CDR_QUEUEMEM Configuration Parameter
          CDR_SERIAL Configuration Parameter
          CDR_SUPPRESS_ATSRISWARN Configuration Parameter
          CDR_TSINSTANCEID configuration parameter
          ENCRYPT_CDR Configuration Parameter
          GRIDCOPY_DIR Configuration Parameter
          SHARD_EDGE_NODE configuration parameter
          SHARD_ID configuration parameter
          SHARD_MEM configuration parameter
          CDR_ALARMS Environment Variable
          CDR_ATSRISNAME_DELIM Environment Variable
          CDR_DISABLE_SPOOL Environment Variable
          CDR_LOGDELTA Environment Variable
          CDR_PERFLOG Environment Variable
          CDR_RMSCALEFACT Environment Variable
          CDR_ROUTER Environment Variable
          CDRSITES_10X Environment Variable
          CDRSITES_731 Environment Variable
          CDRSITES_92X Environment Variable
        Grid routines
          ifx_get_erstate() function
          ifx_grid_connect() procedure
          ifx_grid_copy() procedure
          ifx_grid_disconnect() procedure
          ifx_grid_execute() procedure
          ifx_grid_function() function
          ifx_grid_procedure() procedure
          ifx_grid_redo() procedure
          ifx_grid_release() function
          ifx_grid_remove() function
          ifx_grid_purge() procedure
          ifx_gridquery_skipped_nodes() function
          ifx_gridquery_skipped_node_count() function
          ifx_node_id() function
          ifx_node_name() function
        Enterprise Replication routines
          ifx_get_erstate() function
          ifx_set_erstate() procedure
        onstat -g commands for Enterprise Replication
          Threads shown by the onstat -g ath command
          onstat -g cat: Print ER global catalog information
          onstat -g cdr: Print ER statistics
          onstat -g cdr config
          onstat -g ddr
          onstat -g dss: Print statistics for data sync threads
          onstat -g dtc: Print statistics about delete table cleaner
          onstat -g grp
          onstat -g nif: Print statistics about the network interface
          onstat -g que: Print statistics for all ER queues
          onstat -g rcv: Print statistics about the receive manager
          onstat -g rep
          onstat -g rqm
          onstat -g sync
        syscdr Tables
          The replcheck_stat Table
          The replcheck_stat_node Table
        SMI Table Reference
          The syscdr_ats Table
          The syscdr_atsdir Table
          The syscdr_ddr Table
          The syscdr_nif Table
          The syscdr_rcv Table
          The syscdr_ris Table
          The syscdr_risdir Table
          The syscdr_rqm Table
          The syscdr_rqmhandle Table
          The syscdr_rqmstamp Table
          The syscdr_state Table
          The syscdrack_buf Table
          The syscdrack_txn Table
          The syscdrctrl_buf Table
          The syscdrctrl_txn Table
          The syscdrerror Table
          The syscdrlatency Table
          The syscdrpart Table
          The syscdrprog Table
          The syscdrq Table
          The syscdrqueued Table
          The syscdrrecv_buf Table
          The syscdrrecv_stats Table
          The syscdrrecv_txn Table
          The syscdrrepl Table
          The syscdrreplset Table
          The syscdrs Table
          The syscdrsend_buf Table
          The syscdrsend_txn Table
          The syscdrserver Table
          The syscdrsync_buf Table
          The syscdrsync_txn Table
          The syscdrtsapply table
          The syscdrtx Table
          Enterprise Replication Queues
            Columns of the Transaction Tables
            Columns of the Buffer Tables
        Replication Examples
          Replication Example Environment
          Primary-Target Example
          Update-Anywhere Example
          Hierarchy Example
        Data sync warning and error messages
  System administration
    List of utilities
    Administrator's Guide
      The database server
        Overview of database server configuration and administration
          Database server concepts
          Environment configuration
          Database server configuration
            Storage space creation and management
            Automatic performance tuning
            Feature configuration
            Connectivity configuration
            Limit session resources
            Automate startup and shutdown on UNIX
            Automate startup on Windows
          Database server maintenance tasks
        Client/server communication
          Client/server architecture
            Network protocol
            Network programming interface
            Windows network domain
            Database server connections
            Supporting multiplexed connections
          Connections that the database server supports
          Local connections
            Shared-memory connections (UNIX)
            Stream-pipe connections (UNIX and Linux)
            Named-pipe connections (Windows)
            Local-loopback connections
          Communication support services
          Connectivity files
            Network-configuration files
              TCP/IP connectivity files
                Client and server actions when a TCP/IP connection is opened
              Multiple TCP/IP ports
            Network security files
              Trusted-host information
              Trusted-user information
              The netrc information
                User impersonation
            The sqlhosts file and the SQLHOSTS registry key
              Creating the sqlhosts file with a text editor
              Setting up the SQLHOSTS registry key with Setnet32 (Windows)
          The sqlhosts information
            IANA standard service names and port numbers in the sqlhosts.std file
            sqlhosts connectivity information
              sqlhosts file and SQLHOSTS registry key options
            Group information
              Creating a group in the sqlhosts file
            Alternatives for TCP/IP connections
          Informix support for IPv6 addresses
          Configuration parameters related to connectivity
            Connection information set in the DBSERVERNAME configuration parameter
            Connection information set in the DBSERVERALIASES configuration parameter
            Connection information set in the LIMITNUMSESSIONS configuration parameter
            Connection information set in the NETTYPE configuration parameter
            Name service maximum retention time set in the NS_CACHE configuration parameter
            Connection information set in the NUMFDSERVERS configuration parameter
            Connection information set in the HA_ALIAS configuration parameter
          Environment variables for network connections
          Automatically terminating idle connections
          Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA) communications
            Overview of DRDA
            Configuring connectivity between Informix and HCL Data Server clients
            Allocating poll threads for an interface/protocol combination with the NETTYPE configuration parameter
            Specify the size of the DRDA communication buffer with the DRDA_COMMBUFFSIZE configuration parameter
            The DRDAEXEC thread and queries from clients
            SQL and supported and unsupported data types
            Display DRDA connection information
            Display DRDA session information
          Examples of client/server configurations
            A network connection
            Multiple connection types
            Accessing multiple database servers
          HCL Informix MaxConnect
        Database server initialization
          Initialization process
          Database server operating modes
            Users permitted to change modes
            Changing database server operating modes
              Specifying administration mode users
      Disk, memory, and process management
        Virtual processors and threads
          Virtual processors
            Advantages of virtual processors
              Shared processing
              Save memory and resources
              Parallel processing
              Add and drop virtual processors in online mode
              Bind virtual processors to CPUs
          How virtual processors service threads
            Control structures
            Context switching
              Ready queues
              Sleep queues
              Wait queues
          Virtual processor classes
            CPU virtual processors
              Determine the number of CPU virtual processors needed
              Run on a multiprocessor computer
              Run on a single-processor computer
              Add and drop CPU virtual processors in online mode
              Prevent priority aging
              Processor affinity
                Set processor affinity with the VPCLASS configuration parameter
            User-defined classes of virtual processors
              Determine the number of user-defined virtual processors needed
              User-defined virtual processors
              Specify user-defined virtual processors
              Assign a UDR to a user-defined virtual-processor class
              Add and drop user-defined virtual processors in online mode
            Tenant virtual processor class
            Java virtual processors
            Disk I/O virtual processors
              I/O priorities
              Logical-log I/O
              Physical-log I/O
              Asynchronous I/O
                Kernel-asynchronous I/O
                AIO virtual processors
            Network virtual processors
              Specifying Network Connections
              Run poll threads on CPU or network virtual processors
              Specify the number of networking virtual processors
              Specify listen and poll threads for the client/server connection
              Fast polling
              Multiple listen threads
                Add listen threads
                Add a network-interface card
                Dynamically starting, stopping, or restarting a listen thread
            Communications support module virtual processor
            Encrypt virtual processors
            Audit virtual processor
            Miscellaneous virtual processor
            Basic text search virtual processors
            MQ messaging virtual processor
            Web feature service virtual processor
            XML virtual processor
        Manage virtual processors
          Set virtual-processor configuration parameters
          Start and stop virtual processors
            Add virtual processors in online mode
              Add virtual processors in online mode with onmode
              Add network virtual processors
            Drop CPU and user-defined virtual processors
          Monitor virtual processors
            Monitor virtual processors with command-line utilities
              The onstat -g ath command
              The onstat -g glo command
              The onstat -g ioq command
              The onstat -g rea command
            Monitor virtual processors with SMI tables
        Shared memory
          Shared memory
          Shared-memory use
            Shared-memory allocation
            Shared-memory size
            Action to take if SHMTOTAL is exceeded
          Processes that attach to shared memory
            How a client attaches to the communications portion (UNIX)
            How utilities attach to shared memory
            How virtual processors attach to shared memory
              Obtain key values for shared-memory segments
              Specify where to attach the first shared-memory segment
              Attach additional shared-memory segments
              Define the shared-memory lower-boundary address
          Resident portion of shared memory
            Shared-memory header
            Logical-log buffer
            Physical-log buffer
            High-Availability Data-Replication buffer
            Lock table
          Buffer pool portion of shared memory
          Virtual portion of shared memory
            Management of the virtual portion of shared memory
              Size of the virtual portion of shared memory
            Components of the virtual portion of shared memory
              Shared-memory internal tables
                Buffer table
                Chunk table
                Dbspace table
                Page-cleaner table
                Tblspace table
                Transaction table
                User table
              Big buffers
              Session data
              Thread data
            Data-distribution cache
              Dictionary cache
              SQL statement cache
              Sort memory
              SPL routine and the UDR cache
              Global pool
          Communications portion of shared memory (UNIX)
          Virtual-extension portion of shared memory
          Concurrency control
            Shared-memory mutexes
            Shared-memory buffer locks
              Types of buffer locks
                Share lock
                Exclusive lock
          Database server thread access to shared buffers
            FIFO/LRU queues
              Components of LRU queue
              Pages in least-recently used order
              LRU queues and buffer-pool management
              Number of LRU queues to configure
              Number of cleaners to allocate
              Number of pages added to the MLRU queues
              End of MLRU cleaning
            Read-ahead operations
            Database server thread access to buffer pages
          Flush data to disk
            Flush buffer-pool buffers
            Flush before-images first
            Flush the physical-log buffer
            Synchronize buffer flushing
            Types of writes during flushing
              Foreground write
              LRU write
              Chunk write
            Flush the logical-log buffer
              After a transaction is prepared or terminated in a database with unbuffered logging
              When a session that uses nonlogging databases or unbuffered logging terminates
              When a checkpoint occurs
              When a page is modified that does not require a before-image in the physical-log file
          Buffer large-object data
            Write simple large objects
              Blobpages and shared memory
              Creation of simple large objects
              Creation of blobpage buffers
            Access smart large objects
          Memory use on 64-bit platforms
        Manage shared memory
          Set operating-system shared-memory configuration parameters
            Maximum shared-memory segment size
              Using more than two gigabytes of memory (Windows)
              Maximum number of shared-memory identifiers (UNIX)
            Semaphores (UNIX)
          Set database server shared-memory configuration parameters
          Set SQL statement cache parameters
          Set up shared memory
          Turn residency on or off for resident shared memory
            Turn residency on or off in online mode
            Turn residency on or off when restarting the database server
          Add a segment to the virtual portion of shared memory
          Reserve memory for critical activities
          Configure the server response when memory is critically low
            Scenario for maintaining a targeted amount of memory
          Monitor shared memory
            Monitor shared-memory segments
            Monitor the shared-memory profile and latches
              Command-line utilities to monitor shared memory and latches
              SMI tables
            Monitor buffers
          Deleting shared memory segments after a server failure
        Data storage
            Disk allocation for chunks
              Disk access on Windows
              Unbuffered or buffered disk access on UNIX
            Extendable chunks
            Partitions and offsets
            Control of where simple large object data is stored
            Root dbspace
            Temporary dbspaces
            Advantages of using sbspaces
            Sbspaces and Enterprise Replication
            Metadata, user data, and reserved area
            Control of where smart large object data is stored
            Storage characteristics of sbspaces
              Extent sizes for sbspaces
              Average smart-large-object size
              Buffering mode
              Last-access time
              Lock mode
            Levels of inheritance for sbspace characteristics
            More information about sbspaces
            Temporary sbspaces
              Comparison of temporary and standard sbspaces
              Temporary smart large objects
            Damaged tables
          Table types for Informix
            Standard permanent tables
            RAW tables
            Temp tables
            Properties of table types
              Loading of data into a table
              Fast recovery of table types
              Backup and restore of RAW tables
            Temporary tables
              Temporary tables that you create
                Where user-created temporary tables are stored
              Temporary tables that the database server creates
                Where database server-created temporary tables are stored
            Maximum number of tblspaces in a table
            Table and index tblspaces
            Extent interleaving
          Table fragmentation and data storage
          Amount of disk space needed to store data
            Size of the root dbspace
            Amount of space that databases require
          The storage pool
          Disk-layout guidelines
            Dbspace and chunk guidelines
            Table-location guidelines
          Sample disk layouts
          Logical-volume manager
        Manage disk space
          Allocate disk space
            Specify an offset
              Specify an offset for the initial chunk of root dbspace
              Specify an offset for additional chunks
              Use offsets to create multiple chunks
            Allocating cooked file spaces on UNIX
            Allocating raw disk space on UNIX
            Create symbolic links to raw devices (UNIX)
            Allocating NTFS file space on Windows
            Allocating raw disk space on Windows
          Specify names for storage spaces and chunks
            Specify the maximum size of chunks
            Specify the maximum number of chunks and storage spaces
            Back up after you change the physical schema
          Monitor storage spaces
          Manage dbspaces
            Creating a dbspace that uses the default page size
              Specifying the first and next extent sizes for the tblspace tblspace
            Creating a dbspace with a non-default page size
            Improving the performance of cooked-file dbspaces by using direct I/O
            Storing multiple named fragments in a single dbspace
            Creating a temporary dbspace
            What to do if you run out of disk space
            Adding a chunk to a dbspace or blobspace
            Rename dbspaces
              Additional actions that may be required after you rename a dbspace
            Managing automatic location and fragmentation
          Manage blobspaces
            Creating a blobspace
            Prepare blobspaces to store TEXT and BYTE data
            Determine blobpage size
              Determine database server page size
              Obtain blobspace storage statistics
          Manage sbspaces
            Creating an sbspace
            Size sbspace metadata
            Adding a chunk to an sbspace
            Alter storage characteristics of smart large objects
            Creating a temporary sbspace
          Manage the plogspace
          Automatic space management
            Creating and managing storage pool entries
            Marking a chunk as extendable or not extendable
            Modifying the sizes of an extendable storage space
            Changing the threshold and wait time for the automatic addition of more space
            Configuring the frequency of the monitor low storage task
            Manually expanding a space or extending an extendable chunk
            Example of minimally configuring for and testing the automatic addition of more space
            Example of configuring for the automatic addition of more space
          Drop a chunk
            Verify whether a chunk is empty
            Drop a chunk from a dbspace with onspaces
            Drop a chunk from a blobspace
            Drop a chunk from an sbspace with onspaces
              The -f (force) option
              Delete smart large objects without any pointers
          Drop a storage space
            Preparation for dropping a storage space
            Drop a mirrored storage space
            Drop a storage space with onspaces
            Back up after dropping a storage space
          Creating a space or chunk from the storage pool
          Returning empty space to the storage pool
          Manage extspaces
            Create an extspace
            Drop an extspace
          Skip inaccessible fragments
            The DATASKIP configuration parameter
            The dataskip feature of onspaces
            Use onstat to check dataskip status
            The SQL statement SET DATASKIP
            Effect of the dataskip feature on transactions
            Determine when to use dataskip
              Determine when to skip selected fragments
              Determine when to skip all fragments
            Monitor fragmentation use
          Display databases
            SMI tables
          Monitor disk usage
            Monitor chunks
              The onstat -d utility
              The onstat -d update option
              The onstat -D option
              Monitor chunk I/O activity with the onstat -g iof command
              The oncheck -pr command
              The oncheck -pe command
              SMI tables
            Monitor tblspaces and extents
              SMI tables
            Monitor simple large objects in a blobspace
              Determine blobpage fullness with oncheck -pB
              Monitor blobspace usage with oncheck -pe
              Monitor simple large objects in a dbspace with oncheck -pT
            Monitor sbspaces
              The onstat -d option
              The oncheck -ce and oncheck -pe options
              The oncheck -cs option
              The oncheck -ps option
              Monitoring the metadata and user-data areas
            Creating a tenant database
            Managing tenant databases
            Restoring a tenant database to a point in time
          Storage optimization
            Storage optimization methods
            Scheduling data optimization
            Example: Optimizing data storage on demand
            Partition defragmentation
              Data that you can compress
              Data that you cannot compress
              B-tree index compression
              Compression ratio estimates
              Compression dictionaries
              Tools for moving compressed data
              BLOBspace Blob Compression
              Methods for viewing compression information
          Load data into a table
        Moving data with external tables
          External tables
          Defining external tables
          Map columns to other columns
          Load data from and unload to a named pipe
            Loading data with named pipes
            FIFO virtual processors
            Unloading data with named pipes
            Copying data from one instance to another using the PIPE option
          Monitor the load or unload operations
            Monitor frequent load and unload operations
            Monitor FIFO virtual processors
          External tables in high-availability cluster environments
          System catalog entries for external tables
          Performance considerations when using external tables
          Manage errors from external table load and unload operations
            Reject files
            External table error messages
            Recoverability of table types for external tables
        Storage space encryption
          Creating encrypted or unencrypted storage spaces
          Changing storage space encryption during a restore
          Monitoring the encryption of storage spaces
      Logging and log administration
          Database server processes that require logging
          Transaction logging
          Logging of SQL statements and database server activity
            Activity that is always logged
            Activity logged for databases with transaction logging
            Activity that is not logged
          Database-logging status
            Unbuffered transaction logging
            Buffered transaction logging
            ANSI-compliant transaction logging
            No database logging
            Databases with different log-buffering status
            Database logging in an X/Open DTP environment
          Settings or changes for logging status or mode
        Manage the database-logging mode
          Change the database-logging mode
          Modify the database-logging mode with ondblog
            Change the buffering mode with ondblog
            Cancel a logging mode change with ondblog
            End logging with ondblog
            Make a database ANSI compliant with ondblog
            Changing the logging mode of an ANSI-compliant database
          Modify the database logging mode with ontape
            Turn on transaction logging with ontape
            End logging with ontape
            Change buffering mode with ontape
            Make a database ANSI compliant with ontape
          Modify the table-logging mode
            Alter a table to turn off logging
            Alter a table to turn on logging
            Disable logging on temporary tables
          Monitor transactions
          Monitor the logging mode of a database
            Monitor the logging mode with SMI tables
        Logical log
          What is the logical log?
          Location of logical-log files
          Identification of logical-log files
          Status flags of logical-log files
          Size of the logical-log file
            Number of logical-log files
            Performance considerations
          Dynamic log allocation
          Freeing of logical-log files
            Action if the next logical-log file is not free
            Action if the next log file contains the last checkpoint
          Log blobspaces and simple large objects
            Switch log files to activate blobspaces
            Back up log files to free blobpages
            Back up blobspaces after inserting or deleting TEXT and BYTE data
          Log sbspaces and smart large objects
            Sbspace logging
              Logging for smart large objects
              Logging for updated smart large objects
              Turn logging on or off for an sbspace
            Smart-large-object log records
            Prevent long transactions when logging smart-large-object data
          Logging process
            Dbspace logging
            Blobspace logging
        Manage logical-log files
          Estimate the size and number of log files
            Estimate the log size when logging smart large objects
            Estimate the number of logical-log files
          Back up logical-log files
            Backing up blobspaces
            Back up sbspaces
          Switch to the next logical-log file
          Free a logical-log file
            Delete a log file with status D
            Free a log file with status U
            Freeing a log file with status U-B or F
            Freeing a log file with status U-C or U-C-L
            Free a log file with status U-B-L
          Monitor logging activity
            Monitor the logical log for fullness
              The onstat -l command
              The oncheck -pr command
            Monitor temporary logical logs
            SMI tables
            Monitor log-backup status
          Allocate logical log files
            Dynamically add a logical-log file to prevent transaction blocking
              Size and number of dynamically added log files
              Location of dynamically added logical log files
              Monitor events for dynamically added logs
            Dynamically add logical logs for performance
            Adding logical-log files manually
          Dropping logical-log files
          Change the size of logical-log files
          Move logical-log files
          Display logical-log records
          Controlling long transactions
        Physical logging, checkpoints, and fast recovery
          Critical sections
          Physical logging
            Fast recovery use of physically-logged pages
            Backup use of physically-logged pages
            Database server activity that is physically logged
              Physical recovery messages
              Physical logging and simple large objects
              Physical logging and smart large objects
          Size and location of the physical log
            Strategy for estimating the size of the physical log
            Physical-log overflow when transaction logging is turned off
            LRU values for flushing a buffer pool between checkpoints
            Checkpoints during backup
          Fast recovery
            Need for fast recovery
            Situations when fast recovery is initiated
              Fast recovery and buffered logging
              Possible physical log overflow during fast recovery
              Fast recovery and no logging
            Fast recovery after a checkpoint
              The server returns to the last-checkpoint state
              The server locates the checkpoint record in the logical log
              The server rolls forward logical-log records
              The server rolls back uncommitted transactions
        Manage the physical log
          Change the physical-log location and size
          Monitor physical and logical-logging activity
          Monitor checkpoint information
            Turn checkpoint tuning on or off
            Force a checkpoint
            Server-provided checkpoint statistics
            SMI tables
          Turn automatic LRU tuning on or off
      Fault tolerance
            Benefits of mirroring
            Costs of mirroring
            Consequences of not mirroring
            Data to mirror
            Alternatives to mirroring
              Logical volume managers
              Hardware mirroring
              External backup and restore
          Mirroring process
            Creation of a mirror chunk
            Mirror status flags
            Actions during processing
              Disk writes to mirror chunks
              Disk reads from mirror chunks
              Detection of media failures
              Chunk recovery
            Result of stopping mirroring
            Structure of a mirror chunk
        Using mirroring
          Preparing to mirror data
          Enable the MIRROR configuration parameter
          Allocate disk space for mirrored data
            Link chunks (UNIX)
            Relink a chunk to a device after a disk failure
          Using mirroring
            Mirroring the root dbspace during initialization
            Change the mirror status
          Manage mirroring
            Start mirroring for unmirrored storage spaces
              Start mirroring for unmirrored dbspaces using onspaces
            Start mirroring for new storage spaces
              Start mirroring for new spaces using onspaces
            Add mirror chunks
              Add mirror chunks using onspaces
            Swap mirror chunk
            Take down a mirror chunk
              Take down mirror chunks using onspaces
            Recover a mirror chunk
              Recover a mirror chunk using onspaces
            End mirroring
              End mirroring using onspaces
        Consistency checking
          Perform periodic consistency checking
            Verify consistency
              Validate system catalog tables
              Validate data pages
              Validate extents
              Validate indexes
              Validate logical logs
              Validate reserved pages
              Validate metadata
            Monitor for data inconsistency
              Read assertion failures in the message log and dump files
              Validate table and tblspace data
            Retain consistent level-0 backups
          Deal with corruption
            Find symptoms of corruption
            Fix index corruption
            Fix I/O errors on a chunk
          Collect diagnostic information
          Disable I/O errors
          Monitor the database server for disabling I/O errors
            The message log to monitor disabling I/O errors
            Event alarms to monitor disabling I/O errors
            No bad-sector mapping
      High availability and scalability
        Strategies for high availability and scalability
          Components supporting high availability and scalability
            Advantages of data replication
              Clustering versus mirroring
              Clustering versus two-phase commit
              Type of data replicated in clusters
              Primary and secondary database servers
          Transparent scaling and workload balancing strategies
          High availability strategies
        High-availability cluster configuration
          Plan for a high-availability cluster
          Configuring clusters
            Hardware and operating-system requirements for clusters
            Database and data requirements for clusters
            Database server configuration requirements for clusters
              Database server version
              Storage space and chunk configuration
              Non-default page sizes in an HDR environment
              Physical-log configuration
              Dbspace and logical-log tape backup devices
              Logical-log configuration
              High-availability cluster configuration parameters
              Cluster transaction coordination
            Configuring secure connections for high-availability clusters
          Starting HDR for the First Time
            Decrease setup time using the ontape STDIO feature
          Remote standalone secondary servers
            Comparison of RS secondary servers and HDR secondary servers
            Index page logging
              How index page logging works
              Enable or disable index page logging
              View index page logging statistics
            Starting an RS secondary server for the first time
              Decrease setup time through an alternative backup method
            Converting an offline primary server to an RS secondary server
            Delayed application of log records
              Specifying the log staging directory
              Delay application of log records on an RS secondary server
              Stop the application of log records
            Flow control for remote standalone secondary servers
          Shared disk secondary servers
            SD secondary server
            Disk requirements for SD secondary servers
            Setting up a shared disk secondary server
            Obtain SD secondary server statistics
            Promote an SD secondary server to a primary server
            Convert a primary server to a standard server
            SD secondary server security
            Flow control for shared-disk secondary servers
        Cluster administration
          How data replication works
            How data initially replicates
            Replication of primary-server data to secondary servers
              Fully synchronous mode for HDR replication
              Nearly synchronous mode for HDR replication
              Asynchronous mode for HDR replication
              Lost-and-found transactions
            Data replication configuration examples
              Remote standalone secondary configuration examples
              Shared disk secondary configuration examples
              Enterprise Replication as part of the recoverable group
              High-availability clusters with Enterprise Replication configuration example
              Example of a complex failover recovery strategy
            Troubleshooting high-availability cluster environments
            Design data replication group clients
              Use of temporary dbspaces for sorting and temporary tables
          Performing basic administration tasks
            Changing the configuration parameters for an HDR replication pair
            Back up storage spaces and logical-log files
            Changing the logging mode of databases
            Add and drop chunks and storage spaces
            Renaming chunks
            Saving chunk status on the secondary database server
            Use and change mirroring of chunks
            Manage the physical log
            Manage the logical log
            Manage virtual processors
            Manage shared memory
            Configure SMX connections
            Replicate an index to an HDR secondary database server
            Encrypting data traffic between HDR database servers
            Adjust LRU flushing and automatic tuning in HDR server pairs
            Cloning a primary server
              Creating a clone of a primary server
            Database updates on secondary servers
              Isolation levels on secondary servers
                Set lock mode
              Transient types on high-availability cluster secondary servers
              Row versioning
            Backup and restore with high-availability clusters
            Change the database server mode
            Changing the database server type
            Prevent blocking checkpoints on HDR servers
              View statistics for nonblocking checkpoints on HDR servers
            Monitor HDR status
              Command-line utilities
                The onstat -g dri option
                The oncheck -pr option
              SMI tables
          Obtain RS secondary server statistics
          Remove an RS secondary server
          RS secondary server security
            Create or change a password on an RS secondary server
          Transaction completion during cluster failover
            Configuring the server so that transactions complete after failover
        Connection management through the Connection Manager
          Configuring connection management
            Creating Connection Manager configuration files
              Parameters and format of the Connection Manager configuration file
                CMALARMPROGRAM Connection Manager configuration parameter
                CM_TIMEOUT Connection Manager configuration parameter
                CLUSTER Connection Manager configuration parameter
                DEBUG Connection Manager configuration parameter
                EVENT_TIMEOUT Connection Manager configuration parameter
                FOC Connection Manager configuration parameter
                GRID Connection Manager configuration parameter
                INFORMIXSERVER Connection Manager configuration parameter
                LOCAL_IP Connection Manager configuration parameter
                LOG Connection Manager configuration parameter
                LOGFILE Connection Manager configuration parameter
                MACRO Connection Manager configuration parameter
                NAME Connection Manager configuration parameter
                REPLSET Connection Manager configuration parameter
                SECONDARY_EVENT_TIMEOUT Connection Manager configuration parameter
                SERVERSET Connection Manager configuration parameter
                SLA Connection Manager configuration parameter
                SQLHOSTS Connection Manager configuration parameter
                SSL_LABEL Connection Manager configuration parameter
              Modifying Connection Manager configuration files
              Converting older formats of the Connection Manager configuration file to the current format
            Configuring environments and setting configuration parameters for connection management
            Defining sqlhosts information for connection management
              Defining sqlhosts information for connection management of high-availability clusters
              sqlhosts for HA clusters that use secure ports
              sqlhosts for HA clusters that use DRDA
              sqlhosts for HA clusters that use DRDA and secure ports
              sqlhosts for grids and replicate sets
              sqlhosts for grids and replicate sets that use secure ports
              sqlhosts for HA replication systems
              sqlhosts for HA replication systems that use secure ports
              sqlhosts for server sets
            Creating a password file for connecting to database servers on untrusted networks
              Modifying encrypted password information
            Starting Connection Managers on UNIX and Linux
            Starting Connection Managers on Windows
            Stopping connection management
          Monitoring and troubleshooting connection management
          Strategies for increasing availability with Connection Managers
          Configuration examples for connection management
            Example of configuring connection management for a high-availability cluster
            Example of configuring connection management for a grid or replicate set
            Example of configuring connection management for a high-availability replication system
            Example: Configuring connection management for untrusted networks
            Example: Configuring for prioritizing connections and network monitoring
            Example: Configuring for an SSL connection
              Example: Using the OpenSSL encryption library
              Example: Using the GSKit encryption library
              Configuring a CM to connect to Oninit using SSL
              Configuring a client to connect to a CM using SSL
        Cluster failover, redirection, and restoration
          Failover configuration for high-availability clusters
            Failover with ISV cluster management software
            I/O fencing for shared file systems
            Cluster failures
              Automatic switchover
              Automatic switchover without a reliable network
              Manual switchover
              Connecting offline servers to the new primary server
          Redirection and connectivity for data-replication clients
            Redirecting clients automatically with the DBPATH environment variable
              How the DBPATH redirection method works
            Redirecting clients with the connectivity information
              Changing client connectivity information
              Connecting to the database server
              Automatic redirection with server groups
            Redirecting clients with the INFORMIXSERVER environment variable
            Redirecting clients with application code
            Comparison of redirection methods
          Recover HDR and RS clusters after failure
            Recovering a cluster after critical data is damaged
            Restarting HDR or RS clusters after a network failure
            Restarting HDR or RS clusters if the secondary server fails
            Recovering an HDR cluster after the secondary server became the primary server
            Restart if the primary server fails
          Recovering a shared-disk cluster after data is damaged
          Recovering an SD cluster after the secondary server became the primary server
      Distributed data
        Multiphase commit protocols
          Transaction managers
            TP/XA Library with a transaction manager
            Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS/XA)
            Informix transaction support for XA-compliant, external data sources
            XA in high-availability clusters
            Loosely-coupled and tightly-coupled modes
          Two-phase commit protocol
            When the two-phase commit protocol is used
            Two-phase commit concepts
            Phases of the two-phase commit protocol
              Precommit phase
              Postdecision phase
            How the two-phase commit protocol handles failures
              Types of failures that automatic recovery handles
              Administrator's role in automatic recovery
              Automatic-recovery mechanisms for coordinator failure
              Automatic-recovery mechanisms for participant failure
            Presumed-end optimization
          Independent actions
            Situations that initiate independent action
            Possible results of independent action
              Independent actions that allow transactions to complete successfully
              Independent actions that result in an error condition
              Independent actions that result in heuristic decisions
            The heuristic rollback scenario
              Conditions that result in a heuristic rollback
                Condition 1: Logical log fills to a high-watermark
                Condition 2: System administrator executes onmode -z
              Results of a heuristic rollback
                Situation 1: Coordinator issues a commit and all participants report heuristic rollbacks
                Situation 2: Coordinator issued a commit; one participant commits and one reports a heuristic rollback
            The heuristic end-transaction scenario
              When to perform a heuristic end transaction
              How to use onmode -Z
              Action when the transaction is ended heuristically
            Monitor a global transaction
          Two-phase commit protocol errors
          Two-phase commit and logical-log records
            Logical-log records when the transaction commits
            Logical-log records written during a heuristic rollback
            Logical-log records written after a heuristic end transaction
          Configuration parameters used in two-phase commits
            Function of the DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT parameter
            Function of the TXTIMEOUT parameter
          Heterogeneous commit protocol
            Gateways that can participate in a heterogeneous commit transaction
            Enable and disable of heterogeneous commit
            How heterogeneous commit works
              Precommit phase
              Gateway commit phase
              Heterogeneous commit optimization
            Implications of a failed heterogeneous commit
              Database server coordinator failure
              Participant failure
              Interpretation of heterogeneous commit error messages
                Application attempts to update multiple gateway participants
                Failed attempt to commit distributed transaction using heterogeneous commit
        Manually recovering from failed two-phase commit
          Determine if manual recovery is required
            Determine if a transaction was implemented inconsistently
              Global transaction ended prematurely
              Heuristic end transaction
              Heuristic rollback
            Determine if the distributed database contains inconsistent data
              Obtaining information from the logical log
              Obtain the global transaction identifier
            Decide if action is needed to correct the situation
          Example of manual recovery
      Overview of automatic monitoring and corrective actions
        The Scheduler
          Scheduler tables
          Built-in tasks and sensors
          Creating a task
          Creating a sensor
          Actions for task and sensors
          Creating a group
          Creating a threshold
          Creating an alert
          Monitor the scheduler
          Modifying the scheduler
        Remote administration with the SQL administration API
          SQL administration API admin() and task() functions
          Viewing SQL administration API history
            Controlling the size of the command_history table
        Query drill-down
          Specifying startup SQL tracing information by using the SQLTRACE configuration parameter
          Disable SQL tracing globally or for a session
          Enable SQL tracing
          Enable global SQL tracing for a session
      HCL Informix server licensing
        FlexNet Licensing Overview
        Licensing configuration
        System startup
          System alerts when licenses are not available
          High Availability server instances
          Monitoring the currently held licenses
        FlexNet Operations portal
        The REST interface
          Local License Server
        Informix Warehouse Accelerator
    Administrator's Reference
      Configuring and monitoring Informix
        Database configuration parameters
          onconfig file
            Modifying the onconfig file
            Displaying the settings in the onconfig file
          onconfig Portal: Configuration parameters by functional category
          ADMIN_MODE_USERS configuration parameter
          ADMIN_USER_MODE_WITH_DBSA configuration parameter
          ALARMPROGRAM configuration parameter
          ALLOW_NEWLINE configuration parameter
          ALRM_ALL_EVENTS configuration parameter
          AUTO_AIOVPS configuration parameter
          AUTO_CKPTS configuration parameter
          AUTO_LLOG configuration parameter
          AUTO_TUNE_SERVER_SIZE configuration parameter
          AUTO_LRU_TUNING configuration parameter
          AUTO_READAHEAD configuration parameter
          AUTO_REPREPARE configuration parameter
          AUTO_STAT_MODE configuration parameter
          AUTO_TUNE configuration parameter
          AUTOLOCATE configuration parameter
          BATCHEDREAD_INDEX configuration parameter
          BATCHEDREAD_TABLE configuration parameter
          BLOCKTIMEOUT configuration parameter
          BTSCANNER Configuration Parameter
          BUFFERPOOL configuration parameter
          CHECKALLDOMAINSFORUSER configuration parameter
          CKPTINTVL configuration parameter
          CLEANERS configuration parameter
          CLUSTER_TXN_SCOPE configuration parameter
          CONSOLE configuration parameter
          CONVERSION_GUARD configuration parameter
          DATASKIP Configuration Parameter
          DBCREATE_PERMISSION configuration parameter
          DB_LIBRARY_PATH configuration parameter
          DBSERVERALIASES configuration parameter
          DBSERVERNAME configuration parameter
          DBSPACETEMP configuration parameter
            Use Hash Join Overflow and DBSPACETEMP
          DD_HASHMAX configuration parameter
          DD_HASHSIZE configuration parameter
          DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT configuration parameter
          DEF_TABLE_LOCKMODE configuration parameter
          DEFAULTESCCHAR configuration parameter
          DELAY_APPLY Configuration Parameter
          DIRECT_IO configuration parameter (UNIX)
          DIRECTIVES configuration parameter
          DISABLE_B162428_XA_FIX configuration parameter
          DISK_ENCRYPTION configuration parameter
          DRDA_COMMBUFFSIZE configuration parameter
          DRAUTO configuration parameter
          DRIDXAUTO configuration parameter
          DRINTERVAL configuration parameter
          DRLOSTFOUND configuration parameter
          DRTIMEOUT configuration parameter
          DS_HASHSIZE configuration parameter
          DS_MAX_QUERIES configuration parameter
          DS_MAX_SCANS configuration parameter
          DS_NONPDQ_QUERY_MEM configuration parameter
          DS_POOLSIZE configuration parameter
          DS_TOTAL_MEMORY configuration parameter
            Algorithm for DS_TOTAL_MEMORY
          DUMPCNT configuration parameter (UNIX)
          DUMPCORE configuration parameter (UNIX)
          DUMPDIR configuration parameter
          DUMPGCORE configuration parameter (UNIX)
          DUMPSHMEM configuration parameter (UNIX)
          DYNAMIC_LOGS configuration parameter
          EILSEQ_COMPAT_MODE configuration parameter
          ENABLE_SNAPSHOT_COPY configuration parameter
          ENCRYPT_CIPHERS configuration parameter
          ENCRYPT_HDR configuration parameter
          ENCRYPT_MAC configuration parameter
          ENCRYPT_MACFILE configuration parameter
          ENCRYPT_SMX configuration parameter
          ENCRYPT_SWITCH configuration parameter
          EXPLAIN_STAT configuration parameter
          EXT_DIRECTIVES configuration parameter
          EXTSHMADD configuration parameter
          FAILOVER_CALLBACK configuration parameter
          FAILOVER_TX_TIMEOUT configuration parameter
          FASTPOLL configuration parameter
          FILLFACTOR configuration parameter
          FULL_DISK_INIT configuration parameter
          GSKIT_VERSION configuration parameter
          HA_ALIAS configuration parameter
          HA_FOC_ORDER configuration parameter
          HDR_TXN_SCOPE configuration parameter
          HETERO_COMMIT configuration parameter
          IFX_EXTEND_ROLE configuration parameter
          IFX_FOLDVIEW configuration parameter
          IFX_XA_UNIQUEXID_IN_DATABASE configuration parameter
          INFORMIXCONRETRY configuration parameter
          INFORMIXCONTIME configuration parameter
          LICENSE_SERVER configuration parameter
          LICENSE_TIMING configuration parameter
          LIMITNUMSESSIONS configuration parameter
          LISTEN_TIMEOUT configuration parameter
          LOCKS configuration parameter
          LOGBUFF configuration parameter
          LOGBUF_INTVL configuration parameter
          LOGFILES configuration parameter
          LOG_INDEX_BUILDS configuration parameter
          LOG_STAGING_DIR configuration parameter
          LOGSIZE configuration parameter
          LOW_MEMORY_MGR configuration parameter
          LOW_MEMORY_RESERVE configuration parameter
          LTXEHWM configuration parameter
          LTXHWM configuration parameter
          MAX_FILL_DATA_PAGES configuration parameter
          MAX_INCOMPLETE_CONNECTIONS configuration parameter
          MAX_PDQPRIORITY configuration parameter
          MIRROR configuration parameter
          MIRROROFFSET configuration parameter
          MIRRORPATH configuration parameter
          MSG_DATE configuration parameter
          MSGPATH configuration parameter
          MULTIPROCESSOR configuration parameter
          NET_IO_TIMEOUT_ALARM configuration parameter
          NETTYPE configuration parameter
          NS_CACHE configuration parameter
          NUMFDSERVERS configuration parameter
          OFF_RECVRY_THREADS configuration parameter
          ON_RECVRY_THREADS configuration parameter
          ONDBSPACEDOWN configuration parameter
            Database Server Behavior When ONDBSPACEDOWN Does Not Apply
          ONLIDX_MAXMEM configuration parameter
          OPTCOMPIND configuration parameter
          OPT_GOAL configuration parameter
          PC_HASHSIZE configuration parameter
          PC_POOLSIZE configuration parameter
          PFSC_BOOST configuration parameter
          PHYSBUFF configuration parameter
          PHYSFILE configuration parameter
          PLOG_OVERFLOW_PATH configuration parameter
          PLCY_HASHSIZE configuration parameter
          PLCY_POOLSIZE configuration parameter
          PN_STAGEBLOB_THRESHOLD configuration parameter
          PRELOAD_DLL_FILE configuration parameter
          QSTATS configuration parameter
          REMOTE_SERVER_CFG configuration parameter
          REMOTE_USERS_CFG configuration parameter
          RESIDENT configuration parameter
          RESTARTABLE_RESTORE configuration parameter
          RESTORE_POINT_DIR configuration parameter
          ROOTNAME configuration parameter
          ROOTOFFSET configuration parameter
          ROOTPATH configuration parameter
          ROOTSIZE configuration parameter
          RSS_FLOW_CONTROL configuration parameter
          RSS_NONBLOCKING_CKPT configuration parameter
          RTO_SERVER_RESTART configuration parameter
          S6_USE_REMOTE_SERVER_CFG configuration parameter
          SB_CHECK_FOR_TEMP configuration parameter
          SBSPACENAME configuration parameter
          SBSPACETEMP configuration parameter
          SDS_ALTERNATE configuration parameter
          SDS_ENABLE configuration parameter
          SDS_FLOW_CONTROL configuration parameter
          SDS_LOGCHECK configuration parameter
          SDS_PAGING configuration parameter
          SDS_TEMPDBS configuration parameter
          SDS_TIMEOUT configuration parameter
          SEC_APPLY_POLLTIME configuration parameter
          SEC_DR_BUFS configuration parameter
          SEC_LOGREC_MAXBUFS configuration parameter
          SECURITY_LOCALCONNECTION configuration parameter
          SEQ_CACHE_SIZE configuration parameter
          SERVERNUM configuration parameter
          SESSION_LIMIT_LOCKS configuration parameter
          SESSION_LIMIT_LOGSPACE configuration parameter
          SESSION_LIMIT_MEMORY configuration parameter
          SESSION_LIMIT_TEMPSPACE configuration parameter
          SESSION_LIMIT_TXN_TIME configuration parameter
          SHMADD configuration parameter
          SHMBASE configuration parameter
          SHMNOACCESS configuration parameter
          SHMTOTAL configuration parameter
          SHMVIRT_ALLOCSEG configuration parameter
          SHMVIRTSIZE configuration parameter
          SINGLE_CPU_VP configuration parameter
            VPCLASS Values and the SINGLE_CPU_VP Configuration Parameter
          SMX_COMPRESS configuration parameter
          SMX_NUMPIPES configuration parameter
          SMX_PING_INTERVAL configuration parameter
          SMX_PING_RETRY configuration parameter
          SP_AUTOEXPAND configuration parameter
          SP_THRESHOLD configuration parameter
          SP_WAITTIME configuration parameter
          SQL_LOGICAL_CHAR configuration parameter
          SQLTRACE configuration parameter
          SSL_KEYSTORE_LABEL configuration parameter
          STACKSIZE configuration parameter
          STATCHANGE configuration parameter
          STMT_CACHE configuration parameter
          STMT_CACHE_HITS configuration parameter
          STMT_CACHE_NOLIMIT configuration parameter
          STMT_CACHE_NUMPOOL configuration parameter
          STMT_CACHE_QUERY_PLAN configuration parameter
          STMT_CACHE_SIZE configuration parameter
          STOP_APPLY configuration parameter
          STORAGE_FULL_ALARM configuration parameter
          SYSALARMPROGRAM configuration parameter
          SYSSBSPACENAME configuration parameter
          TBLSPACE_STATS configuration parameter
          TBLTBLFIRST configuration parameter
          TBLTBLNEXT configuration parameter
          TEMPTAB_NOLOG configuration parameter
          TENANT_LIMIT_CONNECTIONS configuration parameter
          TENANT_LIMIT_MEMORY configuration parameter
          TENANT_LIMIT_SPACE configuration parameter
          TLS_VERSION configuration parameter
          TXTIMEOUT configuration parameter
          UNSECURE_ONSTAT configuration parameter
          UPDATABLE_SECONDARY configuration parameter
          USELASTCOMMITTED configuration parameter
          USEOSTIME configuration parameter
          USERMAPPING configuration parameter (UNIX, Linux)
          USRC_HASHSIZE configuration parameter
          USRC_POOLSIZE configuration parameter
          USTLOW_SAMPLE configuration parameter
          VP_MEMORY_CACHE_KB configuration parameter
          VPCLASS configuration parameter
          VP_KAIO_PERCENT configuration parameter
          WSTATS configuration parameter
        The sysmaster database
          The sysmaster Database
            The buildsmi Script
            The Script
          The System-Monitoring Interface
            Understanding the SMI Tables
            Accessing SMI tables
              SELECT statements
              Triggers and Event Alarms
              SPL and SMI Tables
              Locking and SMI Tables
          The System-Monitoring Interface Tables
            The sysutils Tables
            sysha_lagtime Table
            syslogfil table
            sysnetworkio table
            sysproxysessions table
            sysproxytxnops table
            sysproxytxns table
            sysptprof table
            sysrepevtreg table
            sysrepstats table
              User interface for sysrepstats and sysrepevtreg tables
            syssqexplain table
            The SMI Tables Map
            Information from onstat in the SMI Tables
        The sysadmin Database
          The Scheduler tables
            The ph_task Table
            The ph_run Table
            The ph_group Table
            The ph_alert Table
            The ph_threshold Table
          The results tables
          The command_history table
          The storagepool table
          The tenant table
        Disk Structures and Storage
          Dbspace Structure and Storage
            Structure of the Root Dbspace
            Reserved Pages
            Structure of a Regular Dbspace
              Structure of an Additional Dbspace Chunk
              Structure of a Mirror Chunk
            Structure of the Chunk Free-List Page
            Structure of the Tblspace Tblspace
              Tblspace tblspace entries
              Tblspace Numbers
            Structure of the Database Tblspace
              Database Tblspace Entries
            Structure and Allocation of an Extent
              Extent Structure
                Extent size
                Page Types Within a Table Extent
                Page Types Within an Index Extent
              Next-Extent Allocation
                Next-Extent Size
                Extent size doubling
                Lack of Contiguous Space
                Merge of Extents for the Same Table
            Structure and Storage of a Dbspace Page
              Rows in Nonfragmented Tables
                Definition of Rowid
                Use of Rowids
              Rows in Fragmented Tables
                Access to Data in Fragmented Tables with Rowid
              Recommendations on Use of Rowid
              Data-Row Format and Storage
                Storage of Row
                Location of Rows
                Page Compression
            Structure of Fragmented Tables
            Structure of B-Tree Index Pages
              Definition of B-tree terms
              Logical Storage of Indexes
                Creation of Root and Leaf Nodes
                Creation of branch nodes
                Duplicate Key Values
                Key-Value Locking
                Adjacent Key Locking
                Freed Index Pages
                Filling Indexes
                Calculating the Length of Index Items
              Functional Indexes
            Structure of R-Tree Index Pages
          Storage of Simple Large Objects
            Structure of a Blobspace
            Structure of a Dbspace Blobpage
            Simple-Large-Object Storage and the Descriptor
              Creation of Simple Large Objects
              Deletion or Insertion of Simple Large Objects
              Size Limits for Simple Large Objects
            Blobspace Page Types
            Structure of a Blobspace Blobpage
          Sbspace Structure
            Structure of the metadata area
            Sbpage Structure
          Time Stamps
          Database and Table Creation: What Happens on Disk
            Database Creation
              Disk-Space Allocation for System Catalog Tables
              Tracking of System Catalog Tables
            Table Creation
              Disk-Space Allocation
              Entry in the Tblspace Tblspace
              Entries in the System Catalog Tables
              Creation of a Temporary Table
        Interpreting Logical-Log Records
          About Logical-Log Records
            Transactions That Drop a Table or Index
            Transactions That Are Rolled Back
            Checkpoints with Active Transactions
            Distributed Transactions
          Logical-Log Record Structure
            Logical-Log Record Header
            Logical-log record types and additional columns
            Log Record Types for Smart Large Objects
      Administrative Utilities
        Overview of Utilities
          Obtaining utility version information
          Setting local environment variables for utilities (UNIX)
        The finderr utility
        The genoncfg Utility
        The oncheck Utility
          oncheck Check-and-Repair
            What Does Each Option Do?
            Using the -y Option to Perform Repairs
            Repairing Indexes in Sbspaces and External Spaces
            Locking and oncheck
          oncheck utility syntax
          oncheck -cc and-pc: Check system catalog tables
          oncheck -cd and oncheck -cD commands: Check pages
          oncheck -ce, -pe: Check the chunk-free list
          oncheck -ci and -cI: Check index node links
          oncheck -cr and -cR: Check reserved pages
          oncheck -cs, -cS, -ps, -pS: Check and display sbspaces
          oncheck -pB: Display blobspace statistics
          oncheck -pd and pD: Display rows in hexadecimal format
          oncheck -pk, -pK, -pl, -pL: Display index information
          oncheck -pp and -pP: Display the contents of a logical page
          oncheck -pr and pR: Display reserved-page information
          oncheck -pt and -pT: Display tblspaces for a Table or Fragment
          Turn On Locking with -x
          Send Special Arguments to the Access Method with -u
          Return Codes on Exit
        The onclean utility
          The onshutdown script
        The oncmsm utility
        The onconfig_diff utility
        The ondblog utility
        The oninit utility
          The -FILE option
          Return codes for the oninit utility
        The onkstash Utility
        The onkstore Utility
          Create a Keystore with onkstore
          Creating an AWS type keystore
          Creating an Azure type keystore
          Creating a KMIP type keystore
          Verifying a Keystore File
          Changing the Password for a Keystore File
          Converting a Keystore File
          List the contents of a Keystore File
        The onlog utility
        The onmode utility
          onmode command syntax
          onmode -a: Add a shared-memory segment
          onmode -BC: Allow large chunk mode
          onmode -c: Force a checkpoint
          onmode -C: Control the B-tree scanner
          onmode -cache surrogates: Cache the allowed.surrogates file
          onmode -d: Set data-replication types
          onmode -d: Set High Availability server characteristics
          onmode -d command: Replicate an index with data-replication
          onmode -D, -M, -Q, -S: Change decision-support parameters
          onmode -e: Change usage of the SQL statement cache
          onmode -F: Free unused memory segments
          onmode -h: Update sqlhosts caches
          onmode -I: Control diagnostics collection
          onmode -k, -m, -s, -u, -j: Change database server mode
            Taking the Database Server to Offline Mode with the -k Option
            Bringing the Database Server Online with the -m Option
            Shutting Down the Database Server Gracefully with the -s Option
            Shutting Down the Database Server Immediately with the -u Option
            Changing the Database Server to Administration Mode with the -j Option
          onmode -l: Switch the logical-log file
          onmode -n, -r: Change shared-memory residency
          onmode -O: Override ONDBSPACEDOWN WAIT mode
          onmode -p: Add or drop virtual processors
            Rules for adding and dropping virtual processors
            Monitoring poll threads with onstat
          onmode -P: Start, stop, or restart a listen thread dynamically
          onmode -R: Regenerate .infos.dbservername File
          onmode -W: Change settings for the SQL statement cache
            SQL statement cache examples
          onmode -we: Export a file that contains current configuration parameters
          onmode -wf, -wm: Dynamically change certain configuration parameters
            onmode -wm: Change LRU tuning status
          onmode -wi: Import a configuration parameter file
          onmode -Y: Dynamically change SET EXPLAIN
          onmode -z: Kill a database server session
          onmode -Z: Kill a distributed transaction
        The onparams Utility
          onparams syntax
          onparams -a -d dbspace: Add a logical-log file
          onparams -d -l lognum: Drop a logical-log file
          onparams -p: Change physical-log parameters
            Backing Up After You Change the Physical-Log Size or Location
            Changing the Size of the Physical Log and Using Non-Default Page Sizes
          onparams -b: Add a buffer pool
          Examples of onparams Commands
        The onpassword utility
        The ifxclone utility
        The onspaces utility
          onspaces syntax
          onspaces -a: Add a chunk to a dbspace or blobspace
          onspaces -a: Add a chunk to an sbspace
          onspaces -c -b: Create a blobspace
          onspaces -c -d: Create a dbspace
          onspaces -c -P: Create a plogspace
          onspaces -c -S: Create an sbspace
            Creating a Temporary Sbspace with the -t Option
            Creating an Sbspace with the -Df option
            Changing the -Df Settings
            Using the onspaces -g option
          onspaces -c -x: Create an extspace
          onspaces -ch: Change sbspace default specifications
          onspaces -cl: Clean up stray smart large objects in sbspaces
          onspaces -d: Drop a chunk in a dbspace, blobspace, or sbspace
          onspaces -d: Drop a space
          onspaces -f: Specify DATASKIP parameter
          onspaces -m: Start mirroring
            Using a File to Specify Chunk-Location Information with the -f Option
          onspaces -r: Stop mirroring
          onspaces -ren: Rename a dbspace, blobspace, sbspace, or extspace
            Renaming a dbspace, blobspace, sbspace, or extspace when Enterprise Replication is active
            Performing an Archive after Renaming a Space
          onspaces -s: Change status of a mirrored chunk
          Avoid overwriting a chunk
        The onstat utility
          onstat Utility Commands Sorted by Functional Category
          Monitor the database server status
          onstat command syntax
          onstat command: Equivalent to the onstat -pu command
          onstat - command: Print output header
          onstat -- command: Print onstat options and functions
          Running onstat Commands on a Shared Memory Dump File
          onstat -a command: Print overall status of the database server
          onstat -b command: Print buffer information for buffers in use
          onstat -B command: Prints information about used buffers
          onstat -c command: Print ONCONFIG file contents
          onstat -C command: Print B-tree scanner information
          onstat -d command: Print chunk information
          onstat -D command: Print page-read and page-write information
          onstat -f command: Print dbspace information affected by dataskip
          onstat -F command: Print counts
          onstat -g monitoring options
            onstat -g act command: Print active threads
            onstat -g afr command: Print allocated memory fragments
            onstat -g all command: Print diagnostic information
            onstat -g aqt command: Print data mart and accelerated query table information
            onstat -g arc command: Print archive status
            onstat -g ath command: Print information about all threads
            onstat -g bth and -g BTH: Print blocked and waiting threads
            onstat -g buf command: Print buffer pool profile information
            onstat -g cac command: Print information about caches
            onstat -g ckp command: Print checkpoint history and configuration recommendations
            onstat -g cfg command: Print the current values of configuration parameters
            onstat -g cluster command: Print high-availability cluster information
            onstat -g cmsm command: Print Connection Manager information
            onstat -g con command: Print condition and thread information
            onstat -g cpu: Print runtime statistics
            onstat -g dbc command: Print dbScheduler and dbWorker thread statistics
            onstat -g defragment command: Print defragment partition extents
            onstat -g dic command: Print table information
            onstat -g dis command: Print database server information
            onstat -g dll command: Print dynamic link library file list
            onstat -g dmp command: Print raw memory
            onstat -g dri command: Print high-availability data replication information
            onstat -g dsc command: Print distribution cache information
            onstat -g dsk command: Print the progress of the currently running compression operation
            onstat -g env command: Print environment variable values
            onstat -g ffr command: Print free fragments
            onstat -g glo command: Print global multithreading information
            onstat -g his command: Print SQL trace information
            onstat -g ioa command: Print combined onstat -g information
            onstat -g iob command: Print big buffer use summary
            onstat -g iof command: Print asynchronous I/O statistics
            onstat -g iog command: Print AIO global information
            onstat -g ioq command: Print I/O queue information
            onstat -g ipl command: Print index page logging status information
            onstat -g iov command: Print AIO VP statistics
            onstat -g lap command: Print light appends status information
            onstat -g laq command: Print secondary server queues
            onstat -g lmm command: Print low memory management information
            onstat -g lmx command: Print all locked mutexes
            onstat -g lsc command: Print active light scan status (deprecated)
            onstat -g mem command: Print pool memory statistics
            onstat -g mgm command: Print MGM resource information
            onstat -g nbm command: Print a block bit map
            onstat -g nsc command: Print current shared memory connection information
            onstat -g nsd command: Print poll threads shared-memory data
            onstat -g nss command: Print shared memory network connections status
            onstat -g ntd command: Print network statistics
            onstat -g ntm command: Print network mail statistics
            onstat -g ntt command: Print network user times
            onstat -g ntu command: Print network user statistics
            onstat -g opn command: Print open partitions
            onstat -g osi: Print operating system information
            onstat -g pd command: Print push data session-related information
            onstat -g pd event command: Print push data event-related information
            onstat -g pfsc command: Print partition free space cache information
            onstat -g pos command: Print file values
            onstat -g ppd command: Print partition compression dictionary information
            onstat -g ppf command: Print partition profiles
            onstat -g pqs command: Print operators for all SQL queries
            onstat -g prc command: Print sessions using UDR or SPL routines
            onstat -g proxy command: Print proxy distributor information
            onstat -g qst command: Print wait options for mutex and condition queues
            onstat -g rah command: Print read-ahead request statistics
            onstat -g rbm command: Print a block map of shared memory
            onstat -g rea command: Print ready threads
            onstat -g rss command: Print RS secondary server information
            onstat -g rwm command: Print read and write mutexes
            onstat -g sch command: Print VP information
            onstat -g scn command: Print scan information
            onstat -g sds command: Print SD secondary server information
            onstat -g seg command: Print shared memory segment statistics
            onstat -g ses command: Print session-related information
            onstat -g shard command: Print information about the shard definition
            onstat -g sle command: Print all sleeping threads
            onstat -g smb command: Print sbspaces information
            onstat -g smx command: Print multiplexer group information
            onstat -g spi command: Print spin locks with long spins
            onstat -g sql command: Print SQL-related session information
            onstat -g spf: Print prepared statement profiles
            onstat -g src command: Patterns in shared memory
            onstat -g ssc command: Print SQL statement occurrences
            onstat -g stk command: Print thread stack
            onstat -g stm command: Print SQL statement memory usage
            onstat -g stq command: Print queue information
            onstat -g sts command: Print stack usage for each thread
            onstat -g sym command: Print symbol table information for the oninit utility
            onstat -g top command: Print top consumers of resources
            onstat -g tpf command: Print thread profiles
            onstat -g ufr command: Print memory pool fragments
            onstat -g vpcache command: Print CPU VP and tenant VP private memory cache statistics
            onstat -g wai command: Print wait queue thread list
            onstat -g wmx command: Print all mutexes with waiters
            onstat -g wst command: Print wait statistics for threads
          onstat -G command: Print TP/XA transaction information
          onstat -h command: Print buffer header hash chain information
          onstat -i command: Initiate interactive mode
          onstat -j command: Provide onpload status information
          onstat -k command: Print active lock information
          onstat -l command: Print physical and logical log information
          onstat -L command: Print the number of free locks
          onstat -m command: Print recent system message log information
          onstat -o command: Output shared memory contents to a file
          onstat -p command: Print profile counts
          onstat -P command: Print partition information
          onstat -r command: Repeatedly print selected statistics
          onstat -R command: Print LRU, FLRU, and MLRU queue information
          onstat -s command: Print latch information
          onstat -t and onstat -T commands: Print tblspace information
          onstat -u command: Print user activity profile
          onstat -x command: Print database server transaction information
            Determine the position of a logical-log record
            Determine the mode of a global transaction
          onstat -X command: Print thread information
          onstat -z command: Clear statistics
          Return codes on exiting the onstat utility
      SQL Administration API
        SQL Administration API Functions
          SQL Administration API Overview
            admin() and task() Function Syntax Behavior
            admin() and task() Argument Size Specifications
            admin() and task() Function Return Codes
          SQL administration API portal: Arguments by privilege groups
          add bufferpool argument: Add a buffer pool (SQL administration API)
          add chunk argument: Add a new chunk (SQL administration API)
          add log argument: Add a new logical log (SQL administration API)
          add memory argument: Increase shared memory (SQL administration API)
          add mirror argument: Add a mirror chunk (SQL administration API)
          alter chunk argument: Change chunk status to online or offline (SQL administration API)
          alter logmode argument: Change the database logging mode (SQL administration API)
          alter plog argument: Change the physical log (SQL administration API)
          archive fake argument: Perform an unrecorded backup (SQL administration API)
          autolocate database add argument: Add a dbspace to the dbspace list (SQL administration API)
          autolocate database anywhere argument: Add all dbspaces to the dbspace list (SQL administration API)
          autolocate database argument: Specify dbspaces for automatic location and fragmentation (SQL administration API)
          autolocate database off argument: Disable automatic fragmentation for a database (SQL administration API)
          autolocate database remove argument: Remove a dbspace from the dbspace list (SQL administration API)
          cdr argument: Administer Enterprise Replication (SQL administration API)
          cdr add trustedhost argument: Add trusted hosts (SQL administration API)
          cdr autoconfig serv argument: Autoconfigure connectivity and replication (SQL administration API)
          cdr list trustedhost argument: List trusted hosts (SQL administration API)
          cdr remove trustedhost argument: Remove trusted hosts (SQL administration API)
          check data argument: Check data consistency (SQL administration API)
          check extents argument: Check extent consistency (SQL administration API)
          check partition argument: Check partition consistency (SQL administration API)
          checkpoint argument: Force a checkpoint (SQL administration API)
          clean sbspace argument: Release unreferenced smart large objects (SQL administration API)
          create blobspace argument: Create a blobspace (SQL administration API)
          create blobspace from storagepool argument: Create a blobspace from the storage pool (SQL administration API)
          create chunk argument: Create a chunk (SQL administration API)
          create chunk from storagepool argument: Create a chunk from the storage pool (SQL administration API)
          create database argument: Create a database (SQL administration API)
          create dbaccessdemo argument: Create the demonstration database (SQL administration API)
          create dbspace argument: Create a dbspace (SQL administration API)
          create dbspace from storagepool argument: Create a dbspace from the storage pool (SQL administration API)
          create plogspace: Create a plogspace (SQL administration API)
          create sbspace argument: Create an sbspace (SQL administration API)
          create sbspace from storagepool argument: Create an sbspace from the storage pool (SQL administration API)
          create sbspace with accesstime argument: Create an sbspace that tracks access time (SQL administration API)
          create sbspace with log argument: Create an sbspace with transaction logging (SQL administration API)
          create tempdbspace argument: Create a temporary dbspace (SQL administration API)
          create tempdbspace from storagepool argument: Create a temporary dbspace from the storage pool (SQL administration API)
          create tempsbspace argument: Create a temporary sbspace (SQL administration API)
          create tempsbspace from storagepool argument: Create a temporary sbspace from the storage pool (SQL administration API)
          defragment argument: Dynamically defragment partition extents (SQL administration API)
          drop blobspace argument: Drop a blobspace (SQL administration API)
          drop blobspace to storagepool argument: Return space from an empty blobspace to the storage pool (SQL administration API)
          drop chunk argument: Drop a chunk (SQL administration API)
          drop chunk to storagepool argument: Return space from an empty chunk to the storage pool (SQL administration API)
          drop database argument: Drop a database (SQL administration API)
          drop dbspace argument: Drop a dbspace (SQL administration API)
          drop dbspace to storagepool argument: Return space from an empty dbspace to the storage pool (SQL administration API)
          drop log argument: Drop a logical log (SQL administration API)
          drop plogspace: Drop the plogspace (SQL administration API)
          drop sbspace argument: Drop an sbspace (SQL administration API)
          drop sbspace to storagepool argument: Return space from an empty sbspace to the storage pool (SQL administration API)
          drop tempdbspace argument: Drop a temporary dbspace (SQL administration API)
          drop tempdbspace to storagepool argument: Return space from an empty temporary dbspace to the storage pool (SQL administration API)
          drop tempsbspace to storagepool argument: Return space from an empty temporary sbspace to the storage pool (SQL administration API)
          export config argument: Export configuration parameter values (SQL administration API)
          file status argument: Display the status of a message log file (SQL administration API)
          grant admin argument: Grant privileges to run SQL administration API commands
          ha make primary argument: Change the mode of a secondary server (SQL administration API)
          ha rss argument: Create an RS secondary server (SQL administration API)
          ha rss add argument: Add an RS secondary server to a primary server (SQL administration API)
          ha rss change argument: Change the password of an RS secondary server (SQL administration API)
          ha rss delete argument: Delete an RS secondary server (SQL administration API)
          ha sds clear argument: Stop shared-disk replication (SQL administration API)
          ha sds primary argument: Convert an SD secondary server to a primary server (SQL administration API)
          ha sds set argument: Create a shared-disk primary server (SQL administration API)
          ha set idxauto argument: Replicate indexes to secondary servers (SQL administration API)
          ha set ipl argument: Log index builds on the primary server (SQL administration API)
          ha set primary argument: Define an HDR primary server (SQL administration API)
          ha set secondary argument: Define an HDR secondary server (SQL administration API)
          ha set standard argument: Convert an HDR server into a standard server (SQL administration API)
          ha set timeout argument: Change SD secondary server timeout (SQL administration API)
          import config argument: Import configuration parameter values (SQL administration API)
          index compress repack shrink arguments: Optimize the storage of B-tree indexes (SQL administration API)
          index estimate_compression argument: Estimate index compression (SQL administration API)
          master_key reset argument: Change the keystore password (SQL administration API)
          message log delete argument: Delete a message log file (SQL administration API)
          message log rotate argument: Rotate the message log file (SQL administration API)
          message log truncate argument: Delete the contents of a message log file (SQL administration API)
          modify chunk extend argument: Extend the size of a chunk (SQL administration API)
          modify chunk extendable argument: Mark a chunk as extendable (SQL administration API)
          modify chunk extendable off argument: Mark a chunk as not extendable (SQL administration API)
          modify chunk swap_mirror argument: Switch primary and mirror chunk files without any downtime(SQL administration API)
          modify space swap_mirror argument: Switch all primary and mirror chunk files for a space without any downtime (SQL administration API)
          modify config arguments: Modify configuration parameters (SQL administration API)
          modify space expand argument: Expand the size of a space (SQL administration API)
          modify space sp_sizes argument: Modify sizes of an extendable storage space (SQL administration API)
          onbar argument: Backup the storage spaces (SQL administration API)
          onmode and a arguments: Add a shared-memory segment (SQL administration API)
          onmode and c arguments: Force a checkpoint (SQL administration API)
          onmode and C arguments: Control the B-tree scanner (SQL administration API)
          onmode and d arguments: Set data-replication types (SQL administration API)
          onmode and D arguments: Set PDQ priority (SQL administration API)
          onmode and e arguments: Change usage of the SQL statement cache (SQL administration API)
          onmode and F arguments: Free unused memory segments (SQL administration API)
          onmode and h arguments: Update sqlhosts caches (SQL administration API)
          onmode and j arguments: Switch the database server to administration mode (SQL administration API)
          onmode and l arguments: Switch to the next logical log (SQL administration API)
          onmode and m arguments: Switch to multi-user mode (SQL administration API)
          onmode and M arguments: Temporarily change decision-support memory (SQL administration API)
          onmode and n arguments: Unlock resident memory (SQL administration API)
          onmode and O arguments: Mark a disabled dbspace as down (SQL administration API)
          onmode and p arguments: Add or remove virtual processors (SQL administration API)
          onmode and Q arguments: Set maximum number for decision-support queries (SQL administration API)
          onmode and r arguments: Force residency of shared memory (SQL administration API)
          onmode and S arguments: Set maximum number of decision-support scans (SQL administration API)
          onmode and W arguments: Reset statement cache attributes (SQL administration API)
          onmode and wf arguments: Permanently update a configuration parameter (SQL administration API)
          onmode and wm arguments: Temporarily update a configuration parameter (SQL administration API)
          onmode, wm, and AUTO_LRU_TUNING arguments: Change LRU tuning status (SQL administration API)
          onmode and Y arguments: Change query plan measurements for a session (SQL administration API)
          onmode and z arguments: Terminate a user session (SQL administration API)
          onmode and Z arguments: Terminate a distributed transaction (SQL administration API)
          onsmsync argument: Synchronize with the storage manager catalog (SQL administration API)
          onstat argument: Monitor the database server (SQL administration API)
          ontape archive argument: Backup the data on your database (SQL administration API)
          print error argument: Print an error message (SQL administration API)
          print file info argument: Display directory or file information (SQL administration API)
          print partition argument: Print partition information (SQL administration API)
          rename space argument: Rename a storage space (SQL administration API)
          reset config argument: Revert configuration parameter value (SQL administration API)
          reset config all argument: Revert all dynamically updatable configuration parameter values (SQL administration API)
          reset sysadmin argument: Move the sysadmin database (SQL administration API)
          restart listen argument: Stop and start a listen thread dynamically (SQL administration API)
          revoke admin argument: Revoke privileges to run SQL administration API commands
          scheduler argument: Stop or start the scheduler (SQL administration API)
          scheduler lmm enable argument: Specify automatic low memory management settings (SQL administration API)
          scheduler lmm disable argument: Stop automatic low memory management (SQL administration API)
          set chunk argument: Change the status of a chunk (SQL administration API)
          set dataskip argument: Start or stop skipping a dbspace (SQL administration API)
          set index compression argument: Change index page compression (SQL administration API)
          set onconfig memory argument: Temporarily change a configuration parameter (SQL administration API)
          set onconfig permanent argument: Permanently change a configuration parameter (SQL administration API)
          set sbspace accesstime argument: Control access time tracking (SQL administration API)
          set sbspace avg_lo_size argument: Set the average size of smart large objects (SQL administration API)
          set sbspace logging argument: Change the logging of an sbspace (SQL administration API)
          set sql tracing argument: Set global SQL tracing (SQL administration API)
          set sql tracing database argument: Change database tracing (SQL administration API)
          set sql tracing session argument: Control tracing for a session (SQL administration API)
          set sql tracing user argument: Control tracing for users (SQL administration API)
          set sql user tracing argument: Set global SQL tracing for a user session (SQL administration API)
          start json listener argument: Start the MongoDB API wire listener (deprecated)
          start listen argument: Start a listen thread dynamically (SQL administration API)
          start mirroring argument: Starts storage space mirroring (SQL administration API)
          statement cache enable argument: Enable the SQL statement cache (SQL administration API)
          statement cache flush argument: Flush the SQL statement cache (SQL administration API)
          statement cache hits argument: Specify the number of hits in the SQL statement cache (SQL administration API)
          statement cache nolimit argument: Control whether to insert qualified statements into the SQL statement cache (SQL administration API)
          statement cache off argument: Disable the SQL statement cache (SQL administration API)
          statement cache save argument: Save the SQL statement cache (SQL administration API)
          statement cache restore argument: Restore the SQL statement cache (SQL administration API)
          stop json listener: Stop the wire listener (deprecated)
          stop listen argument: Stop a listen thread dynamically (SQL administration API)
          stop mirroring argument: Stops storage space mirroring (SQL administration API)
          storagepool add argument: Add a storage pool entry (SQL administration API)
          storagepool delete argument: Delete one storage pool entry (SQL administration API)
          storagepool modify argument: Modify a storage pool entry (SQL administration API)
          storagepool purge argument: Delete storage pool entries (SQL administration API)
          Table and fragment pfsc_boost argument: Enable or disable a boosted partition free space cache (PFSC)
          Table and fragment compress and uncompress operations (SQL administration API)
            table or fragment arguments: Compress data and optimize storage (SQL administration API)
            Output of the estimate compression operation (SQL administration API)
            purge compression dictionary arguments: Remove compression dictionaries (SQL administration API)
          tenant create argument: Create a tenant database (SQL Administration API)
          tenant drop argument: Drop a tenant database (SQL Administration API)
          tenant update argument: Modify tenant database properties (SQL Administration API)